Cultural entrepreneurship for women from marginalised backgrounds Toolkit for adult educators & migrant support workers With the support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union CREATION Contents Credits CREATION comprises the following: CREATION IADE - Universidade Europeia Local contact person: Dr Ana Margarida Ferreira - Contact email: ana.margarida. - Address: IADE, Avenida D. Carlos I, n.º 4 , 1200-649 Lisbon, Portugal - Phone: +351 21 393 9600 Preface 1 Introduction - How to use the toolkit 2 Pedagogical Framework - Based on EntreComp 4 Museums 5 Learning resource A: Sense and empathise 6 Learning resource B: Map and network 8 Learning resource C: Ideate and prototype 10 Learning resource D: Iterate and develop 12 Art + Design: elearning lab Local contact person: Dr Nicos Souleles - Contact email: Address: Cyprus University of Technology, 30 Arch. Kyprianos Str., 3036, Limassol, Cyprus - Phone: +375 2500 2101 Learning resource E: Implement and evaluate 14 Learning resource F: Grow and learn 16 Design 19 Learning resource A: Sense and empathise 20 European Creative Hubs Network Local contact person: Chryssa Vlachopoulou - Contact email: - Address: European Creative Hubs Network, 84, Pireos st. 10435, Athens, Greece - Phone: +30 210 3425 335 - Learning resource B: Map and network 22 Learning resource C: Ideate and prototype 24 Learning resource D: Iterate and develop 26 Learning resource E: Implement and evaluate 28 Learning resource F: Grow and learn 30 Arts & Crafts 33 Learning resource A: Sense and empathise 34 Learning resource B: Map and network 36 Learning resource C: Ideate and prototype 38 Learning resource D: Iterate and develop 40 Learning resource E: Implement and evaluate 42 Learning resource F: Grow and learn 44 Summary of online resources 46 HUB NICOSIA Local contact person: Dr Stefania Savva Contact email: stephania.hubnicosia@gmail. com - Address: Tagmatarchi Dimitri Pouliou 33, Nicosia 1101, Cyprus - Phone: +357 22 252315, +357 99341214 Matera Hub Local contact person: Germana Girelli - Contact email: - Address: via Luigi Einaudi 73/b, 75100, Matera Italy Phone: +39 0835 389438 FIPL Local contact person: Sarah Keegan - Contact email: - Address: Unit A, Virginia Shopping Centre, Virginia, County Cavan, A82CX44, Ireland - Phone: +353 8736 53670 - JUGEND- & KULTURPROJEKT E.V. Local contact person: Stefan Kiehne Contact email: - Address: Hechtstraße 17, 01097 Dresden, Germany Phone: +49 351 810 4766 How to reference this publication [APA 7]: Souleles, N., Samdanis, M., Savva, S., Ferreira, A.M., & Laghos, A. (2020). Cultural entrepreneurship for women from marginalised backgrounds: Toolkit for adult educators. CREATION. ISBN 978-9925-586-54-7 Version 1.0 Preface Introduction How to use the toolkit CREATION (Cultural and Arts Entrepreneurship in Adult Education) This toolkit provides a collection of embedded-learning and design-based is a European Union-funded project under Erasmus+ that aims to explore learning activities and resources. It is based on a pedagogical framework the theoretical roots, pedagogical approaches and practical training informed by the European Entrepreneurship Competence Framework in cultural entrepreneurship, specifically targeting underrepresented (EntreComp) for entrepreneurship education and developed specifically by the groups, i.e. women from marginalised backgrounds. CREATION addresses Creation team (Page 4). The intention is for educators and migrant workers to adult educators and migrant support workers – those who directly support use this toolkit to teach basic cultural entrepreneurial skills and competences migrant women and refugees. to marginalised adult women. The project aims to foster more opportunities for marginalised women The toolkit is divided into three thematic units: Museums, Design and Arts to engage with entrepreneurship, broaden their professional opportunities, & Crafts. Each unit is independent from the others and entails the completion create better prospects for independent work and promote integration into of a total of six stages to achieve all the learning outcomes. As indicated on their host communities. Page 4, each stage builds on the previous one to progress (clockwise) around the circle. Think of it as scaffolding knowledge, as progressively building more The CREATION transnational consortium comprises IADE - Universidade learning to eventually complete the circle. Europeia (ENSILIS) (Portugal), Hub Nicosia (Cyprus), Art + Design: elearning lab - design for social change (Cyprus), European Creative Hubs Network Each stage is accompanied by a set of activities and a list of resources (ECHN) (Greece), Materahub (Italy), Future In Perspective Ltd. (FIPL) (Ireland) to successfully complete it. Internet access and a computer are a prerequisite and Jugend- & Kulturprojekt e.V. (JKPeV) (Germany). to complete all the stages in all three thematic units. It is estimated that it will take maximum 24-30 days to complete each thematic unit. Lastly, as a trainer you need to remain aware that fostering the essential generic skills in entrepreneurship is only one aspect of the learning process. Your target group of learners faces structural, contextual and educational challenges that are unique to them and will operate in a predominantly male-dominated sector. For example, ethnic minority entrepreneurs are confronted – amongst others – with racism, unawareness of available sources of finance, low adoption of Information and Communication Technologies as well as dealing with language and cultural differences. “Build your business success around something that you love — something that is inherently and endlessly interesting to you.” Martha Stewart, businesswoman, writer, and television personality 2 3 Pedagogical Framework Based on the European Entrepreneurship Competence Framework (EntreComp) Museums Source: CREATION, 2020 1. Sense and Empathise Competencies and goals: • Spotting opportunities • Ethical and sustainable thinking 2. Map and network Competencies and goals: • Creativity • Vision • Evaluating ideas 3. Ideate and prototype Competencies and goals: • Taking initiative • Working with others • Coping with uncertainty, ambiguity and risk 4. Iterate and develop Competencies and goals: • Planning and management • Working with others • Learning through experience 5. Implement and evaluate Competencies and goals: • Motivation and perseverance • Mobilising resources • Financial and economic literacy • Mobilising others 6. Grow and learn Competencies and goals: • Self-awareness and selff-efficacy • Financial and economic literacy • Mobilising others 4 5 Learning resource A: Sense and empathise Competencies and goals: Learning outcomes (LO) 1–4 Activities Learning support material • Spotting opportunities 1. On completion of this task, it is 1. Identify and record in writing a) Access online the document expected that the learner will iden- 4–6 existing innovative entrepre- EntreComp: The Entrepreneurship tify and define innovative entrepre- neurial opportunities in relation to Competence Framework at: neurial opportunities in