Chris Burns, a 57-year-old farmer living near Fresno City with his wife and 2 daughters, created his own freshwater system after droughts and water shortages forced him to leave hundreds of acres of farm land unplanted.

He set out to create a fresh water generator that was cheap, easy to sustain and could be used by any family around the world to make safe, clean, and cool drinking water out of thin air - meaning no dependency on unreliable water companies.

  • Imagine a heatwave coming over us, drying up most of the water.
  • ​Imagine not having a supply of fresh, high-quality clean water to drink during a time like this.
  • Imagine finally having the support, coaching, and accessories, and blueprint you need to create a simple portable water generator to prepare for times like this.
  • ​Are you looking for an unexpected solution that can be started today?
  • ​​This innovative system was invented by a brilliant professor who extracts water from the air.
  • ​Do you want to be unprepared when disaster strikes?
  • And, ​It can ameliorate your utility bills all year long


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