Club Action Newsletter
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As members will recall, the visual identity project began as an exercise to review and change CFUW’s logo and tagline visual identity. Out of this work came observations from a number of our members that we needed to look at the CFUW name, so the logo/tagline work was put on hold while we opened up the discussion to consider this point.

We heard from many members that it is time for a new CFUW name.  Having said this, we also heard that, given what is at stake, there is a need for this process to be undertaken thoughtfully and with broad consultation. What is at stake you may ask? The name brings with it questions about CFUW – who we are; what we want to be going forward; who we want to attract as members and what kind of legacy do we want to carry forward for new members.  It bares repeating that in 1987, there were 12,758 members in CFUW. In 2022, there are now 6,588 members, which represents a 51% loss.  Changing the name brings with it opportunities for reconciliation, revitalization, and renewal.

That leads us to this invitation: during the summer, we invite you to explore the renaming materials shared through the various links below. Among these is a Discussion Guide, that may spark a series of important conversations, such as getting together with friends for a coffee to talk about what you see as the future for CFUW. The Discussion Guide includes some thought-provoking questions such as if you were starting CFUW now, what would you want the organization to do? And what would you call us? 

In August our new Board of Directors will take office. They will prepare a work plan/schedule for the renaming process, which will incorporate a comprehensive consultation process across our membership, including a call-out for proposals of possible names.

We are entering into an exciting period of proactive and collaborative change for our organization. We look forward to building CFUW’s future together and to hearing the thoughtful insights and ideas from our members.
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Ottawa, ON
K1K 3A7

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