the context museums in the European market [2016] of museums in the European market. (200–300 words in total). (LO1) • Ethical and sustainable thinking 2. On completion of this task, it is [Estimated completion time Next, scroll down to page 23 of this for this activity: 1–2 days.] document, and read the columns expected that the learner will use M a ne p a tw nd or k nd e a ise s h n Se pat m e 1 Ideate and prototype Grow and learn 3 empathy to detect entrepreneurial 2. Briefly summarise the character- ideas and opportunities in the con- istics and qualities that make each text of museums. existing entrepreneurial opportuni- b) Are there any museums near you ty worthwhile for yourself and oth- – in your region or city/town? Can 3. On completion of this task, it is ers. Explain each of your 4–6 choic- you explore them as a resource for expected that the learner will recog- es, summarising in 50–100 words. this activity? Do they have a social nise the affordances and marketing Include a brief elaboration on the media presence? potential of various social media and ethical and sustainability aspects online platforms in the context of your choices. (LO1, LO2, LO4) c) Explore the available museums of museums. [Estimated completion time at the European Museums Network: for this activity: 2 hours.] expected that the learner will con- 3. Identify and record in writing d) Can you identify on Facebook, sider and critically reflect on the 4–6 examples of how museums Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and ethical and sustainability aspects of use different social media (Face- YouTube museums with an online entrepreneurial practices, ideas and book page, Facebook group, Twitter, social presence? What character- opportunities in the context LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube) to istics and qualities do you identify of museums. promote their activities. Share your from these museums? For example, findings and discuss them with how is Tate Modern using social your peers and/or instructor. (LO3) media: describe the reasons for this activity. 4. On completion of this task, it is 2 6 titled ‘Level 1’ and ‘Level 2’, which [Estimated completion time for 5 I an mp d lem ev e al nt ua te 4 Estimated maximum time to complete the activities: Two and a half days. d an e t ra op Ite evel d 6 this activity: 1–2 hours.] 7 Learning resource B: Map and network Competencies and goals: Learning outcomes (LO) 5–9 Activities Learning support material • Creativity 5. On completion of this task, Develop an initial broad entrepre- a) Prior to completing the activities it is expected that the learner will neurial idea, based on the following of this section, download and read combine ideas and knowledge to activities: the first three chapters of the docu- • Vision create a novel and appropriate • Evaluating ideas entrepreneurial idea. ment titled ‘Developing and evolving 1. Develop a description of 2–3 in museums, innovation workbook’ different entrepreneurial ideas at: 6. On completion of this task, it is (200 words maximum for each expected that the learner will apply idea). These ideas are expected to b) Examples of innovative museums: strategic, divergent and convergent be novel and appropriate. Consider thinking to create novel entrepre- novelty: what can you offer that is neurial ideas for museums. unique? (LO5, LO6) c) Museums and sustainability: [Estimated completion time 7. On completion of this task, for this activity: 1–2 days.] it is expected that the learner will recognise and appraise entrepre- 2. Compare and consider these neurial ideas about museums ideas and select one that provides in the European market. for an as yet unexplored opportunity for the European market. Think M a ne p a tw nd or k nd e a ise s h n Se pat m e 1 2 Ideate and prototype Grow and learn 3 6 8. On completion of this task, it is strategically: why is your idea ap- expected that the learner will visual- propriate and viable? (LO6, LO7) ise and articulate a scenario to guide [Estimated completion time efforts and actions. for this activity: 1–2 hours.] 9. On completion of this task, it is 3. Expand on this idea by articulat- expected that the learner will iden- ing the stages that will guide your tify specific resources and contacts actions towards its completion. relevant to the entrepreneurial idea. Include the potential resources and networks required. Envision the future of this idea: what makes it 5 I an mp l d em ev e al nt ua te 4 Estimated maximum time to complete the activities: Two and a half days. d an e t ra op Ite evel d 8 sustainable? (500 words) (LO8, LO9) [Estimated completion time for this activity: 1–2 days.] 9 Learning resource C: Ideate and prototype Competencies and goals: Learning outcomes (LO) 10–12 Activities Learning support material • Taking initiative 10. On completion of this task, it is Drawing from the previous activities, now develop a specific entrepreneurial idea, based on the following: a) Access online the document • Working with others • Coping with uncertainty, ambiguity and risk expected that the learner will develop a marketing plan for entrepreneurial ideas relating to museums. 11. On completion of this task, it is expected that the learner will engage cooperatively with others to ideate and prototype related activities. 12. On completion of this task, it is ‘EntreComp: The Entrepreneurship Competence Framework’ at: [2016] 1. Identify and describe in 200–400 words two opportunities and two challenges relevant to the external environment in which your entrepreneurial idea will take place. (LO10) [Estimated completion time for this activity: 1 day.] Next, scroll down to page 23 of this document, and read the columns titled ‘Level 3’ and ‘Level 4’. These two columns describe the reasons for this section’s activities. b) Download the template for the expected that the learner will, within the value-creating process, include planned ways of testing ideas and prototypes from the early stages, to estimate uncertainty and reduce risks. M a ne p a tw nd or k nd e a ise s h n Se pat m e 1 2 5 I an mp d lem ev e al nt ua te 4 d an e t ra op Ite evel d Ideate and prototype Grow and learn 3 6 Estimated maximum time to complete the activities: Five days. 10 ‘Business Model Canvas’ from: 2. Use your network and online tools to compare your entrepreneurial idea to similar existing ones. Who is your target audience? In what way are you offering them something unique? What visuals (branding, logos, etc.) do you consider appropriate for this idea? In 200–400 words, articulate your idea considering these two points. (LO10, LO11) [Estimated completion time for this activity: 1–2 days.] Page 1 explains each section of the template. Page 2 is the one the learner has to complete. In particular, after the learner completes activities 1–3 of this section, they are to complete the sections of this template: ‘Customer Segments’, ‘Value Propositions’ and ‘Key Partners’. For the section ‘Value Proposition’ the learner is advised to view 3. Next, seek and record feedback (images, interviews, audio, social media, text, etc) for this idea from your network and target audience. How did they perceive your entrepreneurial idea? How can you further refine this idea to reduce risks and uncertainty? Record this in no less than 150 words. (LO11, LO12) [Estimated completion time for this activity: 1–2 days.] the following: 11 Learning resource D: Iterate and develop Competencies and goals: Learning outcomes (LO) 13–16 Activities Learning support material • Planning and management 13. On completion of this task, it is Continuing on from the previous activities: a) After the completion of activities expected that the learner will define priorities and develop an innovative • Working with others business model and related implementation plan for the sector. • Learning through experience 14. On completion of this task, it is expected that the learner will engage cooperatively with others to iterate and develop entrepreneurial outputs for museums in Europe. 