Plants Can Be Classified by Their Photoperiodic Responses

Numerous plant species flower during the long days of summer, and for many years plant physiologists believed that the correlation between long days and flowering was a consequence of the accumulation of photosynthetic products synthesized during long days.

This hypothesis was shown to be incorrect by the work of Wightman Garner and Henry Allard, conducted in the 1920s at the U.S. Department of Agriculture laboratories in Beltsville, Maryland. They found that a mutant variety of tobacco, Maryland Mammoth, grew profusely to about 5 m in height but failed to flower in the prevailing conditions of summer (Figure 24.17). However, the plants flowered in the greenhouse during the winter under natural light conditions.

These results ultimately led Garner and Allard to test the effect of artificially providing short days by covering plants grown during the long days of summer with a light-tight tent from late in the afternoon until the following morning. These artificial short days also caused the plants to flower. This requirement for short days was difficult to reconcile with the idea that longer periods of radiation and the resulting increase in photosynthesis promote flowering in general. Garner and Allard concluded that the length of the day was the determining factor in flowering and were able to confirm this hypothesis in many different species and conditions. This work laid the foundations for the extensive subsequent research on photoperiodic responses.

The classification of plants according to their photoperi-odic responses is usually based on flowering, even though many other aspects of plants' development may also be affected by day length. The two main photoperiodic response categories are short-day plants and long-day plants: 1. Short-day plants (SDPs) flower only in short days (qualitative SDPs), or their flowering is accelerated by short days (quantitative SDPs).

Different Types Tobacco Plants
FIGURE 24.17 Maryland Mammoth mutant of tobacco (right) compared to wild-type tobacco (left). Both plants were grown during summer in the greenhouse. (University of Wisconsin graduate students used for scale.) (Photo courtesy of R. Amasino.)

2. Long-day plants (LDPs) flower only in long days (qualitative LDPs), or their flowering is accelerated by long days (quantitative LDPs).

The essential distinction between long-day and short-day plants is that flowering in LDPs is promoted only when the day length exceeds a certain duration, called the critical day length, in every 24-hour cycle, whereas promotion of flowering in SDPs requires a day length that is less than the critical day length. The absolute value of the critical day length varies widely among species, and only when flowering is examined for a range of day lengths can the correct photoperiodic classification be established (Figure 24.18).

Long-day plants can effectively measure the lengthening days of spring or early summer and delay flowering until the critical day length is reached. Many varieties of wheat (Triticum aestivum) behave in this way. SDPs often flower in fall, when the days shorten below the critical day length, as in many varieties of Chrysanthemum morifolium. However, day length alone is an ambiguous signal because it cannot distinguish between spring and fall.

Plants exhibit several adaptations for avoiding the ambiguity of day length signal. One is the coupling of a temperature requirement to a photoperiodic response. Certain plant species, such as winter wheat, do not respond to pho-toperiod until after a cold period (vernalization or overwintering) has occurred. (We will discuss vernalization a little later in the chapter.)

Other plants avoid seasonal ambiguity by distinguishing between shortening and lengthening days. Such "dual-day length plants" fall into two categories:

1. Long-short-day plants (LSDPs) flower only after a sequence of long days followed by short days. LSDPs, such as Bryophyllum, Kalanchoe, and Cestrum noctur-num (night-blooming jasmine), flower in the late summer and fall, when the days are shortening.

2. Short-long-day plants (SLDPs) flower only after a sequence of short days followed by long days. SLDPs, such as Trifolium repens (white clover), Campanula medium (Canterbury bells), and Echeveria harmsii (echeveria), flower in the early spring in response to lengthening days.

Finally, species that flower under any photoperiodic condition are referred to as day-neutral plants. Day-neutral plants (DNPs) are insensitive to day length. Flowering in DNPs is typically under autonomous regulation—that is, internal developmental control. Some day-neutral species,

Day length Night length

Day Neutral Plants Examples

FIGURE 24.18 The photoperi-odic response in long- and short-day plants. The critical duration varies between species: In this example, both the SDPs and the LDPs would flower in photoperiods between 12 and 14 h long.

