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Debt-For-Climate Swaps: Solving Both The Coronavirus Debt Emergency And The Climate Crisis?

Updated Apr 28, 2020, 08:24am EDT
This article is more than 4 years old.

The world is in the early stages of an unprecedented global Sovereign Debt Crisis triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic. This will disproportionately impact low and middle income countries with secondary effects on wealthier nations and debt-holders. Already three countries have defaulted on their debt and many more are expected in the upcoming weeks and months, in spite of an emergency G20 agreement to suspend debt payments for 77 countries.

As the world waits for a vaccine, there are few clear paths out from this Sovereign Debt Emergency over the next 18 months, as countries face a double-whammy of higher borrowing for social safety nets and lower foreign currency earning opportunities to service existing and new debt. Debt-for-Climate Swaps could be the elegant solution the world has been waiting for as an exit-strategy from the debt crisis and to transform the post-COVID global economy. 

These innovative financial instruments (known as Debt Swaps) would not only address the debt crisis, but stimulate investment in climate smart technologies that could upgrade global infrastructure and generate millions of jobs around the world over the next few months, including in nature-based solutions.

Unprecedented scale of the COVID-19 Sovereign Debt emergency

Low and Middle Income countries, representing 41% of global GDP, have $14 trillion of external debt due in 2020 alone (both principal and interest). For comparison, this is seven times larger than the recent historic US Coronavirus Relief Act of $2 trillion. At the G20 Finance Ministers meeting on April 15th, the Managing Director of the IMF, the world’s lender of last resort, announced that over 100 countries (and counting) have already approached the IMF for emergency funding, i.e., over half the countries in the world. This is without precedent, in the IMF’s history.

Most of these countries are dependent on foreign exchange earnings to repay this external debt. With international tourism – a large source of foreign exchange for many countries – likely to be impacted for the next 12-18 months, commodity prices from oil and gas and minerals at historic lows for natural resource exporting countries, as well as exports of manufactured and agricultural products being suppressed, these countries will be under severe pressure over the next 12-18 months to service existing debt. This is a global issue (not just a regional one), impacting Sub Saharan Africa, MENA, Latin America and South East Asia in equal parts.

Compounding the existing debt crisis is the need for these Governments to borrow significantly more to support their economies, social and health systems. Given the weak social security infrastructure in many of these countries, state support for enterprises and employment will be needed to avoid social unrest due to high unemployment. This will only increase State Debt and exacerbate the debt crisis, resulting in even greater uncertainty around whether these countries can service even higher debt whilst facing suppressed demand. That is if capital markets are even functioning effectively to lend such capital to these countries.

Historically, there has been a precedent of debt restructuring and forgiveness at a smaller scale with the 1985 Baker Plan and 1989 Brady Bonds for Latin America debt restructuring, a UN Security Council Resolution as a shield for Iraq to restructure its debt after the 2003 Gulf War, 2008 G8 Summit in Gleneagles for African debt forgiveness and the 2011 Eurozone Debt Restructuring. Such complex debt restructuring through a range of multilateral institutions takes significant global cooperation and leadership, and will require bold actions from the G20, Paris Club of creditor nations, and Private Creditors.

Weak climate commitments to date

At the same time, in the run up to COVID-19, developing countries had been calling on wealthy nations to meet their promises of $100 billion a year in climate finance by 2020 through multilateral institutions such as the Green Climate Fund and the Global Environmental Facility. Funding commitments to date have fallen short, with only half the funds promised having been delivered, and even more concerning has been weak climate policies that are not on track to even meet the Paris Agreement. Global Emissions must fall by 7.6% a year to 2030 to avoid disastrous consequences, but instead they are still rising.

Hence, those holding $188,000 billion of sovereign debt ($118 trillion or 230% of Global GDP), have significant leverage to structurally adjust the economy of many countries toward a climate-positive trajectory.  Such Debt-to-Economy restructuring was once espoused by the IMF (who held this debt) in the 1980s to radically shift economies from social interventions to more free market economies. These Structural Adjustment Programs eventually led to higher GDP growth but were often unpopular in the short term due to austerity measures.

Given the $1 trillion of Climate Financing needed over the next decade (10 years at $100 billion a year)  to meet climate commitments to restructure the global economy (7.6% carbon emission reduction a year for ten years), and $14 trillion of debt principal and interest due in 2020 alone that is at risk of being restructured to avoid sovereign defaults (and potentially significantly more as we look to 2021), could there be a creative and unique solution with these sovereign debt-holders?

