In Katsuyama City, Fukui Prefecture, where the largest number of dinosaur fossils have been found in Japan, a race was held in which adults and children dressed in Tyrannosaurus costumes became ancient dinosaurs and ran through a special course.

The "Dinosaur Costume Race" was held as a special project for children's bicycle races on a special course near the Prefectural Dinosaur Museum in Katsuyama City, Fukui Prefecture.

The race was divided into an adult section and a children's section, of which four people participated in the adult section.

After starting all at once with the signal, they ran toward the goal along a course of about 200 meters.

The head, which is more than 2 meters high, is inflated with air, and the person inside looks out through the transparent part of the neck and runs, but the range of movement of the hands and feet is limited, and it is desperately trying to balance. I was running while

In addition, five elementary school students participated in the children's division, and although they stumbled along the way, they ran through with strong steps like children of dinosaurs.

A third-year elementary school boy from Osaka, who participated in the children's division, said, "I'm happy that I won first place. It was hot, but it was fun."

Also, a man who participated in the adult division said, "I ran like a dinosaur."