6 18

8 16

10 14

12 12

14 10

16 8

20 4

6 18

8 16

10 14

12 12

14 10

16 8

20 4

FIGURE 24.18 The photoperi-odic response in long- and short-day plants. The critical duration varies between species: In this example, both the SDPs and the LDPs would flower in photoperiods between 12 and 14 h long.

24 h


Critical ^duration of darkness

-Flash of light Darkness

24 h

Flowers Stimulus

Short-day plants

Short-day (long-night) plants flower when night length exceeds a critical dark period. Interruption of the dark period by a brief light treatment (a night break) prevents flowering.

Short-day plants

Short-day (long-night) plants flower when night length exceeds a critical dark period. Interruption of the dark period by a brief light treatment (a night break) prevents flowering.

Lighting treatment Light Darkness

Flowering response SDP LDP



Vegetative Vegetative Vegetative Vegetative







24 h such as Phaseolus vulgaris (kidney bean) evolved near the equator where the daylength is constant throughout the year. Many desert annuals, such as Castilleja chromosa (desert paintbrush) and Abronia villosa (desert sand verbena), evolved to germinate, grow, and flower quickly whenever sufficient water is available. These are also DNPs.

Critical ^duration of darkness

-Flash of light Darkness

24 h

Plant Photoperiodic Response

Long-day plants

Long-day (short-night) plants flower if the night length is shorter than a critical period. In some long-day plants, shortening the night with a night break induces flowering.

Long-day plants

Long-day (short-night) plants flower if the night length is shorter than a critical period. In some long-day plants, shortening the night with a night break induces flowering.

FIGURE 24.19 The photoperiodic regulation of flowering. (A) Effects on SDPs and LDPs. (B) Effects of the duration of the dark period on flowering. Treating short- and long-day plants with different photoperiods clearly shows that the critical variable is the length of the dark period.

Continue reading here: Phytochrome Is the Primary Photoreceptor in Photoperiodism

