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Top 5 Syndicated Investment Software Solutions

In an ever-evolving financial landscape, syndicated investments have emerged as a pivotal strategy, allowing individuals to pool resources and mitigate risks. This guide navigates the intricate world of syndicated investments, shedding light on their history, benefits, and the challenges faced by investment groups amidst digitalization.


Last updated March 11

Reviewed by: Paul Shumsky



The finance world is always in a state of change. Syndicated investments, where people group together to invest and split risks, have become a key strategy in this field. This guide helps explain the complex nature of pooling investments like those in real estate, start-up businesses, or angel networks.

We will also discuss the multiple challenges these investment groups face in today’s digital age. They also need to comply with laws and secure their data adequately. Investment groups must deal with many issues when using digital resources for their work. These include dealing with making sure they’re working legally and looking after the investors’ money effectively - all while keeping sensitive data safe.

The discussion will also cover software that can help simplify these processes for investment groups. These tools can help improve how a deal is made, communication within the group, as well as the decision-making process later on.

What is Syndicated Investment

Investing can be a complex business. It becomes more complicated when the investment is large or intricate. That’s where syndicated investment enters. It’s an approach that allows many investors to pool resources and invest in one entity.

Syndicates are typically companies from similar industries, like pharmaceuticals or real estate. They combine their strengths for one goal. For instance, several pharmaceutical firms might collaborate on research to develop a new drug.

Partners that may become a part of an investment syndicate can be individual people, companies, or even charities. They work together to invest in big projects they couldn’t afford alone.

In this team, roles often get split up. A main partner oversees

the whole project while other partners chip in funds.
Everyone shares in the gains later. Investment syndicates are usually set up as simple partnerships for easy tax processes.

A legal framework serves as a guide for an investment syndicate’s operations. It spells out what rights each member has and what duties they must fulfill toward good governance.

This method extends even into start-up investing through something called a special purpose vehicle (SPV). An SPV acts as a temporary venture capital fund designed for backing just one start-up.

Leaning towards high-risk/high-reward investments, such syndicate investments demand the backers to be accredited investors.

History of Syndicated Investment

Syndicated investment is not new. Its roots date back to the 19th century. Investors discovered they could pool their money for larger transactions. The first hint of this strategy was seen in a Pennsylvania Railroad offering in around 1870.

This practice became popular over time, adjusting itself to the changes in the economy. Between 1984 and 2007, about two-thirds of US venture capital firm investments were syndicated, reaching a high point of 77% by the year 2000.

Real estate also enjoyed the benefits of syndication, hitting its peak in 2007, when almost $4 billion equity was allocated towards it. Around the early years of that decade, a concept developed – Delaware Statutory Trust (DST). This brought more surety to real estate investors eyeing syndications via the DST.

Historically, raising funds for such projects was done privately or via SEC-registered offerings. Today’s age of the internet has opened new opportunities through
online banking platforms, simplifying connections between syndicates and potential investors.
Nowadays renowned strategy continues helping investors enter bigger deals and diversify their assets portfolio. This proves once again that syndicated investment sustains ever-changing financial tides.

Benefits of Syndicated Investment

Syndicated investments bring many benefits. To start, they let investors team up and distribute risk. They can unite for big transactions while managing individual stakes.

Also, syndicated investments attract serious individuals who are ready to take on high-risk scenarios with potentially stellar returns. Various platforms like AngelList analyze this situation well by allowing minimum contributions as low as $1000 per person.

Moreover, diversification is another perk these group investments offer. Access to more potential investment options triggers greater opportunities than an individual investor might encounter alone.

Finally, the real allure lies in passive investing alongside sponsors who are already experts at projecting successful ventures. The inherent simplicity thus masks a well-thought-out strategy, which is geared for maximum returns with minimal risks.

Forms and Types of Investment Syndications

Syndicated investments come in various forms and types. It’s important to understand them if you’re an investor. This section talks about real estate syndication. It also looks at investment syndicates in venture capital and angel investment syndicates. Each type has its unique features, good points, and tough spots.

