PlumePack Beta 2.0
We are about to finish a Beta version for a new Autokroma Product for Premiere Pro called "PlumePack".

This new product aims to be an improvement of the "Project Manager" Premiere Pro feature, without bugs and with more features.

Trimming files losslessly is the first feature we are focused on and will be part of the first Beta ! It means that you will keep the same codec and quality on you media files without re-encoding.

Do you have trouble using Premiere Pro's Project Manager Consolidate feature? Are you working with BRAW, R3D or ProRes files? Do you want to save disk space on your project while keeping the same codec and all its benefits without changing your PrPro project?

This new tool is for you! It will save disk space by trimming your medias without altering their quality and metadata. It will only keep the useful part of your medias, and you can control the amount of extra frames let for adjustments.

It should be a really handy feature if you want to transfer your project on the internet, or store and archive it!

Note : Files which could not be trimmed losslessly will be just copied. We will implement some interesting feature to keep your final Trimmed Project organized.

Please enter your email to get updates with install files for the PlumePack Beta! After filling this form, you should get a mail soon with download link to the Beta.

Our best Beta testers will receive a free license when the plugin will be released!

Note : the following form is not mandatory and is just useful for us to know more about your needs! But we need your mail address to send you the Beta installer.

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Any suggestion ?
What codecs would you want to trim ?
Did you ever suffered from a Premiere Pro Project Manager bug ? Please tell us !
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