15. On completion of this task, it is expected that the learner will use Information and Communication Technologies to engage with various stakeholders (existing network, target audience, other interested 1–4, return to the ‘Business Model Canvas’ and complete the sections 1. Collaborate with your network and appropriate others to itemise and estimate the various costs and revenue sources associated with your entrepreneurial idea. Present these in a table. (LO13, LO14) [Estimated completion time for this activity: 1–2 days.] ‘Key Activities’, ‘Key Resources’, 2. Collaborate with your stakeholders (face–to–face and/or through Information and Communication Technologies) to seek feedback and further refine and develop your business plan as recorded so far. (LO15, LO16, LO18, LO19) [Estimated completion time for this activity: 1–2 days.] c) For activity 4, explore how ‘Customer Relationships’ and ‘Channels’. b) Also complete the sections ‘Cost Structure’ and ‘Revenue Streams’ of the template. museums are using social media to engage the public: parties) and promote outputs. M a ne p a tw nd or k nd e a ise s h n Se pat m e 1 16. On completion of this task, it is expected that the learner will criti- 2 cally reflect on their outcomes and 3. In 100–200 words, describe how and why your initial business plan has been modified. (LO16) [Estimated completion time for this activity: 1–2 hours.] revise their practices. 5 I an mp l d em ev e al nt ua te 4 d an e t ra op Ite evel d Ideate and prototype Grow and learn 3 6 Estimated maximum time to complete the activities: Four and a half days. 12 4. Start at least one social media account to create an online presence for your entrepreneurial idea (facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc.). Develop content for this account considering your ‘Customer Segments’ and ‘Value Propositions’ as developed in c) Ideate and prototype. [Estimated completion time for this activity: 2–3 hours.] 13 Learning resource E: Implement and evaluate Competencies and goals: • Motivation and perseverance • Mobilising resources • Financial and economic literacy • Mobilising others Learning outcomes (LO) 17–20 Activities Learning support material 17. On completion of this task, it is 1. Investigate and identify at least a) Resources for financial support expected that the learner will iden- two potential sources of financial are likely to be country-specific. tify various funding opportunities support. How can you finance your There are also European-wide oppor- and will select one or two viable ones concept? How can you convince tunities for financing small and me- based on economic evidence and others to invest in your concept? dium enterprises (SMEs). The learner weigh the costs against benefits. (Crowdfunding, personal savings, is encouraged to search for both. The following two links provide informa- bank loan, other funding). Briefly 18. On completion of this task, it is describe in 100–200 words your expected that the learner will effi- financial and/or funding plans. ciently organise and manage diverse (LO17, LO18, LO19, LO22) and available resources, including [Estimated completion time Information and Communication for this activity: 1–2 days.] tion about options and opportunities in the EU: b) The basics of crowdfunding: Technologies. 2. Communicate with an entrepre- M a ne p a tw nd or k nd e a ise s h n Se pat m e 1 19. On completion of this task, neur in the cultural industries to c) Discover the artists and organi- it is expected that the learner will seek feedback and evaluation of sations using Kickstarter to realize demonstrate effective communica- your business plan. This person ambitious projects in visual art tion, negotiation and leadership. could become your mentor. and performance: (LO17, LO19) 20. On completion of this task, it [Estimated completion time is expected that the learner will for this activity: 1–2 days.] d) The Essential Guide to Crowdfunding by Indiegogo: demonstrate resilience under uncer- 2 tainty, ambiguity and pressure. 3. In 200–300 words, identify and list briefly up to two challenges Ideate and prototype Grow and learn 3 6 you were confronted with so far in developing your business plan and how you resolved these challenges. (LO19, LO20) [Estimated completion time 5 I an mp l d em ev e al nt ua te 4 d an e t ra op Ite evel d Estimated maximum time to complete the activities: Four and a half days. 14 for this activity: 1–2 hours.] 15 Learning resource F: Grow and learn Competencies and goals: Learning outcomes (LO) 21–24 Activities Learning support material • Self–awareness and self–efficacy 21. On completion of this task, 1. Compile all that you have devel- a) Sample business plan template. it is expected that the learner will oped so far into one document – the This provides information on how compile all acquired knowledge complete business plan. Include to structure the final business plan: through the sequence of previously the following: Executive Summary, completed activities to embark on Company Description, Products and the task of becoming an autonomous Services Description, Marketing entrepreneur. Plan, Operational Plan and Finan- • Financial and economic literacy • Mobilising others b) Information on how to start a business in Europe: cial Plan. (LO21) 22. On completion of this task, it is [Estimated completion time expected that the learner will articu- for this activity: 1–2 days.] c) Examples of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for arts, entertain- late and evaluate the social, cultural M a ne p a tw nd or k nd e a ise s h n Se pat m e 1 2. Determine how you will measure entrepreneurial activities. the social, cultural and economic impact of your enterprise. What key d) WEGATE is a European Gateway 23. On completion of this task, it is performance indicators will you expected that the learner will identify for Women’s Entrepreneurship. use for the future evaluation of your It includes various resources, and appraise personal strengths and enterprise? List and justify these such as mentorship, guidance and weaknesses, including communica- indicators (100–200 words in