You need to understand these if you want to invest well in these areas. Real estate syndication deals with solid assets, while venture capital focuses on new ideas or businesses brought up by people. Angel investors offer strategic help, too. Let’s dive deeper into different types of investment syndication and learn what each has to offer.


Real Estate Syndication

If you are interested in real estate, then you are not alone. Many people see this field as a profitable way to build wealth. Nearly one in four adults in the US shares this view. But here’s the catch: only 12% take actionable steps towards it. Real estate syndication provides an ideal path for those who want high returns without owning property directly.

This type of syndication works when many investors come together and use their money and knowledge to buy, build, or manage a property or many properties. This method lets them get into bigger, potentially more profitable real estate deals than they could not have entered alone.

It’s been estimated that the average annualized return for real estate syndication ranges from 15-20%, the internal rate of return lies between 10-15%, and cash-on-cash return floats between 7-12%.

Key Players in Real Estate Syndication

Now, who are the main key players in this affair managing the syndication? There are two - the syndicators and passive investors. The syndicator is responsible for managing and structuring the syndication and is also called the general partner (GP). 

And what about passive investors? Their job is simple yet vital: provide funds that will be used for acquiring and buying that property. Both entities (may or may not be individuals) have to work together in order to buy the property and, later on, make a profit from it.

The real estate syndication can be further divided into equity syndications, debt syndications, and hybrid syndications.

Learn how you can revolutionize syndicated investments with Velmie: explore new white-label software

Equity Syndications

Equity syndications are a vital part of the real estate world. They offer people an easy way to invest in large properties, like apartments or mobile home parks. This could also be areas of land or self-storage units. Here’s how this works: investors come together and put their money into one large real estate entity. These investors are called limited partners.

With enough capital gathered, they jointly buy a property that would cost too much for one person alone. Their goal is to earn returns from the income this property makes and as it gains value over time.

But who coordinates all these details? That’s the job of someone called a syndicator. They are officially known as ‘General Partner’. The general partner guides how capital gets used and ensures the smooth operation of the investment process.

Investment Syndicates in Venture Capital

Investment Syndicates in Venture Capital (VC) are investor groups that pull money together to invest in start-ups. Think of it as people with money, like rich individuals, investors, and companies, coming together to form a group or fund. These funds create something legal known as Special Purpose Vehicles (SPV).

How Investment Syndicates in Venture Capital Work

So, how does this function? A reputable investor often leads the process. They look for start-ups that stand out and invite their syndicate to invest in them through an SPV.

Start-ups get more than just initial funding from syndicates. The investors also offer industry insights, either in technical expertise or functional areas, which guide start-ups toward growth.

For the people who give money, they get access to investment options otherwise not available on an individual level. It makes larger investments possible without bearing all the risk alone.

If things don’t go according to plan and the investment flops, everyone shares in this loss, protecting each backer’s pocketbook individually. This option is enticing because, while risky, it could yield high rewards as well, considering only accredited investors can partake.

Investment syndicates are becoming popular due to their high return potential without owning a start-up directly. In fact, studies show that over half of all funding received by start-ups comes from more than one venture capitalist or syndicate.

Additionally, it’s also been estimated that when you sell off your asset eventually, you might even see a total return of up to twofold in about 5 to 7 years! Overall, joining an investment syndicate seems like quite a sensible way into the world of venture capital.

Debt Syndications

In debt syndications, investors pool their capital to provide loans to property owners or developers who seek funds. The receivers of the loan make repayments over time. Investors earn from those repayments. The paid principal and interest serve as the returns for them. This approach proves beneficial for large-scale commercial real estate projects where enormous funding is needed. Debt syndication allows such projects by rallying multiple lenders into providing the necessary capital.

Hybrid Syndications

Hybrid syndication mixes parts of equity and debt syndications. This means that it’s flexible with structure and returns in mind. With a hybrid model, investors earn through property income like in equity syndications. They also benefit from borrower repayments, just as seen in debt syndications.

