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Kungfu Momma Show 功夫媽媽秀

Kungfu Momma Show 功夫媽媽秀

By Sarah Chang 張學仁

Mommas Helping Mommas 媽媽們彼此連結
Motherhood × Early Childhood Development x Fitness
母愛 x 幼兒早期發展 x 健身

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Amazing Revelations from Same-sex Parents: Part 1

Kungfu Momma Show 功夫媽媽秀Feb 16, 2021

Nurturing the Love for Stories

Nurturing the Love for Stories

Jan 25, 202227:28
Preventing Allergies and Making Meal Time a Happy Time

Preventing Allergies and Making Meal Time a Happy Time

According to the recent studies, around 8-10% of children develop food allergies. During infancy the immune system is still learning about different proteins, so having a diverse diet including common allergens such as peanut, wheat, and oat can decrease the risk of allergies in the future.  In this week's podcast, Dr. Wendy Sue Swanson educates us about feeding our babies in those early years.   Dr. Wendy Sue Swanson is a leading pediatrician, an entrepreneur and consultant, an author and media contributor and voice online. She was a health contributor to Seattle’s NBC affiliate station for 6 years, and continues to be an official spokesperson and public speaker. She is the Chief Medical Officer of Before Brands, makers of SpoonfulOne, leading communication and health translation to clinicians and parents to protect against the development of food allergies. 

根據研究指出,大約 8-10% 的兒童會出現食物過敏症狀。在嬰兒時期,寶寶們的免疫系統仍在學習不同的蛋白質,因此多樣化的飲食過敏原包括常見的花生、小麥和燕麥,可以降低未來產生過敏的風險。在本週的集數中,Wendy Sue Swanson 醫生將與我們介紹如何在嬰兒時期餵養寶寶們飲食。  Wendy Sue Swanson 博士是一位領先的兒科醫生、創業家和顧問、作家和媒體撰稿人並時常在網路上發聲。她為西雅圖的 NBC 附屬電台擔任了 6 年的健康內容的撰稿人,並繼續擔任官方發言人和公眾演說家。她是 Before Brands(SpoonfulOne 製造商) 的首席醫療官,負責向臨床醫生和父母溝通並提供健康內容翻譯,以防止發展出物過敏症狀。

 For more information 更多訊息:

Jan 18, 202235:52
Eliminate Toxins: Create a Safe Environment for Your Child

Eliminate Toxins: Create a Safe Environment for Your Child

Cheryl Ann Meyer was suffering from inflammation and autoimmune disease, thus began an odyssey that culminated her award winning book "It Feels Good to Feel Good: Learn to Eliminate Toxins, Reverse Inflammation and Feel Great Again." Through her journey she found that eliminating toxins was a big step in reducing her chronic pain and healing her leaky gut, which is the cause of inflammation. As she regained her health, she returned to school and became a health coach to share her new knowledge with others. She comments, “I wrote this book for people with autoimmune disease and inflammation, but really, it’s for everyone. Inflammation is a root cause of many of our illnesses and disease, cancer, heart disease, strokes, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, depression, Type I and Type II diabetes, possibly even autism. In this week's podcast, Cheryl shares with us how to start eliminating toxins in our own households to make a safe environment for our children.

Cheryl Ann Meyer患有炎症和自身免疫性疾病,因此開始了一段尋找健康生活的旅程,並最終寫出獲獎的著作《感覺良好:學習消除毒素、逆轉炎症並獲得健康生活》。通過尋找健康生活的旅程,她發現消除毒素是減輕慢性疼痛、治愈炎症和腸道滲漏的一大步。隨著她開始恢復健康,她回到校園並成為一名健康教練,與他人分享她的新知識。她說:「我為患有自身免疫性疾病和炎症的人寫了這本書,但實際上,它是為所有人寫的。炎症是我們許多疾病和疾病、癌症、心臟病、中風、阿茲海默症、帕金森氏症、抑鬱症、I 型和 II 型糖尿病,甚至可能是自閉症的根本原因。」在本週的節目中,Cheryl 與我們分享如何在自己的家庭環境中消除毒素,為我們的孩子創造一個安全的環境。

For more information更多訊息:

Jan 11, 202246:31
Child Behavior Explained: Why They Do What They Do

Child Behavior Explained: Why They Do What They Do

Often times we expect our children to listen to us, while we haven't been listening to them and what is going on developmentally for them.  Allana Robinson Registered Early Childhood Educator, Developmental Specialist, and Parenting Coach breaks down the developmental leaps that children 2-7 years old go through and help parents understand why their children are misbehaving and how to fix it without yelling, shaming, or time-outs. With over 15 years of experience in the early childhood behavior management space, Allana also shares with us several common parenting misconceptions that can completely transform the way we think about parenting. "One of the reasons of why I do what I do is because parents were making decisions based on bad information, old information."  Tune into this week's podcast to really find out what's going on in your child's brain.  