total). success stories: tion, negotiation and leadership skills (LO22) that inform professional practice. [Estimated completion time e) Check if there is an Impact Hub 3 Ideate and prototype Grow and learn for this activity: 1–2 hours.] in your country and what services expected that the learner will iden- 3. Reflect on your strengths and setting up a business, networking tify and evaluate future options and weaknesses, and appraise your per- opportunities to grow and expand. sonal strengths and weaknesses, they can offer to assist with 24. On completion of this task, it is 2 6 ment and recreation: and economic impact of his/her and expanding: including communication, negotiation and leadership skills. What steps will you take to address areas for improvement? Discuss these 5 I an mp d lem ev e al nt ua te 4 d an e t ra op Ite evel d Estimated maximum time to complete the activities: Three and a half days. points with your mentor and/or instructor. (LO23, LO24) [Estimated completion time for this activity: 1 day.] 16 17 Design “Passion, creativity, and resilience are the most crucial skills in business. If you’ve got those, you’re ready to embark on the journey…” ― Jo Malone Founder of Jo Malone 18 19 Learning resource A: Sense and empathise Competencies and goals: Learning outcomes (LO) 1–4 Activities • Spotting opportunities 1. On completion of this task, it is 1. Identify and record in writing expected that the learner will iden- 4–6 existing innovative entrepre- tify and define innovative entrepre- neurial opportunities in relation to neurial opportunities in the context museums in the European market of design in the European market. (200–300 words in total). (LO1) • Ethical and sustainable thinking Learning support material a) Access online the document ‘EntreComp: The Entrepreneurship Competence Framework’ at: [2016] Next, scroll down to page 23 of this [Estimated completion time 2. On completion of this task, it is document, and read the columns for this activity: 1–2 days.] titled ‘Level 1’ and ‘Level 2’. These expected that the learner will use 1 5 I an mp l d em ev e al nt ua te 4 d an e t ra op Ite evel d Ideate and prototype Grow and learn 3 ideas and opportunities in the istics and qualities that make each design context. existing entrepreneurial opportu- b) Are there any design outlets nity worthwhile for yourself and (various products or design-related 3. On completion of this task, others. Explain your 4–6 choices, services, etc.) near you – in your it is expected that the learner will summarising each one in 50–100 region or city/town? Can you explore recognise the affordances and mar- words. Briefly elaborate on the them as an inspiration or resource keting potential of various social ethical and sustainability aspects for this activity? Do they have media and online platforms in the of your choices. (LO1, LO2, LO4) a social media presence? design context. [Estimated completion time for this activity. c) Explore what others are designing: 4. On completion of this task, it is 2 6 2. Briefly summarise the character- for this activity: 2 hours.] M a ne p a tw nd or k nd e a ise s h n Se pat m e two columns describe the reasons empathy to detect entrepreneurial expected that the learner will con- 3. Identify and record in writing 4-6 sider and critically reflect on the examples of how designers use dif- ethical and sustainability aspects of ferent social media (Facebook page, entrepreneurial practices, ideas and Facebook group, Twitter, LinkedIn, opportunities in the design context. Instagram, YouTube) to promote d) Can you identify on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and YouTube design outlets with an online social presence? What their activities. Share your findings Estimated maximum time to complete the activities: Two and a half days. 20 characteristics and qualities do you and discuss them with your peers identify from these design outlets? and/or instructor. (LO3) For example, how is AISPI using [Estimated completion time social media: for this activity: 1–2 hours.] 21 Learning resource B: Map and network Competencies and goals: Learning outcomes (LO) 5–9 Activities Learning support material • Creativity 5. On completion of this task, it is Develop an initial broad entrepre- a) Leading women in design: expected that the learner will com- neurial idea, based on the following bine ideas and knowledge to create a activities: • Vision • Evaluating ideas novel and appropriate entrepreneurial idea. 1. Develop a description of 2–3 different entrepreneurial ideas 6. On completion of this task, it is (200 words maximum for each expected that the learner will apply idea). These ideas are expected to strategic, divergent and convergent be novel and appropriate. Consider thinking to create novel entrepre- novelty: what can you offer that is neurial ideas in the context of design. unique? (LO5, LO6) b) Award winning product designs: c) A useful resource to consider sustainability issues: d) Inspirational design concepts: [Estimated completion time 7. On completion of this task, it is ex- for this activity: 1–2 days.] pected that the learner will recognise and appraise entrepreneurial ideas 2. Compare and consider these about design in the European market. ideas and select one that provides for an as yet unexplored opportuni- M a ne p a tw nd or k nd e a ise s h n Se pat m e 1 ty for the European market. Think expected that the learner will visual- strategically: why is your idea ap- ise and articulate a scenario to guide propriate and viable? (LO6, LO7) efforts and actions. [Estimated completion time for this activity: 1–2 hours.] 2 9. On completion of this task, it is Ideate and prototype Grow and learn 3 6 8. On completion of this task, it is expected that the learner will iden- 3. Expand on this idea by articulat- tify specific resources and contacts ing the stages that will guide your relevant to the entrepreneurial idea. actions towards its completion. Include the potential resources and networks required. Envision the future of this idea: what makes it 5 I an mp d lem ev e al nt ua te 4 d an te p a r o Ite evel d Estimated maximum time to complete the activities: Two and a half days. 22 sustainable? (500 words) (LO8, LO9) [Estimated completion time for this activity: 1–2 days.] 23 Learning resource C: Ideate and prototype Competencies and goals: Learning outcomes (LO) 10–12 Activities Learning support material • Taking initiative 10. On completion of this task, it is Drawing from the previous activities, now develop a specific entrepreneurial idea, based on the following: a) Access online the document • Working with others • Coping with uncertainty, ambiguity and risk expected that the learner will develop a marketing plan for entrepreneurial ideas relating to design. 11. On completion of this task, it is expected that the learner will engage cooperatively with others to ideate and prototype design outcomes. 