How Angel Investment Syndicates Work

Angel Investment Syndicates are groups made up of people who bring their money together to invest in promising start-ups. This idea sprang to life thanks to The Jobs Act that came into effect in 2012. It introduced something called special-purpose vehicles (SPVs). With SPVs, these syndicates can act as one united investor.

Their function may sound similar to other investment syndicates, especially venture capital syndicates. However, there’s a difference. Venture capitalists are working with company funds and make big investments for a sizable share of the start-up in the fundraising process. 

In contrast, Angel Investment Syndicates use personal funds from members and get involved early on with potentially lower funding amounts. They might ask for less equity, too, which is a major plus for budding entrepreneurs.

How Investment Syndicates in Venture Capital Work

Angel investment syndicates are simple yet profitable systems. They do not need full-time partners or associates. Instead, they work with a handful of seasoned investors who also seek out promising business opportunities.

These lead investors scrutinize every deal that comes their way. They study the start-up’s business blueprint, financial information, and team structure in depth. Not just them, other members also get to suggest potential ideas, creating a diverse portfolio.

Surely, the question now arises: Are these syndicates profitable? The answer is yes. Angel investment syndicates offer an excellent risk management strategy for individual investors by pooling funds together. This spreads the risk among many investments instead of one solo venture to increase profit chances.

Supporting this claim is concrete data from angel investors in Australia 2021 survey, where over 50% admitted being part of such a potential yielding scheme.

Differences between Real Estate Syndication, Investment Syndicates in Venture Capital, and Angel Investment Syndicates

As highlighted above, investment syndicates can vary greatly. They may focus on real estate, venture capital, or angel investments. Here are some key differences between the different kinds of investment syndicates discussed above.

Key Challenges for Investment Syndicates in The Era of Digitalization

Digitalization shapes the investment world today. It has also altered how syndicates, groups pooling money for bigger investments, operate. This change brings both chances and challenges. By understanding these key areas of difficulty, any investment group can navigate the digital age better. New growth venues and efficiency have surged with digitalization. 

Yet new challenges come along, too; they are as unique as each investing opportunity itself. Thriving in this digital era means knowing these hurdles well enough to overcome them. Here are some of the most common challenges an investment syndicate can face in this digital era.

Deal Sourcing and Due Diligence

In this digital age, finding deals and checking them out is a hard task. For this purpose, many investors have started using data and AI to find the right targets quickly. However, going digital has its hurdles, too. For example, deal multiples have gone up by 40% in the last five years. 

Also, there are now many more deals that close within five weeks. This means a stiff contest for good assets. To add to this issue, prices of quality assets keep on rising due to a sudden rise in uncontrolled but quality private-loan financing sources, which are available across all sizes of deals.

Investor Onboarding

Let’s talk about investor onboarding, a crucial process that has changed due to digitalization. Before digitization, it took many resources and lots of time, often months, to close a deal. Now, thanks to the digital world we live in, wealth managers can quickly establish ties with new investors and take them on board. It doesn’t matter where you are; they can reach out and start building trust. 

However, there is still a problem here — especially with individual investors who are not like their institutional counterparts. If the process gets tough or confusing for them, they might choose just to quit halfway through! How many potential investors do financial institutions miss out on every year because of this so-called ‘onboarding churn’? That is a question worth pondering.

Transparency and Reporting

Another major challenge faced by investment syndicates in this age of digitalization is transparency and reporting. Transparency means giving clear insight into your actions and accountability stands for taking responsibility for these actions. Both elements are crucial to any successful digital transformation. They allow organizations to utilize data for quicker and better decision-making processes fully. 

However, incorporating such tools during a system’s digital makeover isn’t easy. It truly tests one’s ability to apply appropriate norms and laws digitally in an efficient manner. Plus, many times, there might be no effective tool for encouraging transparency or performing audits within complex industry structures.

Regulatory Compliance

The digital era makes following rules hard for investment groups because of more data risks. Tough rules ask for strong security measures, leading to changing and difficult standards. Digital investment platforms change often, so adjustment is needed at all times to stay in line with the rules and keep the processes compliant; this affects work efficiency. 

