Conference Proceedings 1996


List of Reviewers
Reviewers of 1996 Proceedings
Keynote Address
Good Use of Technology Changes the Nature of Classroom Mathematics
Susie Groves
Learning Research
David Clarke
The Role of Physical and Cybernetic Phenomena in Building Intimacy with Mathematical Representations
James J. Kaput
Practical Implication Award
Research Paper
Some Teachers' Beliefs and Perceptions of Problem Solving
Judy Anderson
Classroom Instructional Factors Affecting Mathematics Students' Strategic Learning Behaviours
Glenda Anthony
Algebraic Thinking Within A Technology-Rich Learning Environment
Stephen Arnold
Future Directions For Studying The Learning And Teaching Of Algebra: Lessons From The Past
Bill Atweh, Tom J Cooper, & Gillian Boulton-Lewis
The Impact of External Assessment on Teaching Practice: Constraints on Change in the Classroom
Mary Barnes, David Clarke, & Max Stephens,
Number Comparison Skills of Children With Moderate Intellectual Disabilities
Laaya Bashash & Lynne Outhred
Convincing Preservice Teachers about Calculators
Fred Biddulpb
Collective Argumentation in the Primary Mathematics Classroom: Towards a Community of Practice
Raymond A. J. Brown & Peter D. Renshaw
Teachers' Beliefs and Practice: The Chicken or the Egg?
Anne Buzeika
Teaching Primary Maths What's Important? Says Who?
Jean Carroll
Student Understandings in Differential Calculus
Michael Cavanagh
Pre-Service Teachers' Pedagogical And Content Knowledge About Trigonometry And Geometry: An Initial Investigation
Mohan Chinnappan, Rod Nason & Michael Lawson
Expecting the Unexpected: Professional Growth through the Highlights and Challenges of a Problem Solving Classroom
Barbara Clarke
The Concerns and Issues in Primary and Secondary Mathematics Teaching as Reflected in Questions to Mathematics Educators
Doug Clarke
Standardising the Mathematics Curriculum: Some Historical and Comparative Perspectives
M.A. ("Ken") Clements & Nerida F. Ellerton
Using Data Maps to Analyse Students' Strategy Use in Problem Solving: A Visual Technique
Carmel M. Diezmann
When There Isn't Enough Time for an Interview: How to Analyse Open Assessment Tasks
Brian Doig & Jill Cheeseman
Searching for classroom RATs (Rich Assessment Tasks)
Shelley Dole
Collaborative Team Writing of Assessment Tasks as Professional Development
Shelley Dole, Tom J. Cooper, Robert E. Bleicher, StevenNisbet, & Elizabeth Warren
Teaching Statistics: Teacher Knowledge and Confidence
Roger Edwards
Newman Error Analysis: A Comparative Study Involving Year 7 Students in Malaysia and Australia
Nerida F. Ellerton and M. A. ("Ken") Clements
Gender Issues In Tertiary Mathematics Education
Helen J. Forgasz
Using the Internet in mathematics education research
Helen J. Forgasz, Gilah C. Leder, & Julianne Lynch
Perceived Competence in the Transition to Secondary School Mathematics
Sue Fullarton
Testing to a Purpose: Assessing the Mathematical Knowledge of Entering Undergraduates
Peter Galbraith, Michael Pemberton, & Christopher Haines
Evaluating Mathematical Knowledge Elements
Lupe M.T. Gates
Number Plugging or Problem Solving? Using Technology to Support Collaborative Learning
Vince Geiger & Merrilyn Goos
Wheri Does Student Talk Become Collaborative Mathematical Discussion?
Merrilyn Goos, Peter Galbraith and Peter Renshaw
Investigating the Teaching and Learning of Negative Number Concepts and Operations
Bob Hayes
Mathematics Educators: Shaping the Curriculum?
Jo Haynes
The 'Ups' and 'Downs' of Subtraction: Young Children's Additive and Subtractive Mental Strategies for Solutions of Subtraction Word Problems and Algorithmic Exercises
A.M. Heirdsfield and T.J. Cooper
Moments In The Process Of Coming To Know
Sue Helme, David Clarke and Cathy Kessel
"I've never had such a long conversation with him" Video as a Means of Gaining Access to Elementary Children's Engagement With Mathematical Processes.
