Narwhal tusk for sale

Narwhal tusk for sale

Narwhal tusk for sale


(5 customer reviews)

This Narwhal Tusk is exceptionally smooth, featuring a delightful shine, patina, and an appealing twist. It is showcased resting on a piece of granite (not included), and we offer the option to transform this into a base with brass fittings. This presents a unique opportunity to possess such a piece.

Narwhal tusks, available for shipping within the U.S. and internationally, have an average size of 6’-7’ but can extend even longer. Originating from Canada, these tusks were brought into the U.S. However, the importation ceased with the enactment of the Marine Mammal Protection Act. Nevertheless, the trade-in tusks already present was allowed through a grandfather clause. We continue to meticulously sort and source these tusks through various channels to meet the preferences of our valued clients. Acquired from individuals, estates, and retailers, these tusks are both rare and expensive, and we typically have at least one in stock.

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Narwhal tusk for sale

This Narwhal Tusk is exceptionally smooth, featuring a delightful shine, patina, and an appealing twist. It is showcased resting on a piece of granite (not included), and we offer the option to transform this into a base with brass fittings. This presents a unique opportunity to possess such a piece.

Narwhal tusks, available for shipping within the U.S. and internationally, have an average size of 6’-7’ but can extend even longer. Originating from Canada, these tusks were brought into the U.S. However, the importation ceased with the enactment of the Marine Mammal Protection Act. Nevertheless, the trade-in tusks already present was allowed through a grandfather clause. We continue to meticulously sort and source these tusks through various channels to meet the preferences of our valued clients. Acquired from individuals, estates, and retailers, these tusks are both rare and expensive, and we typically have at least one in stock.

Welcome to Bruss Trading, the premier destination for marine enthusiasts and collectors in the USA seeking the rare and majestic narwhal tusk. Our collection features a range of authentic tusks, each with its unique story and beauty. In this guide, we’ll explore the allure of narwhal tusks, their significance, and how you can own a piece of this marine treasure, responsibly and legally.

Why Choose Bruss Trading for Narwhal Tusks?

At Bruss Trading, we pride ourselves on our commitment to authenticity and ethical sourcing. Each narwhal tusk in our collection comes with certification guaranteeing its origin and legality. Our stringent quality standards ensure that you receive a product not only of immense natural beauty but also of cultural and historical significance. We understand the rarity of these artifacts and offer a buying experience that is as unique as the tusks themselves.

Our Authentic Narwhal Tusk Collection

Our collection boasts tusks that range in size, color, and texture, providing a variety of choices for collectors and enthusiasts. From sleek, polished pieces ideal for display to raw, natural tusks that tell a story of the wild Arctic waters, our selection caters to diverse tastes and preferences. Each piece is meticulously inspected and prepared, ensuring that it retains its natural allure while meeting the highest standards of quality.

The History and Significance of Narwhal Tusks

Narwhal tusks are more than just marine artifacts; they are storied pieces of natural history. Traditionally considered as symbols of power and purity, these tusks have fascinated humans for centuries. Narwhals, often called the ‘unicorns of the sea’, are remarkable creatures, and their tusks, which are actually elongated teeth, play a vital role in their ecosystem. By owning a narwhal tusk, you connect with this history and contribute to the appreciation and understanding of marine life.

How to Purchase Your Narwhal Tusk Safely in the USA And Globally

Understanding the importance of legal and ethical considerations in the purchase of narwhal tusks is paramount. At Bruss Trading, we navigate these complexities for you. Our purchasing process is transparent and compliant with all U.S. regulations regarding wildlife artifacts. We provide detailed provenance for each tusk and assist our clients with any required documentation for legal ownership.

Customer Testimonials and Reviews

Don’t just take our word for it; hear from our satisfied clients. Our testimonials reflect our commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction. From seasoned collectors to first-time buyers, our clients appreciate the quality, authenticity, and service that Bruss Trading offers.

Discover the allure and majesty of narwhal tusks with Bruss Trading. Our collection awaits enthusiasts who value authenticity, quality, and history. Contact us today to explore our selection and take the first step towards owning a piece of the Arctic’s natural treasure.


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19.7, 40, 148, 232, 254


0.1, 0.4, 2.68, 5.69, 6.38

5 reviews for Narwhal tusk for sale

  1. Lincoln O

    I received my Narwhal Tusk today, and I must commend you on your excellent craftsmanship, service, and pricing, as always. Thank you for your outstanding service. I’ve been a customer in the past, and I plan to continue doing business with you in the future. Many thanks.

  2. Mathew

    Expressing gratitude for your consistently swift service! Among all the places I’ve explored and made purchases, Bruss Trading consistently shines as a pinnacle of quality. Every item I’ve acquired from you has consistently been top-notch. By the way, congratulations on your many successful years in business! As a side note, my lovely wife and I will be celebrating our 41st anniversary next Monday.

  3. August O

    I’ve got the narwhal tusk cross section in hand today, just as you assured me! Wanted to express my joy with the order – the piece looks fantastic, and the polish and broken edges are truly impressive. Your assistance and the additional background information you shared over the email were greatly appreciated. I’ll definitely make a point to visit your site again.

  4. Helen C.

    Late to comment but as they better late than never . My husband was thrilled on Christmas day when he saw the narwhal tusk standing next to the tree, he could not believe I found one for him. It has been a life long dream that he would own one some day. He said it was the greatest gift he’s ever received (besides me of course). Thanks again

  5. Randy Paul

    I received the grips a couple of weeks ago and I absolutely love them! I will send you a photo later so you can see the results
    I wanted to let you know how happy I am with the tusk, and I appreciate your great service! I will be placing another order after the first of the year. I just have to decide what I want next

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