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Teacher and Young Student

Let’s Learn Together

At Salbasi Agape, we empower students to ask insightful questions, explore disciplinary boundaries and confront conventional ways of thinking. Check out our site to learn more about all that we have to offer.

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There’s always an exciting event happening at Salbasi Agape! Take a look below to view our full schedule, and feel free to get in touch if you have any questions regarding a specific upcoming event.

Taking Note


Education is the window to understanding the true meaning of the intelligence we possess.

Admissions are in progress into our primary and secondary schools. Choosing Salbasi Agape International Academy is the best decision for firm education of your beloved child.  Visit us: Along Jeje road after Mobil Fueling Station. Karshi or click the button below to start your online application.

Home: Events


What’s the Buzz


Subscribe to stay updated on the news of resumption.

Due to the pandemic all academic activities have been put on hold since April 2020 but recently, (5th October, 2020) schools have reopened and all students are required to resume as quickly as possible to enable them reclamate to school work. Academic work have resumed fully and CA tests will soon follow as this term consists of just 11 weeks, all school activities must be streamlined to fit this time frame. So, any student that fails to resume in time would find it difficult to catch up with the others. Subscribe below to stay updated on school upcoming events and activities.

Bullet Journal


Let's get together online and make up for lost time.

Due to the pandemic, we have prepared an online resource centre where students can find notes, tasks and activities which they can use to catch up with their studies from anywhere. This resources page would be updated from time to time and students are free to use this resources anytime for reference and self-study purposes.



Encouragement gives strength to a tired Heart, just like an idle mind produces a tired Brain.

We at Salbasi Agape would like to urge parents to engage your children in productive activities while they are at home to enable them reclamate to school work. Also, we humbly request that you do your best to ensure that your children or wards participate in extra moral educational activities available to you respectively because it's only practice that make better. Thank you.



There is no mystery to good results. It's only the effect of good preparation.

School has resumed for all candidates in exam classes. As the WAEC will commence for the 17th of August, 2020, all registered candidates are required to resume for preparation classes from 4th August, 2020. Please we want to be clear that all registered candidates for any of the up coming external examinations i.e Junior and senior WAEC, NECO and primary school common entrance exam respectively, should resume promptly. Also, students in other classes should stay updated and resume to the school as soon as resumption dates are announced. The school would not be Heald responsible for the performance of any student. 

The WAEC timetable has been updated please click the link below to get the current WAEC Time table.

Student Writing


Information is power

Due to the recent pandemic, we have initiated an active online system. This means that our students would be engaged with ICT now more than ever. There would be online testing, online application and online payments systems incorporated into our regular physical system. For this reason all our students new and exciting must register online by clicking the button below. Returning students or old Students can complete their Bio data form by clicking FILL FORM below.And new students should go to the admissions Page on this site to fill their own form.

Typing on a Computer
Home: News


Maria Edgeworth

“I believe in the rational, but not in the magical power of education.”

Home: Quote


Salbasi Agape International always has its doors open. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with any questions regarding our academics, events, students, staff or anything else.

Along Jeje Road, after Mobil Fueling Station. Karshi

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