
About Me

Education & Certificates

Other Projects


Welcome to my portfolio! Thank you for taking the time to take a look at my cases studies!

I'm a Design Leader and Product Manager based in Stockholm, Sweden, building products where I integrate positive impact, long-term sustainable business goals and usability. I come from an academic background of psychology and behavioral economics and am fascinated by how design can be enhanced by great "choice architecture". As you will see with my previous journeys, in addition to working with companies such as Spotify and Klarna, I love working on projects where the mission contributes to solving one or more of the existential threats facing us and our planet. Be it climate change and resource depletion, sustainable city planning, global health, or access to education. I find that getting into these challenges really requires you to design with empathy and positive psychology in mind. I love it!

Thanks again for checking out my work. I look forward to meeting and to getting to know you soon!

Featured Case Studies