很多時候,我們都希望孩子乖乖聽我們的話,而我們卻時常忽略他們的意見以及他們的發展情況。 Allana Robinson 是位註冊幼兒教育家、幼兒發展專家也是育兒教練,她打破了 2-7 歲兒童經歷的飛躍期,幫助父母了解他們的孩子行為不合適的原因以及如何在不大吼大叫,羞辱或暫停他們的娛樂的情況下解決問題。憑藉在幼兒行為管理領域超過 15 年的經驗,Allana 還與我們分享了一些日常生活中常見的育兒小錯誤,瞭解並修正這些誤解可以完全改變我們對育兒的看法。 「我之所以從事我的工作的原因之一是因為新手父母常常根據不確定的信息、老舊信息做出決定。」收聽本週的Podcast,來真正了解各位孩子大腦中正在發生的事情。

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Jan 05, 202240:28
Studying Your Child’s Temperament: The Key to a Good Night’s Sleep

Studying Your Child’s Temperament: The Key to a Good Night’s Sleep

Sleeping and relaxing are all learned skills.  Especially in the early years, these simple things can seem impossible.  But by studying your child's unique temperament, personality, and developmental stage you can tailor a sleeping routine that can make a difference.  This week's podcast guest Rebecca Michi - Children's Sleep Consultant , Author, and mother of two teenage daughters, shares some tips on how to manage your child's sleep.

睡覺和放鬆都是可以後天加強的技能。尤其是在兒童前期,這些看似理所當然的事情似乎永遠無法在他們身上實現。但是通過研究孩子們獨特的氣質、個性和發育階段,父母們可以定制一個可以為孩子們帶來影響的睡眠習慣。本周Podcast嘉賓 Rebecca Michi 是兒童睡眠顧問、作家和兩個十幾歲女兒的母親,她分享了一些關於如何管理孩子睡眠的技巧。

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Dec 28, 202142:22
Forget the Meds! Let's Talk About Natural Birth Control
Dec 21, 202136:20
Understanding Happiness and Embracing Positivity
Dec 14, 202135:42
Building an Early Foundation for Happiness

Building an Early Foundation for Happiness

In this week's podcast we talk about setting the foundations for happiness for children early.   This week's guest, Dr. Marissa Pei, introduced to Oprah as the Asian Oprah, has been interviewed on NBC, CBS, ABC, and FOX.  She is a happiness guru, an organizational psychologist, an author and motivational speaker among other things.   Her mission is to help 8 million more people be 88% happy in the next 8 years.  As a mother and children's book author, Dr. Marissa starts by sharing with us her views on human nature, gratitude, and perfection.  She shares that self-approval, self-love, and self-acceptance is the number one way to happiness.  And she quotes an African Proverb saying "When there is not enemy inside, then no enemy outside can hurt you."

Dr. Marissa is specially gifting our Kungfu Momma Show listeners a free audio copy of "8 Ways to Happiness" with the purchase of her Children's book "What are Feelings"!!

在本週的節目中,我們談論到要及早為兒童的幸福奠定基礎。本週的嘉賓Marissa Pei博士,被譽為亞洲奧普拉,曾接受過 NBC、CBS、ABC 和 FOX 的採訪。她是幸福大師、組織性的心理學家、作家和勵志演說家等。她的使命是在未來 8 年內幫助另外 800 萬人得到 88% 的幸福。作為一位母親和兒童讀物的作者,Marissa Pei博士首先與我們分享她對人性、感恩和完美的看法。她分享說,自我認可、自愛和自我接納是通往幸福的第一途徑。她甚至引用了一句非洲諺語:「內心裡沒有敵人,外在家沒有迪人能夠傷害你。」

Marissa Pei博士特地為我們功夫媽媽秀的聽眾提供優惠,只要購買她的兒童讀物《什麼是感覺(What are Feelings)》就附贈有聲書《八種通往幸福的道路(8 Ways to Happiness)》。

Dec 07, 202140:20
A Sustainable Way to Train Your New Postpartum Body
Nov 30, 202142:19
Mommy Tummy and How to get Healthy Body Back with Post-natal exercise

Mommy Tummy and How to get Healthy Body Back with Post-natal exercise

Peter is the owner of Castle Personal Training and Founder of Healthy Post Natal Body.

He has an extensive Martial Arts background and also has a REPS level 3 Personal Training qualification and various qualifications in Nutrition, Gym-based Boxing, Circuit Training etc. He specializes in weight loss and pre/post natal exercise.

Diastasis Recti also known as Mommy Tummy. Post-natal back pain and posture issues are too common, and affect too many women. However, post-natal exercise programs can be very expensive, especially when all these things can almost always be fixed by doing the right exercises!

“I believe post-natal exercise advice should be affordable, It’s a right, not a privilege.” - Peter Lap

Peter 是 Castle Personal Training 的經營者和 Healthy Post Natal Body 的創辦人。

他擁有廣泛的武術背景,還擁有 REPS 3 級的個人訓練、各種營養、健身房相關的拳擊​​訓練、循環訓練等資格。他專注於幫他人減肥與產前/產後的運動。


「我相信產後鍛煉建議指導應該是所有人都可以負擔得起的,這是一種權利,而不是一種特權。」- Peter Lap

For more info 更多資訊:

Nov 23, 202141:30
Let's talk about sex, baby!

Let's talk about sex, baby!

Leah Carey is a sex and intimacy coach and host of the podcast “Good Girls Talk About Sex.” She works with women to move beyond laying back and accepting whatever their partner does to them, into being equal co-creators of their sexual experience. In her podcast, PJ Parties for Grown Ups, and one-on-one and group coaching, Leah’s focus is always on reflecting your true sexual nature back to you, without the judgment or shame that can get in the way of you seeing it for yourself.

