
There are many incidents of diseases and illnesses being cured in the book, including overnight weight gain, curing infertility and overcoming near death. These are not imagination. They have a spiritual component that humanity has forgotten.

In chapter 16 of Autobiography of a Yogi, Yogananda's Guru Yukteshor explains the planetary influences and the imbalance in the body that can result in illness. he even foretells what is going to happen and advises wearing a specific armlet.

"For general purposes I counsel the use of an armlet made of gold, silver, and copper. But for a specific purpose I want you to get one of silver and lead." Sri Yukteswar added careful directions.

"Guruji, what 'specific purpose' do you mean?"

"The stars are about to take an unfriendly interest in you, Mukunda. Fear not; you shall be protected. In about a month your liver will cause you much trouble. The illness is scheduled to last for six months, but your use of an astrological armlet will shorten the period to twenty-four days."



Known to improve condition which may lower chances of any heart-related diseases; helps in digestion of food; has anti-bacterial and antioxidant properties.

Black Pepper

The king of all spices, used worldwide. Boosts metabolism which helps our body to digest food properly. It also has anti-bacterial and anti-cancer properties.


Helpful in fighting sickness and nausea, just a quick sniff or a small intake of the leaf can relieve the uneasy feeling. The aroma also helps activate the gland that secretes digestive enzymes, which in turn helps with digestion.


Clove oil is used for treating toothache, treating scrapes, bruises, and improving digestion.


Known to decrease the blood sugar level as well as the cholesterol level and also keep our heart healthy. The oil derived from Cinnamon is also used to treat and heal tooth decay and gum diseases.

Bay Leaf

Good for detoxification of our body, managing diabetes and also helpful for slowing the process of aging.


Known to help in digestion of food, treat insomnia, common cold and also skin disorders.


Helpful in slowing down the sugar absorption rate into our blood. Also good for lactating mothers, people suffering from loss of taste, and anemia.

Mustard Seeds

The seeds are packed with vitamin B1, manganese, phosphorous, and omega 3 fatty acids. Helps body improve the immune system, relieve the asthma patients, cure cold, etc. The mustard oil is used for massages to relieve the muscle pains and spasms and also helps in keeping the hair strong and shiny.


Good for fighting cold and also acts as an instant stomach pain reliever. It also helps in filtering and removing stones from the kidney.


Mushroom: Antioxidant and anti-hypertensive properties, liver protection, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and anti-microbial properties.

Green Tea : Rich in antioxidants and polyphenolic compounds which have strong anti-inflammatory effects. Protect against chronic diseases including heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Combination of catechins and caffeine in green tea may make it an effective tool for weight loss.

Legumes :Legumes are rich in many vitamins, protein and fiber. They may prevent some chronic diseases and support weight loss. Rich source of B vitamins, various minerals, protein and fiber.

Avocado :Nutrient-rich, high-fiber fruits that may play a role in reducing inflammation and chronic diseases. Rich in many nutrients, including fiber, vitamins, minerals and healthy fats

Dark Chocolates: Loaded with fiber, iron, magnesium, copper, and manganese. Improves blood flow, lower blood pressure, reduced oxidized LDL cholesterol, and improved brain function, lower heart disease


Ginger: Throat, Migraines, arthritis, sore muscles

Turmeric: Achy joints, inflammation of the colon (colitis )

Cherries: Arthritis, muscle pain

Yogurt: Reduce pain, inflammation, and bloating

Cranberry Juice: Ulcers

Mint: Reduce pain, inflammation, bloating, and headaches


Autobiography of a Yogi

Steve Jobs and Elvis Presley had one thing in common. They both were deeply influenced by a book called "Autobiography of a Yogi," which is one of the 100 books from the 20th century. Steve Jobs was such a fan that he kept only this book on his iPad and read it once a year. I read it 10 times when I read it in 2008, and recommended it to friends, one of them stopped being an atheist.

