
Can Vitamin D Really Prevent Covid Infections!

After the coronavirus spread all over the world, various false information were spread about it .

There are some false information that is absolutely wrong or false.

But there is some misinformation - which is based on some notion that is somewhat true.

It is very difficult to deal with such false information.

Why Vitamin D?

So far, various methods have been suggested for the treatment of Covid-19.

Hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, vitamin-D - each of these has been studied or is still being researched.

In the process of scientific research, it is a common occurrence that - at first it was thought that such and such drugs could be effective in the treatment of such and such diseases - but after further research, it is not.

But online platforms take a different look.

The results of many preliminary studies or low-quality studies are also shared on the Internet without context. These create confusion and are then used to propagate conspiracy theories.

There are, of course, some reasons to believe that vitamin D can be used effectively for covid treatment or prevention.

Because, vitamin D plays a role in human immunity.

In the UK it is now recommended that everyone use a vitamin-D supplement in the winter. People who are deficient in this vitamin are advised to take it throughout the year.

However, taking high doses of vitamin D can prevent or treat any disease - to date, no research has shown enough credibility.

Of course, this does not mean that it will not change in any future research.

What has the study found?

Numerous studies have shown that there is a link between vitamin D and the consequences of covid infection.

But these are the evidence from the observation. This means: what happened to people with vitamin-D deficiency after being infected with covid, compared to what happened to people with higher levels of vitamin D.

But the other influencers that have worked on patients here have not been controlled. These are therefore not the highest level or 'gold standard' evidence.

To get that, you have to run a much more controlled trial - so that some people are given a medical procedure, others are given a 'dummy'. So that scientists can understand that the results of the treatment that are being found - it is due to the application of that particular method.

However, it is clear from observational surveys that some groups of people are more likely to have vitamin D deficiency and covidosis.

Such as - those older people, those who have become obese, or people of black or South Asian descent whose skin color is relatively black or brown.

It may be that vitamin D deficiency is a factor in this group's high risk of contracting the virus. Or there may be an environmental or health reason behind it.

In Britain's national healthcare system, blacks and people of South Asian descent are required to take vitamin D all year round.

But whether coronavirus infection has anything to do with vitamin D deficiency can only be determined after proper research.

A similar survey is currently underway at Queen Mary University of London.

Some surveys in Spain

A recent survey by the University of Barcelona caught the attention of many.

This suggests that vitamin D supplementation has reduced the need for coronavirus infections in intensive care by 60 percent, and the number of deaths from covid by 60 percent.

The survey is widely shared online.

But the survey has now been withdrawn online "due to concerns about the description of the study". The Lancet magazine is also about to launch an investigation into the study.

But the survey did not receive as much publicity as it did online.

Aurora Baluza, a Spanish emergency services doctor, reviewed the Barcelona survey. "There has been evidence of vitamin D deficiency in Kovid patients who die in intensive care. But attempts to reduce their risk of death with vitamin-D supplementation alone have always failed," he said.

Internet campaigns

Many people online have taken the relationship of immunity with vitamin-D as a medical advice.

In some online forums, many have taken it too far.

Some say that the governments of many countries are referring to the effectiveness of vitamin-D as 'nominal' and are emphasizing vaccines and tracking of infections. According to them, "the reason for this neglect is that the World Health Organization takes money from big pharmaceutical companies."

But the reality is that when cheap and effective treatments like dexamethasone have been proven - governments have embraced it.

Apart from that, selling vitamins itself is a multi-billion dollar business.

What is the harm of playing vitamin D?

People online who are ideologically anti-vaccine - many of them belong to a variety of other groups, such as "natural" medicine, alternative medicine, or herbal medicine.

The issue of vitamin-D matches their beliefs. They want to tell people that "there is no need to get vaccinated, just taking vitamin-D is enough."

Vitamin D is relatively risk-free - so even with fake data, it doesn't seem to be very harmful.

But Van der Linden, a professor of social psychology at Cambridge University, says the danger comes when people assume it's a magical treatment, and it's enough to take vitamin D instead of vaccines, masks or social protection.

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