“I no longer believe that “good girls” are quiet and docile and take care of everyone else’s needs before their own. I learned how to embrace my true sexual identity, and I can guide you to do the same.” - Leah Carey

Leah Carey是性愛和親密關係教練,也是Podcast 《好女孩談性事》的主持人。她幫助女性走出被動關係,除了接受伴侶給予的性愛,她們可以爭取一同與伴侶開發性體驗。在她的Podcast 《PJ Party for Grown Ups》 以及一對一和團體輔導中,Leah 的重點始終是將她們真實的性本質反應回她們身上,讓她們可以不帶批判性或羞恥感的看自己。

「我不再相信“好女孩”是安靜溫順的,一直都先顧及別人的需求。我了解並學會如何接受我真實的性身份,我也可以指導你做同樣的事情。」 - Leah Carey

Nov 16, 202145:05
It's ok to say no, asserting boundaries and respecting them.
Nov 09, 202134:58
Conquering Reactive Attachment Disorder in Children

Conquering Reactive Attachment Disorder in Children

Gina Heumann is a true Renaissance woman: wife, mother, architect, designer, professor, author, speaker, and adoption advocate. She and her husband, Aaron, adopted Landrey in 2001 from Guatemala and then went back for Maddox three years later. Gina’s love of learning and dedication as a mother inspired her research of different treatments and therapies that eventually led to this inspirational success story about conquering Reactive Attachment Disorder.

Gina Heumann 是一位多才多藝的傑出女性,也身兼多職,在家裡他是妻子是母親,她也是建築師、設計師、教授、作家、演說家以及領養的倡導者。她和她的丈夫Aaron於 2001 年從瓜地馬拉領養了Landrey,三年後又回到瓜地馬拉並領養了Maddox。Gina作為母親,她對學習的熱愛激發了她開始研究各種不同反應性依戀障礙( RAD )的治療方法,最終在她的努力下,成功的幫助了他的孩子克服了反應性依戀障礙。

Nov 02, 202133:45
Stress-Free Motherhood, Mindfulness, and DNA

Stress-Free Motherhood, Mindfulness, and DNA

In this week’s podcast I talked recovering like a mother, reducing stress DNA and mindfulness with Lane Kennedy.

How often can we fully tune out all of our other thoughts and give our children our full attention? It’s important to give ourselves time to practice mindfulness and not let life overwhelm us as much as we can. Our children deserve time with us free of distractions. With Covid we have all dealt with a lot of isolation and social distancing. It was so nice to be wholeheartedly engaged in conversation with Lane over Zoom. As Lane said, “Once you practice mindfulness it will create a ripple effect and that in itself could really change the world.”

正念。究竟什麼是正念? 一般來說要多久練習「正念」一次?我需要老實和大家說,這幾天我經常聽到這個詞彙,但直到最近榮幸採訪到 Lane Kennedy 才真正引起共鳴。她在節目裡簡單地敘述了這個概念,就是一直活在當下,我現在腦子裡想的事情除了我們之間的對話沒有其他的雜念。我立即想到這個概念對於我們作為父母之於孩子的重要性。我們是否能常常不分心給予孩子全心全意的關注,許多分心來自於我們的手機、我們的對於生活的擔憂、我們的賬單、要煮什麼菜、我們最近是否體重變重了,以及我們的工作。我們是否有辦法可以排除其他的雜念,並給予孩子們應得的關注。由於新冠疫情造成了所有的孤立和社交距離,很高興透過 Zoom,Lane和我花了一點時間隔絕其他雜念,雙方都可以全心全意地進行這場訪談。然後她說:「一旦你開始練習正念,它就會產生漣漪效應,而這將有可能真正開始改變世界。”」

For more info 更多訊息:

Oct 26, 202137:57
Who would have thought that I'd have postpartum depression... for six years?
Oct 19, 202137:53
How to Support Your Child’s Diverse Learning Needs
Oct 12, 202123:51
How to Lose Weight Proactively, After Having Eight Kids

How to Lose Weight Proactively, After Having Eight Kids

What can we do to start losing weight now?  As a mother of eight, a certified Health Education Specialist, and the founder of Health Wellness & Chocolate, Katie Corbett has developed a holistic strategy to get back into shape after giving birth to her eight children.  In this week’s podcast Katie shares with her the methods she used to lose 60 pounds and sustain her weight afterwards.

For more information:

身為父母可以做些什麼來開始減重,變得健康?作為八個孩子的母親、認證的健康教育專家以及 Health Wellness & Chocolate 的創始人,Katie Corbett 制定了完整的方法,得以在生完八個孩子後健康的恢復體形。在本週的Podcast中,Katie 分享了她用來減掉將近30公斤並在之後也可以持續保持健康體態的方法。


Oct 05, 202129:51
How to Homeschool and Manage Eight Kids

How to Homeschool and Manage Eight Kids

Imagine having eight kids!! As a mother of just two, I’m completely in awe of Katie Corbett and her mothering skills. Katie is a mother of eight.  As a practical mom, seeing as private schooling was proving to be quite costly while having so many kids, she took it upon herself to educate herself about homeschooling and then delved into being a full-time mom. And now, her eldest child is about to be sent off to college!   We talked about all things homeschool including Saxon workbooks, homeschool co-ops, and Wednesday night laundry! Join us in this week’s podcast, where Katie shares with us how to start homeschooling, how to balance kids/husband/self-care, and how to manage your time.