12. On completion of this task, it is 1. Identify and describe in 200–400 words, two opportunities and two challenges relevant to the external environment in which your entrepreneurial idea will take place. (LO10) [Estimated completion time for this activity: 1 day.] expected that the learner will, within the value–creating process, include planned ways of testing ideas and prototypes from the early stages, to estimate uncertainty and reduce risks. M a ne p a tw nd or k nd e a ise s h n Se pat m e 1 2 5 I an mp l d em ev e al nt ua te 4 d an e t ra op Ite evel d Ideate and prototype Grow and learn 3 6 Estimated maximum time to complete the activities: Five days. 2. Use your network and online tools to compare your entrepreneurial idea to similar existing ones. Who is your target audience? In what way are you offering them something unique? What visuals (branding, logos, etc) do you consider appropriate for this idea? In 200–400 words, articulate your idea considering these two points. (LO10, LO11) [Estimated completion time for this activity: 1–2 days.] 3. Next, seek and record feedback (images, interviews, audio, social media, text, etc.) for this idea from your network and target audience. How did they perceive your entrepreneurial idea? How can you further refine this idea to reduce risks and uncertainty? Record this in no less than 150 words. (LO11, LO12) [Estimated completion time ‘EntreComp: The Entrepreneurship Competence Framework’ at: [2016] Next, scroll down to page 23 of this document, and read the columns titled ‘Level 3’ and ‘Level 4’. These two columns describe the reasons for this section’s activities. b) Download the template for ‘Business Model Canvas’ from: Page 1 explains each section of the template. Page 2 is the one the learner has to complete. In particular, after the learner completes activities 1–3 of this section, they are to complete the sections of this template: ‘Customer Segments’, ‘Value Propositions’ and ‘Key Partners’. For the section ‘Value Proposition’, the learner is advised to view the following: for this activity: 1–2 days.] 24 25 Learning resource D: Iterate and develop Competencies and goals: Learning outcomes (LO) 13–16 Activities Learning support material • Planning and management 13. On completion of this task, it is Continuing on from the previous activities: a) After the completion of activities • Working with others • Learning through experience expected that the learner will define priorities and develop an innovative business model and related implementation plan for the sector. 14. On completion of this task, it is expected that the learner will engage cooperatively with others to iterate 1–4, return to the ‘Business Model Canvas’, and complete the sections 1. Collaborate with your network and appropriate others to Itemise and estimate the various costs and revenue sources associated with your entrepreneurial idea. Present these in a table. (LO13, LO14) [Estimated completion time for this activity: 1–2 days.] ‘Key Activities’, ‘Key Resources’, ‘Customer Relationships’ and ‘Channels’. b) Also complete the sections ‘Cost Structure’ and ‘Revenue Streams’ of the template. and develop entrepreneurial outputs for museums in Europe. 15. On completion of this task, it is expected that the learner will use Information and Communication Technologies to engage with various stakeholders (existing network, target audience and other interested parties) and promote outputs. M a ne p a tw nd or k nd e a ise s h n Se pat m e 1 16. On completion of this task, it is expected that the learner will criti- 2 cally reflect on their outcomes and 2. Collaborate with your stakeholders (face-to-face and/or through Information and Communication Technologies) to seek feedback and further refine and develop your business plan as recorded so far. (LO15, LO16, LO18, LO19) [Estimated completion time for this activity: 1–2 days.] c) For activity 4, read how designers are using social media: d) For example, how is AISPI using social media (Instagram, Facebook): 3. In 100–200 words, describe how and why your initial business plan has been modified. (LO16) [Estimated completion time for this activity: 1–2 hours.] revise their practices. 5 I an mp d lem ev e al nt ua te 4 d an e t ra op Ite evel d Ideate and prototype Grow and learn 3 6 Estimated maximum time to complete the activities: Four and a half days. 26 4. Start at least one social media account to create an online presence for your entrepreneurial idea (facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc.). Develop content for this account considering your ‘Customer Segments’ and ‘Value Propositions’ as developed in c) Ideate and prototype. [Estimated completion time for this activity: 2–3 hours.] 27 Learning resource E: Implement and evaluate Competencies and goals: Learning outcomes (LO) 17–20 Activities Learning support material • Motivation and perseverance 17. On completion of this task, it is 1. Investigate and identify at least a) Resources for financial support expected that the learner will iden- two potential sources of financial are likely to be country–specific. tify various funding opportunities, support. How can you finance your There are also European–wide op- select one or two viable ones based concept? How can you convince portunities for financing small and • Financial and economic literacy on economic evidence and weigh others to invest in your concept? medium enterprises (SMEs). The the costs against the benefits. (Crowdfunding, personal savings, learner is encouraged to search bank loan or other funding). Brief- for both. The following two links • Mobilising others 18. On completion of this task, it is ly describe in 100–200 words your expected that the learner will effi- financial and/or funding plans. ciently organise and manage diverse (LO17, LO18, LO19, LO22) and available resources, including [Estimated completion time Information and Communication for this activity: 1–2 days.] • Mobilising resources provide information about options and opportunities in the EU: b) The basics of crowdfunding: Technologies. 2. Communicate with an entrepre- M a ne p a tw nd or k nd e a ise s h n Se pat m e 1 19. On completion of this task, it neur in the cultural industries to c) Discover the artists and organi- is expected that the learner will seek feedback and evaluation of sations using Kickstarter to realise demonstrate effective communica- your business plan. This person ambitious projects in visual art tion, negotiation and leadership. could become your mentor. and performance: (LO17, LO19) 20. On completion of this task, it [Estimated completion time is expected that the learner will for this activity: 1–2 days.] d) The Essential Guide to Crowdfunding by Indiegogo: demonstrate resilience under uncer- 2 tainty, ambiguity and pressure. 3. In 200–300 words, identify and list briefly up to two challenges Ideate and prototype Grow and learn 3 6 you were confronted with so far in developing your business plan and how you resolved these challenges. (LO19, LO20) [Estimated completion time 5 I an mp d lem ev e al nt ua te 4 d an e t ra op Ite evel d Estimated maximum time to complete the activities: Four and a half days. 28 for this activity: 1–2 hours.] 