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Readers' Questions

  • victor
    When do shortday plants flower what about longday plants?
    7 months ago
  • Short-day plants typically flower when the days are shorter than a critical length. This usually occurs in late summer, fall, or winter when the days become shorter than the critical length specific to that plant. On the other hand, long-day plants typically flower when the days are longer than a critical length. This usually happens in late spring or summer when the days become longer than the critical length specific to that plant. It's important to note that these critical lengths can vary depending on the plant species.
    • jessica eichel
      What are plants that initiate flowering as the nights extend longer than 12 hours?
      8 months ago
    • Plants that initiate flowering as the nights extend longer than 12 hours are called long-day plants. These plants require a longer duration of darkness, usually shorter days and longer nights, in order to trigger the flowering process. Some examples of long-day plants include:
      1. Spinach (Spinacia oleracea)
      2. Lettuce (Lactuca sativa)
      3. Barley (Hordeum vulgare)
      4. Oats (Avena sativa)
      5. Sugar beets (Beta vulgaris)
      6. Radishes (Raphanus sativus)
      7. Sunflowers (Helianthus annuus)
      8. Carnations (Dianthus caryophyllus)
      9. Chrysanthemums (Chrysanthemum spp.)
      10. Rice (Oryza sativa)
      11. These plants usually bloom and reproduce during the summer months when the days are longer and nights are shorter.
      • barbara
        What happens when long day plants receive flashes of light?
        1 year ago
      • When long day plants receive flashes of light, they respond by continuing to flower or by becoming mature and releasing their reproductive organs. The flashes of light are perceived as cues that summer is coming and they should begin their flowering process.
        • candace stephens
          What happens when short day plants receive flashes of light?
          1 year ago
        • Short day plants (such as poinsettias and chrysanthemums) will typically flower in response to flashes of light in the evening. However, the number of flashes required to induce flowering can vary between species and other environmental factors. Generally, a series of flashes of light late in the evening will trigger the plant to flower, as the plant interprets this as the coming of night and the shortening of days.
          • zufan
            What are the classification based on length period?
            1 year ago
          • The classification based on length period typically includes short-term, mid-term, and long-term. Short-term periods typically range from a few minutes to a few hours or days. Mid-term periods typically range from a few weeks to a few months. Long-term periods typically range from a few months to several years.
            • elisabeth
              How many Group of plants are there on the basis of photoperiod?
              1 year ago
            • There are two groups of plants on the basis of photoperiod: short-day plants and long-day plants.
              • steffen
                How are plants categorized based on their photoperiodic response?
                1 year ago
              • Plants are categorized into three groups based on their photoperiodic response: short day plants, long day plants, and day-neutral plants. Short day plants flower when they are exposed to fewer hours of light, while long day plants flower when they are exposed to more hours of light. Day-neutral plants flower regardless of the amount of light they are exposed to.
                • Rasmus
                  How can plants be categorized?
                  1 year ago
                • Plants can be categorized by height, growth habit, leaf shapes, flowering characteristics, habitat, adaptive structures, and toxic qualities.
                  • Aleksi
                    Can short day plants tell if days are lengthening or shortening?
                    1 year ago
                  • No, plants cannot tell if days are lengthening or shortening. Plants respond to light cues such as the length of day and sun intensity and the timing of the seasons, but they cannot measure how much the days are changing throughout the year.
                    • Carita
                      How can plant classified to their photoperiodism according to their photoperiodism based flowering?
                      1 year ago
                    • Plants can be classified according to their photoperiodism-based flowering into three categories:
                      1. Long-Day (or LD) Plants: These plants flower only when they are exposed to a relatively long period of light, usually 14 to 16 hours a day.
                      2. Short-Day (or SD) Plants: These plants flower only when they are exposed to a relatively short period of light, usually 10 to 12 hours a day.
                      3. Day-Neutral (or DN) Plants: These plants are not affected by the length of the day, and flower regardless of the light/dark cycle.
                      • J
                        How plants are classified based on photoperiods?
                        1 year ago
                      • Plants are classified according to the length of their exposure to light. Plants that require short daylight hours are classified as short-day plants. Those that require long exposure to daylight are classified as long-day plants. Those that are indifferent to the length of daylight exposure are classified as day-neutral plants.
                        • eligio
                          What is dual day length plant?
                          1 year ago
                        • Dual day length plants are plants that respond differently to day lengths of varying lengths. They flower, form buds, or enter a period of dormancy based on the amount of sunlight they receive. These plants are useful in helping to extend the growing season of many plants, and they are often grown in greenhouses to increase fruit and vegetable yields.
                          • ERIC
                            What is the difference between the dual day plants and photoperiodic plants?
                            1 year ago
                          • Dual day plants are plants that require both 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness each day in order to complete their life cycle. Photoperiodic plants are plants that respond to the length of the day, or the photoperiod, to trigger certain life cycle stages. Photoperiodic plants are more sensitive to the amount of daylight they experience, while dual day plants have the same light requirement each day.
                            • alfonso cocci
                              What are the photo periods in plants and there examples?
                              1 year ago
                            • Photo period is the length of time during which a plant is exposed to light during its daily cycle. Different plant species require different amounts and types of light, and the photo period can affect their growth, development, and flowering. Common examples of plants and their photo periods include:
                              1. Tomatoes – 12-14 hours
                              2. Basil – 12-14 hours
                              3. Roses – 10-14 hours
                              4. Orchids – 10-12 hours
                              5. Azaleas – 7-8 hours
                              6. African violets – 12-14 hours
                              7. Chrysanthemums – 13-15 hours
                              8. Impatiens – 8-10 hours
                              9. Carnations – 10-14 hours
                              10. Geraniums – 8-10 hours
                              • uwe eichelberger
                                What determines the plant photoperiodic information?
                                1 year ago