想像一下家裡面有八個孩子!!作為兩個孩子的母親,我超級佩服Katie Corbett 和她的育兒技巧。Katie是八個孩子的媽媽。作為一個實際的媽媽,她知道要同時送這麼多孩子到私立學校讀書肯定是相當昂貴的,所以她開始學習如何在家裡幫著孩子在家自學,然後鑽研成為一名全職媽媽。而現在,她的大兒子已經準備去上大學了!我們談論了在家自學相關的所有事情,包括數學的學習手冊(Saxon workbooks )、家庭自學社團(不同自學家庭定期舉辦各個項目的活動課程),以及周三晚上的洗衣時間!加入我們本週的Podcast,Katie將與我們分享如何開始讓孩童在家自學,如何平衡孩子/丈老公/和照顧自己,以及如何管理你的時間。

For more information 更多資訊可以點擊以下網址:

Sep 28, 202144:35
How to Teach Your Child Executive Functions for Health, Wealth, and Success

How to Teach Your Child Executive Functions for Health, Wealth, and Success

From distance learning to social development and even dealing with learning disabilities, author and early childhood educator Melissa Lowry goes in-depth about parenting skills and guidelines that would help parents of young children prepare for what's up ahead in the near future. You'll be surprised at some of her revelations regarding misconceptions in parenting, as well as really useful tips and knowledge bits in raising our young ones.

從遠程學習到群性發展甚至到處理學習障礙,作家兼幼兒教育家Melissa Lowry深入探討了父母的育兒技巧以及指導方針,幫助新手爸媽為不久的將來做好準備。令人很訝異的是,她在節目裡透露了現代社會有許多育兒技巧容易讓人產生誤解,也提供了許多在撫養我們的孩子方面非常實用的技巧和知識。

For more info visit 更多訊息:

Sep 21, 202149:09
Which Bird Are You? Finding Out Your Child’s Personality

Which Bird Are You? Finding Out Your Child’s Personality

The more you know about your children’s personality, the more you’ll be able to figure out how to deal with them.  Check out this week’s podcast where Merrick Rosenberg breaks down a really simple way to determine your child’s personality and how you can use that information to improve your relationship and get them to listen to you.  

你越了解孩子的性格,你就越能知道該如何與他們相處。收聽本週的podcast,Merrick Rosenberg 將一步步帶我們了解一種非常簡單的方法來了解孩子的個性,以及各位功夫爸媽們要如何使用這些信息來改善與孩子的關係並讓他們傾聽你的意見。

Sep 14, 202128:43
Baby Massage: The Way to Better Sleep, Curing Gas/Colic, and Bonding

Baby Massage: The Way to Better Sleep, Curing Gas/Colic, and Bonding

This week we have baby massage consultant, Helen Thompson on the show to tell us all the amazing benefits of baby massage and tummy time.

“There are many, many benefits (of infant massage) but one of the benefits that I really like is because it helps with babies if they’ve got constipation, if they’ve got colic, or they’ve got reflux. It also helps both parents and baby to relax, because when you’re massaging (the baby) you’re relaxing. ….and you’re releasing a lot of those… natural love hormones and you’re sharing them between each other. …It also helps with digestion. It helps develop the baby’s immune system. It helps encourage your baby to sleep better… “

—- Helen Thompson

本週節目我們邀請到嬰兒按摩顧問,Helen Thompson在節目中告訴我們嬰兒按摩和俯臥時間的好處。  “嬰兒按摩有很多很多好處,但我真正喜歡的好處之一是因為它對便秘、疝痛或胃食道逆流的嬰兒有幫助。它還可以幫助父母和嬰兒放鬆,因為當你在幫寶寶按摩時,你也正在放鬆。 ……你同時也在釋放……天然的催產素(愛的荷爾蒙),你們彼此分享這段時光。 ......它也有助於幫助消化,也可以有效的發展嬰兒的免疫系統。甚至可以讓寶寶睡得更安穩……” ——Helen Thompson 

Sep 07, 202136:23
Kindergarten Readiness: How to Support Your Child and Your Teacher

Kindergarten Readiness: How to Support Your Child and Your Teacher

It’s not common to find early childhood teachers that are also experts in education policy.  Sometimes sending your children to school can be a daunting task when you don’t know what to expect for your child.  In this week’s episode, Dr. Chris Brown, former preschool, kindergarten, and 1st-grade teacher as well as professor and researcher of early childhood education, gives us the inside scoop on how to get your child ready for Kindergarten, in the perspective of a teacher, policymaker, and a father.

同時是教育政策專家的幼兒教師並不多見。有時,當不知道對孩子的學習有什麼期望時,送孩子上學可能是一項讓家長頭疼的任務。在本週的節目中,前學前班、幼兒園和一年級教師以及幼兒教育的教授和研究員 Chris Brown 博士將從教師、政策制定者以及父親的角度提供獨特的資訊,讓各位家長了解如何為小寶貝上幼兒園做好準備。

Learn More Here 請看更多訊息:

Aug 31, 202124:14
Prepare Your Body Mentally, Physically, and Spiritually for Pregnancy
Aug 24, 202139:32
Surviving an IVF Journey, Ten Years and Three Kids Later

Surviving an IVF Journey, Ten Years and Three Kids Later

As a woman, whether we considered it or not, our bodies are designed to reproduce.  What if we were unable to perform that function? Everyone’s body is different and everyone’s situation is different. This week’s podcast guest had a hard, beautiful journey, and was unable to conceive.  Today, after 10 years of IVF and bearing three children, Tiffany Vaughan, soul coach and podcast host of “Hard Beautiful Journey,” inspires other women and mothers to reconnect with their soul and find and use their voice to unlock their potential.