Joanna Higgins
A methodology for using classroom teachers to gather information about using mathematics from the work place
John Hogan
Change Trajectories in Teacher Professional Growth
Hilary Hollingsworth
Aboriginal Educators' Views Concerning the Learning and Teaching of Mathematics
Peter Howard
Trigonometry: Comparing Ratio and Unit Circle Methods
Margaret Kendal and Kaye Stacey
Children's perceptual judgement of area
Gillian Kidman and Tom J Cooper
Assessing the Major Trends and Directions of Research Into Students' Judgements of Area
Gillian Kidman and Tom J Cooper
First Year Teacher Trainees' Understanding of Geometry
Christine Lawrie
The Relationship of the Concept of Fair to the Construction of Probabilistic Understanding
Sharyn T. Lidster, Jane M. Watson, Kevin F. Collis, & Lionel Pereira-Mendoza
Using Algebra to Solve Problems: Selecting, SymboliSing, and Integrating Information
Mollie MacGregor & Kaye Stacey
An Analysis of Teacher Generated Whole Number Word Problems
Kevin J. Maguire
"Mathematics" and "Maths" - The Same Meaning? Investigating One Young Child's Beliefs
Andrea McDonough
Young Students' Interpretations of Physical Angle Situations
Michael Mitchelmore & Paul White
Odds: Chance Measurement in Three Contexts
Jonathan B. Moritz, Jane M. Watson, & Kevin F. ColIis
Natural communication in mathematics classrooms: What does it look like?
Judy Mousley & Peter Sullivan
Children's Representations and Conceptual Understanding of Number
Joanne MuIligan, Michael Mitchelmore, Lynne Outhred, and Janette Bobis
Creating and Maintaining Knowledge-Building Communities of Practice During Mathematical Investigations
Rod Nason, Clare Brett, & Earl Woodruff
Ethics, Morality, and Mathematics Education
Jude Ocean
Integrating Science and Mathematics Concepts: A Student Teacher Perspective
Lynne Outhred, John Farrell, & Kaye Cotter
Problems with Probability
Robert Peard
Attitudes towards mathematics: What about NESB students?
Catherine Pearn, Christine Brew, Gilah Leder, & Alan Bishop
K-6 Teacher Beliefs About the Learning and Teaching of Mathematics
Bob Perry, Peter Howard, & John Conroy
Focussing on the Self as a Learner of Mathematics and Statistics
Anne Porter
Patterns, Language and Algebra: A Longitudinal Study
Ted Redden
Goal Transformation In Professional Development Programs
Miehael Richards and David Clarke
What Does An Expert Teacher in Instructional Computing Look Like?
Greta Rollo and Janette Bobis
Statistical Concepts of High School Students: Some Findings from Fiji
Sashi Sharma
Evaluating Student Expository Writing in Mathematics
Mal Shield
"This Is Your Life": Initial Study of Mathematical Autobiographies
Beth Southwell, Alan Brady, lan Harrison and Bryant Lavaring
A Framework for Research into Students' Problem Posing in School Mathematics
Elena Stoyanova and Nerida F. Ellerton
Identifying Teacher Education Students' Views of Quality Mathematics Teaching
Peter Sullivan & Judith Mousley
Mathematical Misconceptions Commonly Exhibited by Entering Tertiary Mathematics Students
Philip Swedosh
Critical Moments in a Teacher's Attempts to Introduce Discussion-Based Teaching into· a Secondary Mathematics Programme
Margaret Taplin and Kwok Lai Yin
Computers in the Mathematics Classroom: A Survey
M.O.J. Thomas
The Riemann Integral in Calculus: Students' Processes and Concepts
Mike Thomas & Ye Yoon Hong
Problem Solving in Algebra: The Role of Arithmetic Thinking and Affective Factors
Mike Thomas & Saraswathi Kota
'Oh, the Usual': The Usefulness of Curriculum Genres to Explain Students' Interpretations of Mathematics Lessons
Dianne Tomazos
Teaching Children to Draw Diagrams in Solving Word Problems: An Exploratory Study
Palanisamy K. Veloo
Fairness and Fractions in Early Childhood
Jane M. Watson, K. Jenilifer Campbell, & Kevin F. Collis
A Study of Children's Probability Judgements
Jenni Way
The beginnings of a phenomenology of writing-to-learn
Andrew Waywood
A Phenomenological Approach to Upper Primary Mathematics Teachers And Their Beliefs About Specific Teaching Behaviours
Allan White
Secondary School Students' Understanding Of Inequalities In A Linear Programming Task
Kevin M. White
Short Communication (abstract only)
Poster (abstract only)
Round Table (abstract only)