                              • The plant photoperiodic information is determined by the environmental light and temperature. Specifically, the amount of daylight, the duration of darkness, and light intensity all play a role in how a plant responds to photoperiods (the length of day and night). Additionally, temperature can influence the photoperiodic activity of a plant by either increasing or decreasing the strength of the response.
                                • lisa
                                  How are.the plant classified on the basis of photoperiodic responses?
                                  1 year ago
                                • Plants can be classified on the basis of photoperiodic responses into three different categories: short-day plants, long-day plants and day-neutral plants. Short-day plants will flower when days are shorter than a certain length of time and longer nights, while long-day plants will flower when days are longer than a certain length of time and shorter nights. Day-neutral plants are those that are not affected by day length and will flower regardless of the amount of light they receive.
                                  • selina
                                    How many categories of plants according to photoperiodism?
                                    1 year ago
                                  • There are three categories of plants according to photoperiodism: short-day plants, long-day plants, and day-neutral plants.
                                    • ornella barese
                                      What are the groups of plant according to photoperiodicity?
                                      1 year ago
                                      1. Long-Day Plants (LDPs): Plants that flower when exposed to long days or short nights.
                                      2. Short-Day Plants (SDPs): Plants that flower when exposed to short days or long nights.
                                      3. Neutral Day Plants (NDPs): Plants that are indifferent to light duration and will flower regardless of day length.
                                      • nelma
                                        How can crops classified on basis of photoperiod?
                                        1 year ago
                                      • Crops can be classified on the basis of photoperiod into three categories: long-day crops, short-day crops, and day-neutral crops. Long-day crops require long exposure to light to flower and are planted in spring and summer. Examples of long day crops include spinach, wheat, oats, potatoes and soybeans. Short-day crops require short exposure to light to flower and are planted in fall and winter. Examples of short-day crops include rice, cotton, poinsettias, and sweet potatoes. Day-neutral crops are not affected by day length, and can be planted any time of the year. Examples of day-neutral crops are lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, and strawberries.
                                        • lucilla ferrari
                                          What are the photoperiod for different crops?
                                          1 year ago
                                        • The photoperiod, or the length of time that a plant is exposed to light each day, varies depending on the crop. For example, some crops require shorter photoperiods of 12-14 hours, while others may need as much as 18-20 hours. Grains: 14-16 hours Legumes: 14-18 hours Vegetables: 14-16 hours Fruits: 14-18 hours Fibers: 16-20 hours Flowers: 12-14 hours
                                          • robur
                                            What type of plant is jasmine on the basis of photoperiodism?
                                            1 year ago
                                          • Jasmine is a long-day plant, meaning it has a positive photoperiodism response and flowers when days are long.
                                            • bowman
                                              Is wheat short day plant?
                                              1 year ago
                                            • No, wheat is a long day plant. Short day plants are plants that only flower when exposed to a certain number of hours of darkness, usually 8–10 hours. Long day plants, on the other hand, flower only when exposed to more than 12 hours of light.
                                              • jose acree
                                                How are the plants classified based on their day length requirment to flower?
                                                1 year ago
                                              • Plants can be classified based on their day length requirements to flower into three broad categories:
                                                1. Long-day plants: These plants require more than 12 hours of daylight each day to flower and typically flower during the summer months.
                                                2. Short-day plants: These plants require less than 12 hours of daylight each day to flower and typically flower during the fall and winter months.
                                                3. Day-neutral plants: These plants are not affected by the length of the day or night and can flower any time of year.
                                                • ines
                                                  What is CDL Classify the plants according to their photoperiod?
                                                  1 year ago
                                                • CDL stands for Commercial Driver's License. Classifying plants according to their photoperiod involves categorizing the plants into long-day plants, short-day plants, and day-neutral plants. Long-day plants require a long period of light each day, short-day plants require a shorter period of light each day, and day-neutral plants are not affected by the amount of light they receive.
                                                  • Sanni
                                                    Which plant recieve photoperiodic stimulus?
                                                    1 year ago
                                                  • Plants that receive photoperiodic stimulus include flowering plants, such as poppies, lilies, tomatoes, and roses. Non-flowering plants such as wheat, barley, and oats also respond to the length of day and night.
                                                    • azzeza
                                                      What is photoperiodism and its types?
                                                      1 year ago
                                                    • Photoperiodism is the physiological reaction of organisms to the length of day or night. It is a form of plant and animal behavior influenced by the daily cycle of light and darkness. There are two types of photoperiodism: long-day plants and short-day plants. Long-day plants flower when the night length is shorter than a certain critical length and the day length is longer than a certain critical length. Short-day plants flower when the day length is shorter than a certain critical length and the night length is longer than a certain critical length.
                                                      • charlene
                                                        How are the plants classified based on their day length requirement to flower?
                                                        1 year ago
                                                      • Plants are classified based on their day length requirement to flower into three categories:
                                                        1. Short Day (or "Photoperiodic") Plants: These plants flower when exposed to shorter day lengths and require 12 hours of darkness or less to induce flowering.
