Shikoni Lotion (Shampoo)


This item will be delivered on 06,June 2024

SKU: 0101202309 Category:


Ditch the itchy scalp and flaking woes! Embark on a journey of hair renewal with Sprutha’s Shikoni Anti-Dandruff Shampoo, a potent blend of ancient Ayurvedic wisdom and modern innovation. This isn’t just a shampoo; it’s a transformative 3-in-1 haircare ritual, gently cleansing, deeply conditioning, and luxuriously moisturizing your tresses in one effortless step.

A Treasure Trove of Nature’s Goodness:

Sprutha’s Shikoni isn’t a chemical cocktail. It’s a carefully curated bouquet of nature’s bounty, each ingredient handpicked for its hair-loving properties:

  • Reetha, the “Soapnut”: This natural cleanser lathers beautifully, removing impurities without stripping your hair’s natural oils. It fosters hair growth and strengthens strands from the root, promoting resilience and preventing breakage.
  • Amla, the “Indian Gooseberry”: A powerhouse of Vitamin C and antioxidants, Amla nourishes your scalp and infuses your hair with a luminous, healthy shine. It combats dryness and frizz, leaving your tresses smooth and manageable.
  • Santra Peel and Nagarmotha: These potent herbs work in harmony to soothe an irritated scalp, keeping flakiness and itchiness at bay. They create a healthy environment for your hair follicles to thrive, promoting optimal growth.
  • Limboo, the “Citrus Champion”: This natural anti-dandruff agent gently yet effectively tackles stubborn flakes, leaving your scalp refreshed and comfortable. Say goodbye to embarrassing snowfalls on your shoulders!

A Gentle Giant for All Hair Types:

Sprutha’s Shikoni is surprisingly gentle. Made with love and free from harsh chemicals like parabens, silicones, and artificial fragrances, it’s kind to your scalp and even safe for color-treated hair. Whether you have dry, oily, or normal hair, this Ayurvedic marvel adapts to your unique needs, leaving your tresses feeling pampered and revitalized.

Experience the Transformation:

  • From the first wash: Witness a visible reduction in dandruff and hair fall. Flakes become a distant memory, replaced by a healthy, flake-free scalp.
  • Damaged hair finds solace: Split ends mend, and dry strands regain their bounce and shine. Your hair feels stronger, smoother, and effortlessly manageable.
  • Scalp bliss redefined: No more itchiness or irritation. Your scalp feels soothed, nourished, and balanced, creating the perfect canvas for healthy hair growth.
  • Hair that whispers confidence: With regular use, you’ll notice a newfound density and thickness in your hair. It exudes a radiant shine, a testament to the power of natural ingredients and Ayurvedic wisdom.

Beyond the Bottle:

Sprutha’s Shikoni is more than just a shampoo; it’s a gateway to a holistic haircare experience. Pair it with other Sprutha Ayurvedic hair care products like hair masks and oils for a complete hair nourishment regimen. Embrace the ancient rituals of Ayurveda and rediscover the natural beauty of your hair.

With Sprutha’s Shikoni Anti-Dandruff Shampoo, embark on a journey towards healthier, happier hair. Let the wisdom of Ayurveda guide you, and experience the radiant transformation for yourself!

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Weight0.100 g


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