作為女性,無論我們是否有這個想法,我們的身體都是為了繁衍後代而設計的。如果我們無法執行這項任務,無法生育怎麼辦?每個人的體質不同,每個人的情況也都不一樣。本週的Podcast嘉賓經歷了一段艱難卻美好的旅程,也曾經無法懷孕。現在,經過 10 年的試管嬰兒和生育三個孩子,靈魂教練和「Hard Beautiful Journey」的Podcast主持人Tiffany Vaughan激勵其他女性和母親們重新與自己的內在建立連結,找到並利用自己的聲音來釋放自己的潛力。

Aug 17, 202141:46
Exploring the Science and Philosophy Behind the Innate Family Love

Exploring the Science and Philosophy Behind the Innate Family Love

How well do we really understand love? In this week’s podcast Dr. Christian Heim, award-winning Psychiatrist, and author combines passion, philosophy, and science to define the 7 different types of love.  We explore the love between couples, mother and child, and family and how those types of love change over time.  We also dive into the hot topic of how technology today scientifically affects our brains and what that means for love today.

我們對「愛」的概念了解有多深呢?在本週的Podcast中,屢獲殊榮的精神科醫師以及作家 Christian Heim 醫師結合熱忱、哲學和科學來定義 7 種不同類型的愛。本集中我們將會探索情侶、母親與子女以及家庭之間的愛,並且討論這些不同的愛將如何隨時間轉變。我們也深入探討了現代社會的科技如何地影響我們的大腦以及這對「愛」​​又將產生麼樣的變化。

Aug 10, 202136:54
Encourage Empathy From Your Child: The Path to a Good Night's Sleep

Encourage Empathy From Your Child: The Path to a Good Night's Sleep

Sleep. Sleep. Sleep.  Every parent struggles with sleep in some way.  This week’s podcast guest struggled to get her son to sleep in his own bed through the night for several years, until finally she came up with an amazing way to get her son to sleep.  In her book, "The Growing Bed", she appeals to her son’s desire to want to be taller, by telling him that he will grow taller by sleeping in his own “growing bed” all night long. Tune into this week's podcast to hear the journey of Rebecca Linney, the Author of "The Growing Bed."

睡眠~睡眠~睡眠~每位父母都時常為睡眠感到困擾。本週的Podcast來賓多年來一直在努力讓她的兒子在自己的床上一覺到天亮,直到她終於想出了一種非常厲害的辦法有效地讓兒子乖乖睡覺。在她的書「The Growing Bed」 中,她了解到兒子想要快快長高的願望,並告訴他只要在自己「成長中的床」乖乖入睡,充足的睡眠可以讓身體快快長高。

Aug 03, 202127:01
Navigating Communication: Empowering Girls Step by Step

Navigating Communication: Empowering Girls Step by Step

According to this week’s podcast guest, surveys and studies show that 70% of girls believe they are not good enough in some way and 98% believe their bodies are not good enough in some way.  In this week’s podcast, our guest Melissa Jones, teacher and girl empowerment coach, shows us what we can do to empower our daughters to go against these statistics. She teaches us surefire methods to connect and communicate with our daughters and develop self-confidence.

根據本週的Podcast來賓,調查和研究顯示有70% 的女孩認為自己在某些方面不夠好,98% 的人認為自己的身體在某些方面不夠完美。 在本週集數中,我們的嘉賓Melissa Jones,教師和女孩賦權教練,向我們說明了我們可以做些什麼來使我們的女兒能夠感到擁有自主、自我掌控的能力並改變這個現狀。 她教我們萬無一失的方法讓我們與女兒溝通,並培養她們的自信。

For more info

FB/IG @kungfumommashow YT @starringsarahchang

Jul 27, 202140:03
How Raise Wise, Goal-Oriented Children

How Raise Wise, Goal-Oriented Children

Oftentimes we get overwhelmed by parenting when our children start to exhibit unwanted behavior, throw tantrums or make questionable decisions.  We often get caught up in that moment, or that event.  How can we make better decisions in those moments of need, how can we find better ways to guide our children, and how can we build a better relationship with our children?  Tune into this week's podcast with child behavioral specialist, parent mentor, and author, Sue Donnellan to find out how!  

有些時候,當我們的孩子開始表現出不友善的行為、鬧脾氣或做出不恰當的決定時,父母們會因此而不知所措。我們經常會陷入這樣的情境或事件當中。身為父母,我們要如何在這個時候做出更好的決定,要如何找到更好的方法來引導我們的孩子,以及與孩子建立良好的關係?收聽本週的Podcast,讓兒童行為專家、父母導師和作者 Sue Donnellan 來為大家解惑!

Jul 20, 202144:44
How to Get Through to Your Child

How to Get Through to Your Child

This week’s podcast with award-winning author, teacher, and parenting coach Deborah Davis was so insightful.  I’m not sure how many times I said, “Most people don’t think about it that way.”  With just some simple changes in the way we perceive parenting and treat our children, we can be on the way to a less stressful parenthood.  Tune into this week’s podcast to learn several surefire methods to get through to your children.

