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5 Myths about Online Learning that You Shouldn't Believe

5 Myths about Online Learning that You Shouldn't Believe

Sat, Feb 20, 21, 17:56, 3 Yaers ago
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Apart from these contrasting opinions, there are also several myths about online learning that keep floating in the air. At times, these myths pull us back from availing the benefits of digital education and create a hazy picture about virtual learning platforms.

Post the pandemic, online learning has become a debatable topic. While some stakeholders have accepted its benefits over traditional mediums, others still prefer physical schools.

Apart from these contrasting opinions, there are also several myths about online learning that keep floating in the air. At times, these myths pull us back from availing the benefits of digital education and create a hazy picture about virtual learning platforms.


1.Online learning lacks quality-

It is a common myth that the quality of online learning is not as good as traditional. But, this is not the case ever. The quality of is nowhere inferior to any traditional institution. Because top institutions such as international online schools acquire accreditation from the authorized accreditation agencies. This means that these platforms are at par any with traditional institution in terms of delivering quality education. Apparently, in this age of digital education, the world’s best educational resources are now available on virtual platforms.

2.Online education is not valued at the job-markets-

Another myth regarding online learning is that you might get rejected in the job market because of your credential earned through a virtual institution. In the current scenario, when the entire world is acknowledging the power of digital education, this idea is nowhere close to reality. Be it a pass-out from an international online school, or a student who chooses distance mode at the post-secondary level, this type of education is accepted at the job market wholeheartedly. In fact, now that it is all the more popular after the pandemic, employers are preferring online degree holders because of their advanced skillsets. So, your advanced digital skills and independent working habits as learner can give you an edge over the traditional peers in the job market.

3. You cannot pursue online education if you have mediocre tech-skills-

Another myth that we often come across is that virtual schooling requires advanced digital skills. The student-centric design of these platforms are user-friendly and easy for all types of students. So, if a student is not excessively tech-savvy he/she can still take up digital schooling. A modern-day platform offers a great learning experience through a simplified and yet effective design. Virtual learning platform is easy and fun for all age groups at all times.

4. Online learning ignores the development of social domains-

Another myth that needs to be clarified! This form of education does offer home-based learning opportunities but does not miss out on a student’s holistic development. Today, the world’s best international homeschooling platforms make use of researched collaborative pedagogies to focus on the social development of students. For example, a synchronous class in a digital platform allows real-time interactions amongst students and teachers. Carefully planned classes create opportunities for meaningful interactions and foster a sense of team-work in students. Such enlightening opportunities not just contribute to a student’s social development but also promotes divergent thinking in them. So, with virtual schooling, a student gets to interact, grow and develop as a vocal individual. 

5. If you choose online learning, you are all on your own

Our last myth is about the isolation aspect of remote learning. Many people believe that virtual schooling means being on your own all the time. This means, you have no instructor support, no friends to speak with and no point of contact in times of need. So, you have to pull off your studies on your own for the entire duration of your program. This notion is probably based on the idea that here teachers do not conduct daily classes with their students.

A virtual learning platform does foster a sense of independence in students, but this does not mean that they are left to be on their own. With virtual schooling a student can get the instructor’s support through classes and other informal interactions through messages, chats, and e-mails. Today, a pioneer international online school also offers options of on-request teacher support to help students at any point in their academic journey. So, a student has all the support and is monitored regularly in these learning platform.


Digital learning is a credible and futuristic educational option. This alternative of traditional education is free from location, time, and schedule restrictions. So, it easily fits in the lifestyle of any student despite any life condition.

Hope this piece of information helped you to see the bigger picture of education beyond the myths!

So, now you can embrace remote learning freely and take your first step to be a global learner!




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Mira Lew

Mira Lew

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