Full Fact fights bad information

We’re a team of independent fact checkers and campaigners who find, expose and counter the harm it does.


Latest fact checks

A viral Instagram post claimed that Mr Gates had bought the messaging app Telegram, to “retain control of what information people can share, think and research."

This is false. The Gates family has no commercial interest or ownership of Telegram and the screenshot accompanying the Instagram post has been digitally manipulated.

Always check before you share

A map in the Daily Express last Friday claimed to show the number of new Covid cases in each nation and region of the UK, with several apparently showing zero cases

All these numbers were wrong. None of these nations or regions actually reported zero cases of Covid on 29 April, or on any other recent day. Nor were any of the other case totals accurate.

Accurate reporting matters

A headline in the Daily Telegraph last week claimed that the “doubling of teenage depression rates” is linked to social media use

This is a misleading representation of the story. The main study cited in the article does not discuss any link between depression and social media, and social media usage was not investigated in the study.

Beware misleading headlines

Full Fact fights bad information

Bad information ruins lives. It promotes hate, damages people’s health, and hurts democracy. You deserve better.

We're here to change debate for the better

We ask people to correct the record when they get things wrong, develop new technology to counter misleading claims, and campaign for better information in public life.

The Online Safety Bill: Our response

MPs must ensure the Online Safety Bill tackles bad information and online harms in our democracy. Law and regulation for online safety must be balanced with the need to protect - and enhance - freedom of expression.

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The Online Safety Bill: Our response

Full Fact launches consultation on the Framework for Information Incidents

Over the next eight weeks, we’re seeking feedback on a new shared model to fight online misinformation: the Framework for Information Incidents.

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Full Fact launches consultation on the Framework for Information Incidents

Fix information failures or risk lives: the Full Fact Report 2021

The pandemic exposed dangerous gaps in public data and communication systems - the government must act now to protect the public

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Fix information failures or risk lives: the Full Fact Report 2021

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We were launched by a cross-party group and our board includes representatives of different political parties and viewpoints.

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