Library Breakout!

Welcome to the middle school library! It's time to learn a little bit about the library and our expectations.

For this game, you will need to work with your table group. Each team needs at least 1 Chromebook.


We love to see you here in the library! Take a walk around to spot some of our library expectations. These will send you in the correct direction!


Comic books and graphic novels are a favorite of MS students. You'll find a great selection in our library! Can you puzzle through and figure out the call number?


It’s Friday night and Mrs. Beckley is going on a long car trip. She wants an audiobook for the trip but the library is closed! If she wants to find a good audiobook to listen to in the car, what app can she use to find one?


Mrs. Hodge loves a good historical adventure or even a mystery! She loves to go look on the north, west, or east walls of the library for these books. What section of the library is she in?