The purpose of this survey is to know your opinion and receive your feedback on which contents you would like to find in the ASSIST platform. Your participation is very important, and it will only take 8 minutes.

ASSIST is an interactive platform which provides advice and information for a healthier nutrition and improving the eating habits of families with children.

In this survey, please, remember that there are no wrong or right answers, we would like to know your perspective towards the platform, and contents. Comments will be analysed anonymously and only for purposes related to this research.

Thank you for your participation.


Question Title

* To which extent do you agree to include these contents in the ASSIST platform?
Use the scale: totally disagree (1) to totally agree (5).

  Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree/disagree Agree Strongly agree
Changes for a healthier lifestyle
Seasonal foods
Healthy food habits from childhood
How to cook and storage foods to preserve their nutritional value
Smoothies for children
Nutritional recommendations for pregnant individuals
Nutritional recommendations for the general public
Nutritional recommendations for children
Healthy snacks and sandwiches
Dictionary of nutritional groups and their importance (proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, bioactive elements)

Question Title

* To which extent do you agree with the following statements? Use the scale: strongly disagree (1) to strongly agree (5)

  Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree/disagree Agree Strongly agree
The people in my family know how to eat healthily
It is easy to access healthy food where we live
One or more people in my family is overweight
In the supermarket, I use a list to do the grocery shopping
Healthy foods are expensive
My family's diet is healthy
At home, we mostly consume home-made food
I feel that I have time to prepare healthy food for my family
In the supermarket, I buy only the food I need
I find it easy to prepare healthy dishes
One or more people in my family has an eating disorder
I know the nutritional profile of the food we eat

Question Title

* In the last nine months, have you made any grocery shopping online?
Please indicate if you have made some or all your grocery shopping online in the last nine months.

We will now ask a few short questions to cluster families with similar profiles.

All answers are anonymous and contribute to the higher quality of the ASSIST platform.

Question Title

* How is your family composed?