Welcome to CURSED, the most evil blog on the internet!

  • Blood and Belief: Kerala’s Human Sacrifice Case

    Blood and Belief: Kerala’s Human Sacrifice Case

    In the serene village of Elanthoor, Kerala, an unimaginable horror unfolded in 2022 that left the entire nation grappling with shock and disbelief. The Elanthoor human sacrifice case, involving the ritualistic murders of two women, is a chilling reminder of the dark depths human beings can sink to under the influence of superstition and malevolence.… Read more

  • Silenced Screams: The Cruel Fate of Junko Furuta

    Silenced Screams: The Cruel Fate of Junko Furuta

    Content Warning: This blog discusses a real-life case of violence and brutality. Contains graphic violence, bodily harm, and sexual assault. Reader discretion is advised. The year was 1988. Adachi, a quiet suburb of Tokyo, buzzed with the usual rhythm of daily life. Schoolchildren scurried to classes, families chatted over steaming bowls of ramen, and the… Read more

  • Satanism: Would You Sell Your Soul?

    Satanism: Would You Sell Your Soul?

    What if I told you that you can get extreme fame, money, success, live a lavish lifestyle and get everything you want in life, all these by selling your soul to the Satan (devil). Sounds spine-chilling but its lucrative as well. Isn’t it? Satanism, with its promise of unmatched success and a lavish lifestyle, may… Read more

  • Cannibal: The Chilling Tale of Issei Sagawa

    Cannibal: The Chilling Tale of Issei Sagawa

    In the grim world of crime, there exists a name that sends shivers down the spine of even the most hardened souls. Issei Sagawa – a man whose very existence embodies the darkest depths of human depravity. His story is not for the faint of heart, for it is a descent into madness, gore, and… Read more

  • Dark Web: My Inner Demons (Part #2)

    Dark Web: My Inner Demons (Part #2)

    In the shadows of the internet lies a realm that few dare to explore, a place where the light of legality barely penetrates, and where the darkest corners of human nature thrive. This is the dark web – a digital underworld teeming with illicit activities, anonymity, and disturbing content that can evoke a spectrum of… Read more

  • Bind, Torture, Kill: The story of Dennis Rader

    Bind, Torture, Kill: The story of Dennis Rader

    In the chronicles of depravity and horror, few names evoke the chilling terror and sheer brutality like that of Dennis Rader, infamously known as the “BTK Killer.” His reign of terror, spanning over several decades, sent shockwaves through the hearts of communities in Wichita, Kansas, leaving a trail of unspeakable horror in its wake. Rader’s… Read more

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