29 Learning resource F: Grow and learn Competencies and goals: Learning outcomes (LO) 21–24 Activities Learning support material • Self–awareness and self–efficacy 21. On completion of this task, 1. Compile all that you have developed so far into one document – the complete business plan. Include the following: Executive Summary, Company Description, Products and Services Description, Marketing Plan, Operational Plan and Financial Plan. (LO21) [Estimated completion time for this activity: 1–2 days.] a) Sample business plan template. • Financial and economic literacy • Mobilising others it is expected that the learner will compile all acquired knowledge through the sequence of previously complete activities to embark on the task of becoming an autonomous entrepreneur. 22. On completion of this task, This provides information on how to structure the final business plan: b) Information on how to start a business in Europe: c) Examples of Key Performance it is expected that the learner will cultural and economic impact 2. Determine how you will measure the social, cultural and economic of her entrepreneurial activities. impact of your enterprise. What articulate and evaluate the social, Indicators (KPIs) for arts, entertainment and recreation: key performance indicators will 23. On completion of this task, it is you use for the future evaluation expected that the learner will identify of your enterprise? List and justify these indicators (100–200 words in total). (LO22) [Estimated completion time for this activity: 1–2 hours.] and appraise personal strengths and weaknesses, including communication, negotiation and leadership skills M a ne p a tw nd or k nd e a ise s h n Se pat m e 1 that inform professional practice. 24. On completion of this task, it is 2 expected that the learner will identify and evaluate future options and 5 I an mp d lem ev e al nt ua te 4 d an e t ra op Ite evel d Ideate and prototype Grow and learn 3 6 opportunities to grow and expand. Estimated maximum time to complete the activities: Three and a half days. 30 d) WEGATE is a European Gateway for Women’s Entrepreneurship. It includes various resources, such as mentorship, guidance and success stories: e) Check if there is an Impact Hub in your country and what services 3. Reflect on your strengths and weaknesses, and appraise your personal strengths and weaknesses, including communication, negotiation and leadership skills. What steps will you take to address areas for improvement? Discuss these points with your mentor and/or instructor. (LO23, LO24) [Estimated completion time for this activity: 1 day.] they can offer to assist with setting up a business, networking and expanding: 31 “I want every little girl who’s been Arts & Crafts told she’s bossy to be told again she has leadership skills.” ― Sheryl Sandberg Chief Operating Officer at Facebook 32 32 Learning resource A: Sense and empathise Competencies and goals: Learning outcomes (LO) 1–4 Activities Learning support material • Spotting opportunities 1. On completion of this task, it is 1. Identify and record in writing a) Access online the document expected that the learner will identify 4–6 existing innovative entrepre- ‘EntreComp: The Entrepreneurship and define innovative entrepreneur- neurial opportunities in relation to ial opportunities in the Arts & Crafts museums in the European market domain in the European market. (200–300 words in total). (LO1) • Ethical and sustainable thinking Competence Framework’ at: [2016] Next, scroll down to page 23 of this [Estimated completion time 2. On completion of this task, it is document, and read the columns for this activity: 1–2 days.] titled ‘Level 1’ and ‘Level 2’. These expected that the learner will use M a ne p a tw nd or k d an e e s ns hi Se pat em 1 I an mp d lem ev e al nt ua te 5 4 nd ea p t a r o Ite evel d Ideate and prototype Grow and learn 3 2. Briefly summarise the character- ideas and opportunities in the Arts istics and qualities that make each & Crafts domain. existing entrepreneurial opportu- b) Are there any arts and crafts nity worthwhile for yourself and outlets/studios in your your region 3. On completion of this task, it is others. Explain your 4–6 choices, or city/town? Can you explore them expected that the learner will recog- summarising each one in 50–100 as an inspiration or resource for this nise the affordances and marketing words. Briefly elaborate on the activity? Do they have a social potential of various social media and ethical and sustainability aspects media presence? online platforms in the context of of your choices. (LO1, LO2, LO4) Arts & Crafts. [Estimated completion time c) Explore what others are creating for this activity: 2 hours.] with arts and crafts: for this activity. 4. On completion of this task, it is 2 6 two columns describe the reasons empathy to detect entrepreneurial expected that the learner will consid- 3. Identify and record in writing 4–6 er and critically reflect on the ethical examples of how museums use dif- and sustainability aspects ferent social media (Facebook page, of entrepreneurial practices, ideas Facebook group, Twitter, LinkedIn, and opportunities in the Arts Instagram, YouTube) to promote & Crafts domain. their activities. Share your findings Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and YouTube arts and crafts outlets/ studios with an online social presence? What characteristics and qualities do you identify from these and discuss them with your peers Estimated maximum time to complete the activities: Two and a half days. 34 d) Can you identify on Facebook, design outlets? For example, how and/or instructor. (LO3) is Maria A. Aristidou using social [Estimated completion time media: for this activity: 1–2 hours.] 35 Learning resource B: Map and network Competencies and goals: Learning outcomes (LO) 5–9 Activities Learning support material • Creativity 5. On completion of this task, it is ex- Develop an initial broad entrepre- a) Leading women in arts and crafts: pected that the learner will combine neurial idea, based on the following ideas and knowledge to create activities: • Vision • Evaluating ideas a novel and appropriate entrepreneurial idea. 1. Develop a description of 2–3 different entrepreneurial ideas b) What others are doing with arts and crafts: 6. On completion of this task, it is (200 words maximum for each expected that the learner will apply idea). These ideas are expected to strategic, divergent and convergent be novel and appropriate. Consider thinking to create novel entrepre- novelty: what can you offer that is neurial ideas in Arts & Crafts. unique? (LO5, LO6) d) Inspirational ceramic concepts: [Estimated completion time 7. On completion of this task, it is ex- c) A useful resource to consider issues of sustainability: for this activity: 1–2 days.] e) Inspirational furniture concepts: pected that the learner will recognise and appraise entrepreneurial ideas 2. Compare and consider these about Arts & Crafts in the European ideas and select one of them that market. provides for a yet unexplored op- portunity for the European market. M a ne p a tw nd or k nd e a ise s h n Se pat m e 1 2 8. On completion of this task, it is Think strategically: why is your expected that the learner will visual- idea appropriate and viable? ise and articulate a scenario to guide (LO6, LO7) efforts and actions. [Estimated completion time for this activity: 1–2 hours.] 