Matching new tech with demands from rules is a sensitive job. It asks for ongoing watchfulness and planned money input to make sure the companies or individuals stick to the guidelines and lessen risks in the ever-changing world of investment and finance.

Portfolio Management

Portfolio Management, or PPM, has also changed in today’s digital world. It was once used only for IT, but now it shows up everywhere. This merger between business and technology makes PPM harder because it is spread into different parts like big projects, research and development, mergers and acquisitions integrations, and Six Sigma initiatives. 

Because PPM covers so much now, you need to understand the impact of each project completely. Good portfolio management helps a lot when dealing with changes that come from digitization.
The change in PPM into a tool with many uses also forces investment syndicates or groups to adjust their plans. They must make sure their portfolio management processes fit with how digital efforts are always changing - this brings both chances for growth as well as challenges when trying to improve decision-making about investments.

Data Security

Investing syndicates face a big challenge in keeping data safe in the digital age. Safety risks come with digital dealings because of our world’s interlinked nature. Knowing that their data is likely to be at risk, these groups need to stay alert and respond fast. As information moves around our globe quickly, they must take safety precautions early on and prepare for possible threats. 

Encryption plays a key part in protecting digital talk and stored data. The real test for investing groups, though, is to keep up with tech advances while also respecting individuals’ freedom and dignity. Finding this balance helps them work efficiently in a digitized world where strong security steps and ethical conduct matter greatly.


Syndication Software Platforms and Their Role in Simplifying the Investment Process

The world of investments changes fast. Syndication software platforms are now key players. They change how investment syndicates work by making hard tasks easy and improving speed. These platforms play a big role in investing. 

It's important to know what they are, how they make investing simpler and the benefits they give. Any group that invests needs to utilize these software if they want to make their work efficient and get more profits from their investments.

Transparency and Reporting

Syndication software platforms make investing easier. They handle many parts of the investment process automatically. Investment professionals can use them to manage relationships with investors. Raising capital also becomes efficient as well. 
It can also prove useful for content publishers, especially when they are starting a new marketing plan or aiming to become reputable thought leaders. The platform will work by taking content from their company's blog or website and reposting it elsewhere, making it visible to more people.

How Can Syndication Software Simplify the Investment Process?

Investment syndication software can cut down time and helps professionals work smoothly. These software have features to manage investors and documents. They also provide reports which aid in raising funds. 
Investors get a menu of opportunities to choose from. The platform secures their commitments and manages their profiles well, all these features can come from the same software.

Moreover, it takes care of rules set by regulators, and provides real-time insight into how investments are doing. In other words, these platforms make the hard job of managing investments easier and faster.

Looking to start real estate syndication platform?

Discover our recent case study 8ghtx: Real Estate Syndication

How to Choose a Syndicated Investment Software Solution

Picking the right syndicated investment software is important for your business operations. However, you need to know a few important things to pick the right one. First, you should understand what scalability is and why it matters. The ability of the software to grow with your business’s operational needs is vital. This also applies to customization options and security procedures.

Second, simplicity counts, too. A simple user interface and easy navigation are good points to consider when choosing a software solution. Third, check if this software can work well with systems that you already use in your firm or organization.
Lastly, always remember to look at who makes the software and see if they have a good reputation as well as capable customer support services. There are many top-tier syndicate platforms on offer, each boasting unique strengths - so keep these key factors in mind while making an informed decision! 


Scalability is important in choosing a Syndicated Investment Software Solution. The software must deal with more transactions and data as your business grows. It shouldn’t slow down due to this growth. A good solution can change as your needs grow, helping you expand. Velmie is an example of a provider offering this type of solution for managing wealth. 

They offer a platform that’s efficient, scalable, and agile for syndicated investment companies. They aim to help these firms improve their operations. This shows that even if your business grows, the software should manage the higher load without trouble and still run smoothly for users.

