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Geometric Town Project - Grade 4
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  1. Carefully read the directions thoroughly before beginning so that you understand what you are going to do.
  2. Before starting the project make a rough draft of your map on a piece of paper or in a notebook.  Use the rough draft to sketch out where things will go on the larger map.
  3. The rough draft is assessed too so you should not throw it away.
  4. Then use your rough draft as a guide to help you create your map on a piece of poster paper (you can choose any colour that you want).
  5. Think about the areas that need to be reserved for specific things in your town, especially the park, legend, and the title.


  1. Draw three parallel roads, and name them.  The names should include a mathematical term (for example, Straight Street, Polygon Parkway, Convex Road, or Addition Alley)  Use a ruler to draw the lines for your roads.  Also make sure that all roads are the same width (size).  Your roads will look neater if you erase any solid lines where two or more roads meet.  Make it look realistic: there are no lines where real roads intersect.

  1. Draw two roads (and name them) that are each perpendicular to at least one of the three parallel roads.

  1. Draw one road that intersects at least one other road to form an obtuse angle.  This road may not be perpendicular to any other road.

  1. Draw one road that is a line segment.

  1. In the lower-left corner of your town, create a square park and name it.  The park must include the following:


  1. Carefully cut out the polygons that will be the buildings and other items you want to create in your town.  You MUST have ten buildings, each with a mathematical name (for example Division Pharmacy, Rhombus Hotel, Median School).  To help you with this, refer to the math vocabulary in the Student Reference Book (SRB).

Use one of each of these geometric figures for these buildings/items:

  • Square
  • Rectangle    
  • Triangle
  • Pentagon  
  • Trapezoid
  • Hexagon
  • Octagon

  1. Add five other items, (be sure to give them names).  Some possibilities are:
  1. Use crayons, markers, or coloured pencils to make your map colorful and attractive.

  1. Give your town a mathematical name.  Place the name at the top of your map

  1.  Add a map key or legend in the lower right corner of your map. It should include symbols for your roads, buildings etc.