9. On completion of this task, it is Grow and learn 3 6 expected that the learner will iden- 3. Expand on this idea by articulat- tify specific resources and contacts ing the stages that will guide your relevant to the entrepreneurial idea. actions towards its completion. Include the potential resources and networks required. Envision the 5 I an mp l d em ev e al nt ua te 4 d an e t ra op Ite evel d Estimated maximum time to complete the activities: Two and a half days. future of this idea: what makes it sustainable? (500 words) (LO8, LO9) [Estimated completion time for this activity: 1–2 days.] 36 37 Learning resource C: Ideate and prototype Competencies and goals: Learning outcomes (LO) 10–12 Activities Learning support material • Taking initiative 10. On completion of this task, it is Drawing from the previous activities, now develop a specific entrepreneurial idea, based on the following: a) Access online the document • Working with others • Coping with uncertainty, ambiguity and risk expected that the learner will develop a marketing plan for entrepreneurial ideas relating to the Arts & Crafts domain. 11. On completion of this task, it is expected that the learner will engage cooperatively with others to ideate and prototype Arts & Crafts outputs. ‘EntreComp: The Entrepreneurship Competence Framework’ at: [2016] 1. Identify and describe in 200–400 words two opportunities and two challenges relevant to the external environment in which your entrepreneurial idea will take place. (LO10) [Estimated completion time for this activity: 1 day.] Next, scroll down to page 23 of this document, and read the columns titled ‘Level 3’ and ‘Level 4’. These two columns describe the reasons for the activities of this section. b) Download the ‘Business Model 12. On completion of this task, it is expected that the learner will, within the value–creating process, include planned ways of testing ideas and prototypes from the early stages, to estimate uncertainty and reduce risks. M a ne p a tw nd or k nd e a ise s h n Se pat em 1 2 5 I an mp l d em ev e al nt ua te 4 nd ea p t a r o Ite evel d Ideate and prototype Grow and learn 3 6 Estimated maximum time to complete the activities: Five days. 2. Use your network and online tools to compare your entrepreneurial idea to similar existing ones. Who is your target audience? In what way are you offering them something unique? What visuals (branding, logos, etc) do you consider appropriate for this idea? In 200–400 words, articulate your idea, considering these two points. (LO10, LO11) [Estimated completion time for this activity: 1–2 days.] Page 1 explains each section of the template. Page 2 is the one the learner has to complete. In particular, after the learner completes activities 1–3 of this section, they are to complete the sections of this template: ‘Customer Segments’, ‘Value Propositions’ and ‘Key Partners’. For the section ‘Value Proposition’, the learner is advised to view the 3. Next, seek and record feedback (images, interviews, audio, social media, text, etc.) for this idea from your network and target audience. How did they perceive your entrepreneurial idea? How can you further refine this idea to reduce risks and uncertainty? Record this in no less than 150 words. (LO11, LO12) [Estimated completion time following: for this activity: 1–2 days.] 38 Canvas’ template from 39 Learning resource D: Iterate and develop Competencies and goals: Learning outcomes (LO) 13–16 Activities Learning support material • Planning and management 13. On completion of this task, it is Continuing on from the previous activities: a) After the completion of activities • Working with others • Learning through experience expected that the learner will define priorities and develop an innovative business model and related implementation plan for the sector. 14. On completion of this task, it is expected that the learner will engage cooperatively with others to iterate 1–4, return to the ‘Business Model Canvas’, and complete the sections 1. Collaborate with your network and appropriate others to itemise and estimate the various costs and revenue sources associated with your entrepreneurial idea. Present these in a table. (LO13, LO14) [Estimated completion time for this activity: 1–2 days.] ‘Key Activities’, ‘Key Resources’, ‘Customer Relationships’ and ‘Channels’. b) Also complete the sections ‘Cost Structure’ and ‘Revenue Streams’ of the template. and develop Arts & Crafts outputs in Europe. 15. On completion of this task, it is expected that the learner will use Information and Communication Technologies to engage with various stakeholders (existing network, target audience, other interested parties) and promote outputs. M a ne p a tw nd or k nd e a ise s h n Se pat em 1 16. On completion of this task, it is expected that the learner will criti- 2 cally reflect on their outcomes and 2. Collaborate with your stakeholders (face-to-face and/or through Information and Communication Technologies) to seek feedback and further refine and develop your business plan as recorded so far. (LO15, LO16, LO18, LO19) [Estimated completion time for this activity: 1–2 days.] c) For activity 4, useful information how to use social media for arts and crafts: d) Four Artists Share Tips for Using Instagram to Grow Your Art Practice: 3. In 100–200 words, describe how and why your initial business plan has been modified. (LO16) [Estimated completion time for this activity: 1–2 hours.] revise their practices. 5 I an mp l d em ev e al nt ua te 4 nd ea p t a r o Ite evel d Ideate and prototype Grow and learn 3 6 Estimated maximum time to complete the activities: Four and a half days. 40 4. Start at least one social media account to create an online presence for your entrepreneurial idea (facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc.). Develop content for this account considering your ‘Customer Segments’ and ‘Value Propositions’ as developed in c) Ideate and prototype. [Estimated completion time for this activity: 2–3 hours.] 41 Learning resource Ε: Implement and evaluate Competencies and goals: Learning outcomes (LO) 17–20 Activities Learning support material • Motivation and perseverance 17. On completion of this task, it is 1. Investigate and identify at least a) Resources for financial support expected that the learner will iden- two potential sources of financial are likely to be country–specific. tify various funding opportunities support. How can you finance your There are also European-wide oppor- and will select one or two viable ones concept? How can you convince • Financial and economic literacy based on economic evidence and others to invest in your concept? weigh the costs against the benefits. (Crowdfunding, personal savings, • Mobilising others 18. On completion of this task, describe in 100–200 words what it is expected that the learner will your financial and/or funding plans efficiently organise and manage are. (LO17, LO18, LO19, LO22) diverse and available resources [Estimated completion time including Information and for this activity: 1–2 days.] • Mobilising resources bank loan or other funding). Briefly tunities for financing small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The learner is encouraged to search for both. The following two links provide information about options and opportunities in the EU: b) The basics of crowdfunding: Communication Technologies. 