 Customization Options

One should look at how customizable the software is. Your business needs for the software should be met. There are many platforms that provide their own-brand software that are easily customizable. This software can be in the shape of an app aimed at making customer experiences better and simplifying investment projects. 

Companies can alter these apps as they see fit, ensuring ease of use while aligning with their brands’ identity. The ability to customize software gives you an edge over others in the competition because this means it’s tailored to your specific way of doing business and tasks.

 Security Measures

If you decide to use an investment software, it must be secure. This software needs to guard your data and transactions well. One way to measure this is using Return on Security Investment (ROSI). This shows how good the cybersecurity used in the software really is. If ROSI is high, that means the security works well for a company. 

Many platforms, which are discussed in the next section, have a great security system and serve as an example of excellence in this domain.

When you put money into high-security software solutions, your business operations stay safe from cyberattacks. Plus, investors trust you more with their information because of heightened security protocols.

 User-Friendly Interfaces

Syndicated Investment Software needs to be simple to use. Its design should be easy and clear for anyone to navigate through it. Unwanted colors or patterns can clutter the interface, so a clean layout is vital. 

 Integration with Existing Systems

When you pick a Syndicated Investment Software Solution, it needs to fit with your current system. The software needs to combine well with what’s already in place. This lessens the time spent on entering data by hand and makes things run faster. 

Many software comes with a top-quality
banking back-office system that ensures compliance, security, and customizability. They can merge effortlessly into your existing work process, making the change easy while keeping your business running as usual.

 Vendor Reputation and Support

The vendor’s reputation and support matter a lot. Choose a vendor known for quality products and great customer service. Some of the examples are discussed below, and this software helps firms use the latest technology. They also offer full support and advice from start to finish, including setup, adjustments, and steady tech support.

Top Syndication Software Platforms


Velmie is an advanced software platform for forward-thinking syndicated investment companies, leveraging robust FinTech solutions to propel your venture forward. At its core lies a potent software suite meticulously crafted for the modern age, offering unparalleled adaptability and agility. The innovative API orchestration technology allows connections to multiple partners’ services globally while omnichannel interfaces bring engagement and convenience to the clients. Seamlessly integrating end-to-end banking technology, Velmie provides a comprehensive platform primed for rapid expansion and effortless customization.


Centrex Software is a business finance CRM (Customer Relationship Management) with many features. You can talk to your stakeholders, handle your finances, and increase revenue using this software. Centrex Software enables you to perform loan servicing tasks like calculating loan payoff plans or prior advances and automating ACH (Automated Clearing House) credits for investors or syndicates. Also offered are professional services like developing software and consulting on CRM software.


InvestNext simplifies the management of real estate investments. It assists in getting funds, handling complex distributions, and securing commitments from investors. The whole syndication process can be streamlined using their integrated platform, which includes automated tasks and precise portfolio management.


Cashflow Portal is another software for real estate syndication. It helps to increase capital. It also keeps track of all investor leads. Cashflow Portal can calculate the money to be distributed and has inbuilt email tools. The company also provides everyone a free trial for 14 days which can be extended to 30 days if asked.


SyndicationPro is yet another real estate syndication software that simplifies managing money, leads, and investors. It comes with the ability to offer joint sponsorships, validate accreditations within its platform, provide an investor portal specific to real estate, support ACH payments, etc. SyndicationPro handles tracking of all investor leads along with calculating distributions as well as having integrated email tools. Furthermore, it also takes care of e-signing needs.


Investment groups need to keep up with the digital age. This guide shows why it’s important to adapt while dealing with different problems. These problems include handling deals, following rules and laws, and keeping data safe. Using software solutions for investment helps solve these issues.

Choosing the right software is very important. Things like growth potential, customization options, security features, and easy usage should be kept in mind during the selection process. The guide focuses on understanding what syndicated investments are and how advanced software can enhance their management.

By using modern software tools, investment syndicates can handle difficulties and succeed in the technology-driven era of today. With streamlined operations, they can make better choices based on data analytics, resulting eventually in fruitful investments.

Looking to launch an investment platform?

Reach out to learn how Velmie can help

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