本週的Podcast訪問了獲獎的作家、教師和育兒教練Deborah Davis,有許多非常深刻的見解。我不知道我在本集節目裡說過多少次,“大多數人不這麼認為。”只要我們對育兒的看法和對待孩子的方式進行一些簡單的調整,我們在為人父母的這條道路上壓力就會減輕不少。 收聽本週的Podcast,學習各種與孩子們溝通的方法吧。

Jul 13, 202142:07
Boosting Your Child's Self-Esteem

Boosting Your Child's Self-Esteem

As parents, we spend a lot of time worried about the future paths of our children. We project expectations and hopes for our child to have the best life possible. How do we monitor our child’s self-esteem and what can we do to boost it?

In this week’s podcast, certified life coach, Jenny Toh shares with us her own experiences in parenting and how she was able to use positive experiences to boost her child’s self esteem and help many others do the same.

作為父母,我們花很多時間替孩子擔憂未來的道路。我們時常將期望投射在孩子身上,希望他們將來能有美好的生活。我們如和觀察孩子的自尊?可以做哪些事情來提高他們的自尊? 在本週的Podcast中,人生教練 Jenny Toh 來與我們分享了她自己的育兒經歷,她是如何利用正向的經驗來提升孩子的自尊,並也用相同的技巧幫助了許多其他爸媽們。

Jul 06, 202126:30
Children's Mental Health in the State of Crisis: What You Need to Know

Children's Mental Health in the State of Crisis: What You Need to Know

In this week’s podcast we have an interview with award-winning mental health expert Dr. Roseann.  She shares an eye-opening account on the current state of children’s mental health in the midst of the pandemic, and how parents can use holistic drug-free methods to combat and prevent mental health issues.

在本週的Podcast中,我們採訪了屢獲殊榮的心理健康專家 Roseann 博士。她分享了在疫情流行期間兒童心理健康的現狀以及父母如何不使用藥物的方法來對抗和預防心理健康問題,令我大開眼界。

Jun 29, 202140:52
You Can Be Your Child's Science Teacher

You Can Be Your Child's Science Teacher

Oftentimes, parents get overwhelmed at the thought of teaching their kids about more complicated subjects they learned so many years ago.  How can we teach science or physics to our children at home?  Especially now during a pandemic, it's overwhelming to be given the task to all of a sudden homeschool our children. In this week's episode Dr. Stephanie Ryan a chemist, boy mom, and children's book author takes her Ph.D, background and dispels the anxiety of teaching children science in the home.  Her book "Let's Learn about Chemistry '' helps parents easily and readily teach science anytime, anywhere.  Tune in to learn how!

很多時候,爸媽們一想到要教孩子們自己年輕時學過的科目,就會不知所措。我們如何在家中教孩子們科學或物理?尤其是現在疫情期間,孩子們在家自學,教育的任務一突然跑到爸媽身上,也會令父母感壓力。在本週的Podcast中,化學家、媽媽和兒童讀物作者Stephanie Ryan博士,運用她的知識減輕了在家教兒童科學的焦慮。她的書“讓我們一起學習化學”幫助爸媽們隨時隨地輕鬆地教授科學。不要錯過本集節目喔!

Jun 22, 202118:41
How to Create the Optimal Learning Environment

How to Create the Optimal Learning Environment

In last week’s episode we learned about what exactly is learning, this week’s podcast we learn about how parents can create an optimal learning environment.  Parents are the child’s first teacher, how can we be equipped to teach our children?  Tune in to hear Lara Gillease, a NeuroMovement (Anat Baniel Method) Teacher, share with us some essential tips for parenting.

在上週的節目中,Lara和我們說明了什麼是學習,本週的Podcast我們會討論父母如何創造理想的學習環境。父母是孩子們出生後的第一位老師,我們要做哪些準備才能教育好孩子?收聽本週的Podcast,NeuroMovement(Anat Baniel 方法)的Lara Gillease 老師將會與我們分享一些育兒的必要技巧

Jun 15, 202121:51
Things You Never Learned About Learning

Things You Never Learned About Learning

In this week's episode we have Lara Gillease a practitioner of a brain-based learning method called Anat Baniel Method NeuroMovement.  Parents are often very concerned about whether their child is learning properly.  But what exactly is the measure for learning? How do children learn and how can you tell if your child is progressing?  Tune in to this podcast to learn the basics of learning that you never thought about. 

在本週的節目中,我們邀請到了Lara Gillease, 她是Anat Baniel Method Neuro Movement 實踐者,是一種基於大腦的學習方法。父母們都會非常關心他們的孩子是否有正常學習。但究竟什麼才是學習的衡量標準呢?如何判斷的孩子是否在進步?孩子到底是如何獲取新的知識?收聽這集的Podcast,換位思考,了解從未想過的學習的基礎知識。

Jun 08, 202133:15
My Breastfeeding Success Story: A comprehensive guide for new moms

My Breastfeeding Success Story: A comprehensive guide for new moms

I've always been fascinated by breastfeeding.  I find it so amazing that not only us women can have a baby, but we can also provide for them afterwards.  Totally blows my mind.  That being said, it's definitely not an easy task.  I wanted to share my breastfeeding journey with Sasa, as a quick guide for what you'll need to prepare for breastfeeding before you have the baby and what do with these items after you have the baby to get started breastfeeding.  That being said, this is just my personal opinion and my personal journey, so please do consult a lactation consultant if you have any question or concerns.  Hope this helps! Let me know what you think in the comments! 