2. Communicate with an entrepre- M a ne p a tw nd or k nd e a ise s h n Se pat em 1 19. On completion of this task, neur in the cultural industries to c) Discover the artists and organi- it is expected that the learner will seek feedback and evaluation of sations using Kickstarter to realize demonstrate effective communica- your business plan. This person ambitious projects in visual art tion, negotiation and leadership. could become your mentor. and performance: (LO17, LO19) 20. On completion of this task, [Estimated completion time it is expected that the learner will for this activity: 1–2 days.] demonstrate resilience under uncer- 2 tainty, ambiguity and pressure. 3. In 200–300 words, identify and d) The Essential Guide to Crowdfunding by Indiegogo: list briefly up to two challenges Ideate and prototype Grow and learn 3 6 you were confronted with so far in developing your business plan and how you resolved these challenges. (LO19, LO20) [Estimated completion time 5 I an mp l d em ev e al nt ua te 4 nd ea p t a r o Ite evel d Estimated maximum time to complete the activities: Four and a half days. 42 for this activity: 1–2 hours.] 43 Learning resource F: Grow and learn Competencies and goals: Learning outcomes (LO) 21–24 Activities Learning support material • Self–awareness and self–efficacy 21. On completion of this task, it is 1. Compile all that you have devel- a) Sample business plan template. expected that the learner will com- oped so far into one document, the This provides information on how pile all acquired knowledge through complete business plan. Include to structure the final business plan: the sequence of previously complet- the following: Executive Summary, ed activities to embark on the task Company Description, Products and of becoming an autonomous entre- Services Description, Marketing preneur. Plan, Operational Plan and Finan- • Financial and economic literacy • Mobilising others cial Plan. (LO21) 22. On completion of this task, it is [Estimated completion time expected that the learner will articu- for this activity: 1–2 days.] late and evaluate the social, cultural M a ne p a tw nd or k nd e a ise s h n Se pat em 1 2. Determine how you will measure entrepreneurial activities. the social, cultural and economic a business in Europe: c) Examples of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for arts, impact of your enterprise. What d) WEGATE is a European Gateway 23. On completion of this task, it is key performance indicators will for Women’s Entrepreneurship. expected that the learner will identify you use for the future evaluation It includes various resources, and appraise personal strengths and of your enterprise? List and justify such as mentorship, guidance and weaknesses, including communica- these indicators (100–200 words success stories: tion, negotiation and leadership skills in total). (LO22) that inform professional practice. [Estimated completion time 24. On completion of this task, it is Ideate and prototype Grow and learn 3 6 b) Information on how to start entertainment and recreation: and economic impact of his/her for this activity: 1–2 hours.] 2 expected that the learner will iden- 3. Reflect on your strengths and tify and evaluate future options and weaknesses and appraise your opportunities to grow and expand. personal strengths and weak- e) Check if there is an Impact Hub in your country and what services they can offer to assist with setting up a business, networking and expanding: nesses, including communication, negotiation and leadership skills. What steps will you take to address areas for improvement? Discuss 5 I an mp l d em ev e al nt ua te 4 Estimated maximum time to complete the activities: Three and a half days. nd ea p t a r o Ite evel d these points with your mentor and/ or instructor. (LO23, LO24) [Estimated completion time for this activity: 1 day.] 44 45 Summary of online resources Museums European Gateway for Women’s Entrepreneurship: EntreComp: The Entrepreneurship Competence Framework [2016]: Impact Hub in your country: Artists and organisations using Kickstarter to realise ambitious projects in visual arts and performance: The Essential Guide to Crowdfunding by Indiegogo: Museums at the European Museums Network: Design Tate Modern: EntreComp: The Entrepreneurship Competence Framework [2016]: Developing and evolving in museums, innovation workbook’ at: Explore what others are designing: Examples of innovative museums: Museums and sustainability: How is AISPI using social media: Template for the ‘Business Model Canvas’ from: Leading women in design: Value Proposition: Award winning product designs: Museums and social media: A useful resource to consider sustainability issues: Inspirational design concepts: Sample business plan template: Information on how to start a business in Europe: Examples of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for arts, entertainment and recreation: European Gateway for Women’s Entrepreneurship: Impact Hub in your country: Business Model Canvas template: Value Proposition: How to use social media for arts and crafts: Four Artists Share Tips for Using Instagram to Grow Your Art Practice: Information about options and opportunities in the EU: The basics of crowdfunding: Artists and organisations using Kickstarter: The Essential Guide to Crowdfunding by Indiegogo: Arts & Crafts EntreComp: The Entrepreneurship Competence Framework [2016]: Sample business plan template: Explore what others are creating with arts and crafts: Information on how to start a business in Europe: How is Maria A. Aristidou using social media: Examples of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for arts, entertainment and recreation: Kickstarter: How designers are using social media: Leading women in arts and crafts: What others are doing with arts and crafts: European Gateway for Women’s Entrepreneurship: The Essential Guide to Crowdfunding by Indiegogo: How is AISPI using social media (Instagram, Facebook): Issues of sustainability: Impact Hub in your country: Sample template for a business plan. How Information about options and opportunities in the EU: Inspirational ceramic concepts: Examples of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for arts, entertainment and recreation: Inspirational furniture concepts: Information about options and opportunities in the EU: Template for Business Model Canvas from: Value Proposition: The basics of crowdfunding: The basics of crowdfunding: ISBN 978-9925-586-54-7 46 47 CREATION ISBN 978-9925-586-54-7