If there were a must-read book, it would this spiritual biography of a Yogi who took the first ship to USA after the end of the WWI to answer to the vibes that were coming from the West yearning for some spiritual breakthrough. The elevated souls in the East heard and responded. Yogananda was specifically born for that purpose. He was trained and blessed with the necessary qualifications to satiate the thirst for spiritual knowledge in the West.

These days, instead of reading the book, which I keep it with me all the time, I prefer to listen to it all night and always wake up to some inspirational messages every day. After becoming trained to be a practitioner of energy healing, some sections started making more sense to me. There are many miraculous stories of healing and explanation about metals and herbs that restores the energy balance for the people who become sick. Here are some quotes I find relevant for us:

"All human ills arise from some transgression of universal law. The scriptures point out that man must satisfy the laws of nature, while not discrediting the divine omnipotence. He should say: 'Lord, I trust in Thee, and know Thou canst help me, but I too will do my best to undo any wrong I have done.' By a number of means-by prayer, by will power, by yoga meditation, by consultation with saints, by use of astrological bangles-the adverse effects of past wrongs can be minimized or nullified.

"Just as a house can be fitted with a copper rod to absorb the shock of lightning, so the bodily temple can be benefited by various protective measures. Ages ago our yogis discovered that pure metals emit an astral light which is powerfully counteractive to negative pulls of the planets. Subtle electrical and magnetic radiations are constantly circulating in the universe; when a man's body is being aided, he does not know it; when it is being disintegrated, he is still in ignorance. Can he do anything about it?

"This problem received attention from our rishis; they found helpful not only a combination of metals, but also of plants and-most effective of all-faultless jewels of not less than two carats. The preventive uses of astrology have seldom been seriously studied outside of India. One little known fact is that the proper jewels, metals, or plant preparations are valueless unless the required weight is secured, and unless these remedial agents are worn next to the skin."

Here is the story of Yogananda himself who directly experienced the power of such a metal bracelet that reduced his 6 months illness to 24 days, when the power of words of his guru cured him. Then I did some research for such healing metals. I remember being given an amulet to wear by a mysterious sadhu who appeared suddenly and talked to me, demonstrating he was aware of my life. I did wear the amulet.

Below, I have found some heal bracelets for men and women that could be helpful for energy balance, arthritis, pain, and cleansing (detox).


1. Anti-fatigue, anti-radiation2. Enhanced energy3. Health care
Who should wear This product:
* If you have to use a computer or a cell phone for a long period of time* If you have to keep focused on your work for a long period of time* If your job requires you to stand or do laborious work for a long time and if you are a person whoalways has cold hands and cold feet* If you have problems such as tense nerves, poor blood circulation, or stiffness and shoulder and neckpains.* If you are weakly resistant to illnesses and catch colds easily.* If you have a stressful life style and want to relax and regain your energy.* If you have an irregular life style and are often sleepless.* If you are fond of sports and want to develop your sport fitness.


* Reduce muscle tension and increase flexibility - Injury prevention
* Reduce fatigue and tension and thus enhance the ability to perform at optimum level
* Improve blood circulation
* Alleviate Discomfort and improve sleep

Magnets have been used in Chinese Medicine for thousands of years and are still used today as a first line treatment for many common complaints by practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Functions of magnets:(Grey color)Reduce blood fatPromote immunity of bodyAdjust the abnormal bioelectricity and biomagnets.Lower free radicals and postpone senility.
Far infrared ray:(Red color)1. The far infrared ray can deeply go into our body absorbing toxic substances and heavy metals, and then decomposes them. It can help the body detoxify and maintain vitality.2.Far infrared ray has resonance effect on our cells. Due to its thermal effect, it expands blood capillaries, improve blood circulation and relieve fatigue.
Germanium(Black colour)-Improve blood circulation and immunity-Relieve fatigue and improve sleep-Alleviate all kinds of nerve painReducing stressed blood vessels which can alleviate Migraine ...