我一直都覺得母乳非常神奇。有趣的是女性們不僅可以生寶寶,而且在寶寶出生後還可以提供他們所需要的營養,超厲害的。雖然餵母奶是一件神奇的事,這絕對不容易。我想和大家分享我與Sasa 的母乳旅程,讓新手媽媽們快速入門,讓大家了解生寶寶之前需要為餵母乳做哪些準備以及需要哪些物品,在寶寶出生後又該如何靈活運用這些物品並開始餵母乳。但是這都只是我的個人看法和經歷,所以如果各位有任何問題或疑慮,還是建議諮詢哺乳顧問。希望這可以幫助到大家!請在留言區告訴我你的想法呦!

Jun 01, 202118:09
Desperate Measures: Family of Eight Survives Covid

Desperate Measures: Family of Eight Survives Covid

On this week's podcast we have Filipino film/television producer, mom and grandma Elaine Lozano recount her experiences with Covid-19 when her entire family of eight living under one roof all contracted the virus - including a senior citizen and a toddler. The situation in the Philippines was and still is dire, and there hasn't been enough support from the government. She could only rely on non-scientific treatments to get her family through the sickness. Tune in to hear about what she did help everyone recover, including some radical home remedies that border on terrifying and incredible!

在本週的節目中,我們邀請到菲律賓電影/電視製片人,一位母親以及祖母Elaine Lozano談到了她在罹患了新冠肺炎(Covid-19)的經歷,當時她一家八口都住在一起,也都感染了新冠肺炎-這裡包括一名老年人和一名兒童。菲律賓的疫情到現在還是非常嚴峻,政府一直沒有辦法給予足夠的支持。她只能依靠偏方的療法來使家人度過這次的疫情。 收聽本集的節目來了解她做了哪些事來幫助家人康復,包括一些令人難以置信的激進家庭療法!

May 25, 202154:57
My Postpartum Center Experience

My Postpartum Center Experience

In Taiwan, it's customary for postpartum mothers spend one month in a postpartum center in order to fully recover.  Within that time period the mothers are supposed to eat healthy, stay warm, and mostly lie in bed.  They have 24-hour highly skilled nurses to help care for the newborn baby and the mother in healing.  Aside from being able to get sleep, mothers are able to get a detailed guide on how to take care of their new baby when they get home.  In this week's podcast, I detail all the services, perks, bells and whistle at the postpartum center, including SPA, photoshoots, classes, and 5-star meals.

May 18, 202128:42
My Second C-section Hospital Delivery Experience

My Second C-section Hospital Delivery Experience

Because my first childbirth was a C-section, the second one had to be the same for safety concerns even though the baby's position in the womb was ideal for natural birth. What we expected to be a smooth surgery and childbirth became an unexpectedly complicated situation that made the experience a tough one for us.


May 11, 202129:42
Top 5 Things About Skincare You Don't Want to Hear as a Postpartum Mom

Top 5 Things About Skincare You Don't Want to Hear as a Postpartum Mom

In this week's podcast, our guest Dr. Daniel Sugai, MD, FAAD, Harvard-trained, Board-Certified dermatologist, answers all the burning questions that most postpartum moms ask in regards to dealing with their skin.  You may want to brace yourself - the answers may not be what you want to hear!

在本週的Podcast,我們的來賓,哈佛培訓,經過認證的皮膚科醫生,醫學博士,美國皮膚科醫學會的Daniel Sugai回答了大多數產後媽媽在皮膚方面可能會碰到也迫在眉睫的問題。你可能做好心理準備-答案可能不是你所想聽到的!

May 04, 202127:29
Simple and effective tips for caring for your baby's skin

Simple and effective tips for caring for your baby's skin

In this week's podcast we have Harvard-trained, Board-Certified dermatologist specializing in medical, aesthetic and surgical dermatology, Dr. Daniel Sugai MD, FAAD.  He shares with us essentials tips for caring for your baby's skin.  He lets us know what works, what doesn't, and why.

Apr 27, 202124:45
Parenting is all the business experience you need

Parenting is all the business experience you need

In this week’s episode entrepreneur, founder of CEO Parent and podcast host of the “The Talk” shares his own experience of starting several businesses and advice on how you can become a CEO Parent too!

Apr 20, 202136:32
Montessori Living: A Guide for Montessori at Home

Montessori Living: A Guide for Montessori at Home

In this week's episode we have Monica Liu Uhlmann from Petite Blumen back on the show, while Montessori has often been associated with expensive schooling and equipment, Monica shows use where you can easily and readily instill the practices of Montessori in the comfort of your own home! Tune in to find out how!

Apr 13, 202129:14
Prenatal Vinyasa Yoga: Empowering Women to Take Control

Prenatal Vinyasa Yoga: Empowering Women to Take Control

It's never to late to start doing a bit of prenatal yoga to get ready for your birth.  This week's guest Jennifer More, a certified Vinyasa Yoga and Medical Hypnotherapist shares with us all the benefits of prenatal yoga and how hypnotherapy combined with Vinyasa Yoga can help pregnant woman feel in control and present during their birth.  

