Frequently Asked Questions

Are there negative results?
When you choose, you can be sure that you have come to the right place. We have a highly skilled team that has been in this service for some time. Nonetheless, we follow strictly all Twitter policies and therefore there is no way you will receive negative results.

How long does it take to process an order?
Usually, all orders are started within a time frame of Few Hours. But it can also be shorter than this. Make Sure Your Profile visibility is Public. If it's on Private mode, We can not access it.

Who can join with Gettwitterretweet?
We offer our services starting from individual to company level. And so we do not have any limits. This also means whether you are a small or big firm, you can benefit from our services. Our goal is to promote people or firms.

What are the Payment methods?
We accept paypal and payments by credit or debit cards. We accept a variety of internationally approved payment methods. However, in case you have a different payment method, please do not fail to contact us so that we can see what to do.