Debt-for-Climate Swaps

This week Environment Ministers from 30 countries will meet virtually, in what has been called the Petersburg Climate Dialogues, to discuss progress toward implementation of the Paris Agreement given that the crucial Glasgow COP26 Summit has now been postponed. This opens up an innovative new approach, that can simultaneously address both the COVID-19 debt crisis and the climate crisis, and which should focus on five parameters:

1.      Climate Accountability of Debt Holders. Debt-for-Climate Swaps need to involve the holders of Government debt, who are primarily the IMF, Regional Development Banks, Sovereign Wealth Funds, other private holders of long-term capital such as Pension Funds, Hedge Funds and Reinsurance Funds. These institutions should be holding Governments around the world accountable for hitting particular climate and carbon emission targets (i.e., 7.6% reduction a year every year for the next ten years). The most important partner is likely to be China, which has the world’s highest amount of foreign currency reserves and debt holdings coming into the COVID-19 crisis.

2.      Clear Metrics. Given the competing pressures of economic growth with carbon emissions, the right metric needs to be agreed in order to be sustainable for low- and middle-income countries.  With climate, focusing on carbon intensity, i.e., the amount of carbon emitted (or absorbed) per additional dollar of GDP generated, could link economic progress with concrete action on climate. At some stage, this should be widened to also include Methane Intensity. Such metrics can easily be assessed through global satellite technologies, validated externally, and attributed to particular countries. It would also permit more Nature-Based Solutions. Debt forgiveness could be legally defined and tied to hitting particular climate milestones, that would also put the world back on track to meet the Paris Agreement and even stay within the 1.5C pathway that is causing so much consternation among scientists. 

3.      New Climate Delivery Institutions. Over the next decade as countries build systems to repay this debt structure, new Climate Delivery Institutions can rapidly introduce new infrastructure to decarbonize economies and build the sustainable infrastructure of the future. A list of such solutions has been well publicized and reviewed.

4.      New Monitoring Technologies. In order to legally tie Debt Restructuring to actual Carbon (and other Greenhouse Gas) Emissions, a much more robust Carbon monitoring infrastructure should quickly be put in place to avoid challenges where some countries misrepresent their emissions. With advances in land-based sensor and satellite technologies, such monitoring is a lot easier than a decade ago. Emissions data can easily be calibrated using new Machine Learning models, and decentralized blockchain technologies for full transparency on any data adjustments. Hence technology can permit planetary carbon emissions that can be tied to financial disbursement (or in this case, debt forgiveness or restructure), using existing technologies.

5.      Rebasing GDP to reflect Nature Based Solutions for Climate. Our current economic tools of GDP are too blunt and contains too many perverse incentives. Nature offers many solutions to carbon capture, but are not currently recognized in economic measures. Only artificial physical infrastructure counts as economic activity rather than nature-based solutions. So, a manmade flood protection barrier would count as an asset, whereas a protective mangrove forest, coral reef, offshore kelp or a forest would not (unless it was destroyed and sold as timber). We need new ways of measuring growth to ensure living, nature-based solutions count toward climate solutions. If this was a comparison of two colonies on Mars, the one with natural air and water would be valued higher than the one without. It should be the same for this planet. Perhaps it is time to adopt a new growth metric by the IMF, such as Gross Natural Domestic Product to reflect this natural capital, and reward countries that use nature to achieve their climate objectives. 

Climate is a specific area where such a program can be built given very precise Carbon Emission objectives. Trying to tie such a program to broader sustainable initiatives may be a bit more troublesome, and other tools may be needed.

Debt-for-Nature Swaps vs Debt-for-Climate Swaps

Pioneered by WWF in 1984, Debt for Nature Swaps have been around for forty years. They were originally designed to set aside a particular area of rainforest or marine territory as a National Park, in return for debt-forgiveness or restructuring. Recently such programs have been highlighted by some island nations such as the Seychelles as Blue Bonds. In reality, these have acted more as Fisheries Bonds to prevent fishing activities only, as Oil and Gas exploration continues to be aggressively pursued by the island nation, in spite of previous issues pursuing oil and gas exploration with financial scandals and payment defaults, following the 2008 bailout by the IMF, and in the face of severe climate challenges being faced by the Seychelles.

Evidence for the effectiveness of Debt for Nature swaps are mixed, with a lot of nuance around implementation, especially where they have been used as blunt tools to displace local or indigenous populations, creating extraction pressures elsewhere. Smarter Debt for Nature Swaps are needed, that are not linked to areas that displace local populations, but very specific metrics that show how biodiversity is recovering. This could then open up innovative new solutions that can also be revenue generating for poorer, local communities (beyond tourism, which is unlikely to recover in the short term).

This is why the case is compelling to use Debt-for-Climate Swaps in very particular use cases, rather than the broader Debt-for-Nature Swap. The COVID-19 moment appears to be as ripe a moment as any.

China as the key decider for Debt-for-Climate Swaps?

China has emerged as a superpower in clean energy, proclaiming a Green Belt and Road initiative that covers two thirds of the world’s population and championing a major international Biodiversity Convention that will set ambitious biodiversity targets for the next decade. 

Given the extent of other nations’ sovereign debt lying with Chinese financial institutions, it will be interesting to see the leadership steps China takes in the next few months to simultaneously address the global sovereign debt crisis, climate change and build a sustainable global economy over the next decade.