為了寶寶出生做準備而進行產前瑜伽永遠不會太遲。本週的來賓Jennifer More是一位獲得認證的Vinyasa瑜伽和醫學催眠治療師,與我們分享產前瑜伽的所有好處,以及催眠療法與Vinyasa瑜伽互相結合可以如何幫助孕婦在分娩過程中感覺自在並能夠掌控自己。

Apr 06, 202137:55
Montessori Living: A Parent-Child Lifestyle

Montessori Living: A Parent-Child Lifestyle

In this week's episode we interview Monica Liu Uhlmann an MBA graduate from London business school and a mother of two little boys 2 and a half years old and 6 months. Inspired by their growth and development she studied the Montessori Infant & Toddler Teacher Course offered by the American Montessori Society and began a Montessori-based community called "Petite Blumen".  She shared with us this week the basic principles of the Montessori philosophy and what parents can do in the their daily life to instill Montessori living at home.

Mar 30, 202126:57
How to Get Your Toddler to Sleep Independently.

How to Get Your Toddler to Sleep Independently.

This week we have Grace Chen, a Certified Pediatric Sleep Specialist at Hanran Sleep, back on the show. As a mother of a 3 year-old toddler, she also has a lot of personal knowledge to share about how to get your toddler healthy sleeping routines.  At around two years of age, toddlers need about 10-12 hours of sleep at night and about 2 hours naptime.  She details several methods such as using boundaries and expectations to teach children to sleep independently.

本週,我們再次邀請到酣然小兒的兒科睡眠專家,Grace Yuan回到功夫媽媽秀,作為一個3歲幼兒的母親,她已經具有許多個人經驗和知識與各位分享如何讓幼兒滿足其睡眠需求的知識。大約兩歲的幼兒在夜間需要大約10-12個小時的睡眠以及2個小時的小睡,她詳細介紹了幾種方法,例如使用規範及期望值教導孩子們獨立入睡。

Mar 23, 202120:24
A Yoga Journey from Conception, Birth to Postpartum

A Yoga Journey from Conception, Birth to Postpartum

Singer/songwriter Rayray Liu is a registered yoga teacher (RYT200) in Ashtanga practice, and she has her own method of Prenatal Yoga. Join us on this information-packed discussion with Rayray and how prenatal yoga immensely benefits preggy and postpartum moms!

歌手/詞曲創作人Rayray Liu是認證的實踐Ashtanga瑜伽老師(RYT200),她有自己的產前瑜伽訓練方法。加入這集訊息滿滿的Podcast ,讓Rayray來告訴各位功夫媽媽們產前瑜伽如何有益幫助孕婦和產後的媽媽!

Mar 16, 202124:32
Bringing Cultural Diversity to Children's Literature in America

Bringing Cultural Diversity to Children's Literature in America

If none is available, make your own. That's exactly what lawyer-turned full-time mom, Eugenia Chu did when she found a lack of children's books in the US that include Chinese culture and language. Turning her son's daily journal into a series of books, Eugenia talks about her passion venture as a children's book author.

如果找不到就自己DIY。由律師轉為專職母親的徐燕萍(Eugenia Chu)在美國發現市面上缺乏含有中國文化和語言的兒童讀物時所作的事情。 徐燕萍將她兒子的每日活動日誌變成一系列書籍並在此集Podcast中談論了她作為兒童讀物作家的心路歷程。

Mar 09, 202124:56
DIY Puppet Show for Toddlers from Zero to Hero

DIY Puppet Show for Toddlers from Zero to Hero

For Kali's birthday, we thought it would be really cool to have a puppet show.  At age 2, Kali was just at the perfect age to be interested in role play, story-telling, and animated characters.  A professional show was ready to go, when some unforeseen circumstances came up.  Vince and I took matters into our own hands and made a DIY puppet show in just four days.  Using the methods we use to keep Kali entertained, we found it was much easier than we expected. Tune in to see how you can get together your own puppet show for your little one.


Mar 02, 202126:02
Amazing Revelations from Same-sex Parents: Part 2

Amazing Revelations from Same-sex Parents: Part 2

You may have been curious about it at one point or another, one of the biggest challenges a same-sex couple is conceiving a baby.  In this tell-all podcast Lauren Grimm and her Skye Grimm share what it takes to conceive a child, the challenges they faced, and ultimately how their child was born.  

你可能一直都對這方面感到好奇,同性伴侶最大挑戰之一就是懷孕生小孩,Lauren Grimm和Skye Grimm在這個集Podcast中分享了生育孩子的需要的條件,他們面臨的挑戰以及他們的孩子是如何出生的。

Feb 23, 202127:10
Amazing Revelations from Same-sex Parents: Part 1

Amazing Revelations from Same-sex Parents: Part 1

Processing requirements for birth certificates and newborn papers could be overwhelming.  If the process for parents with different citizenships and marital status could get pretty complicated, imagine how it would be for same-sex couples.  In this episode, Lauren and Skye Grimm tells us about their journey navigating the legal system as a same-sex parents.

處理出生證明和新生兒的文件可能會讓新手父母備感壓力。 如果針對具有不同國籍和婚姻狀況的父母處理程序可能會變得非常複雜,那如果是同性伴侶情況又會變得如何呢? 在這一集中,Lauren和Skye Grimm 將與我們分享他們作為同性父母在現今法律體系中的經驗。

Feb 16, 202128:13