                                                        2. Long Day (or "Thermoperiodic") Plants: These plants flower when exposed to longer day lengths and require more than 12 hours of darkness to induce flowering.
                                                        3. Day Neutral Plants: These plants flower regardless of day length and don't require any specific amount of darkness or lightness to induce flowering.
                                                        • OMERO
                                                          What are the three photo periods in which crops are grouped into with two examples each?
                                                          1 year ago
                                                          1. Cool-Season Crops: Examples include lettuce and broccoli.
                                                          2. Warm-Season Crops: Examples include tomatoes and peppers.
                                                          3. Perennial Crops: Examples include fruit trees and asparagus.
                                                          • AMANDA
                                                            What are the 3 photo period that plant are group into and give examples for each.....?
                                                            1 year ago
                                                            1. Long-Day Plants: Plants that require long days and short nights to flower, such as spinach and lettuce.
                                                            2. Short-Day Plants: Plants that require short days and long nights to flower, such as poinsettias and chrysanthemums.
                                                            3. Day Neutral Plants: Plants that do not rely on day length to flower, such as tomatoes and beans.
                                                            • Concetta
                                                              What are the three photoperiod that plants are grouped into and give examples each?
                                                              1 year ago
                                                            • The three photoperiods that plants are grouped into are:
                                                              1. Long-day Plants: Plants that require more than 12 hours of exposure to light in order to flower, such as lettuce, spinach, and wheat.
                                                              2. Short-day Plants: Plants that require less than 12 hours of exposure to light in order to flower, such as poinsettias, chrysanthemums, and rice.
                                                              3. Day-neutral Plants: Plants that can flower regardless of the amount of exposure to light, such as tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers.
                                                              • gabriella
                                                                What are the photoperiod that plants are grouped into?
                                                                1 year ago
                                                              • Plants are generally grouped into three main photoperiod categories: short-day plants, long-day plants, and day-neutral plants. Short-day plants require a dark period that is longer than the light period for flowering to occur. Long-day plants require a light period that is longer than the dark period for flowering to occur. Day-neutral plants do not require any particular light or dark period for flowering to occur.
                                                                • krystian
                                                                  What are the three photo period that plant are group into?
                                                                  1 year ago
                                                                  1. Long day plants
                                                                  2. Short day plants
                                                                  3. Day neutral plants
                                                                  • Reiss
                                                                    What are the three photo period that plants are grouped into.Give two example each?
                                                                    1 year ago
                                                                    1. Short Day Plants: Examples- Poinsettia, Chrysanthemums
                                                                    2. Long Day Plants: Examples- Barley, Spinach
                                                                    3. Day Neutral Plants: Examples- Tomatoes, Corn
                                                                    • ibrahim
                                                                      How plant can be classified on the basis of light and temperature pdf?
                                                                      1 year ago
                                                                    • Plants can be classified on the basis of light and temperature into three main categories:
                                                                      1. Shade-loving Plants: These plants prefer to grow in areas with dappled light and cooler temperatures. Such plants would include ferns, mosses, impatiens, and hostas.
                                                                      2. Sun-loving Plants: These plants prefer to grow in sunny, bright areas with warmer temperatures. Such plants would include lavender, sunflowers, geraniums, and petunias.
                                                                      3. Cold-tolerant Plants: These plants are best suited for climates with cooler temperatures and lower light levels. Such plants would include rhododendrons, evergreens, and alyssum.
                                                                      • andrea
                                                                        What are the three photoperiod that plant are grouped?
                                                                        1 year ago
                                                                        1. Short-day plants
                                                                        2. Long-day plants
                                                                        3. Day-neutral plants
                                                                        • sebastian
                                                                          What are the three photo period that plant are grouped into.?
                                                                          1 year ago
                                                                          1. Long-day Plants
                                                                          2. Short-day Plants
                                                                          3. Day-neutral Plants
                                                                          • alix
                                                                            Who is tobaco cetegiry of photoperiodism?
                                                                            1 year ago
                                                                          • Tobacco is not a category of photoperiodism. Photoperiodism is a biological process in which an organism's behavior or physiology is modified by the length of day and night. It is most commonly used to refer to the response of plants to the photoperiod, or the amount of daylight, which affects their growth and development.
                                                                            • tiblets dawit
                                                                              What is photoperiodism classification of plants based on photoperiodism?
                                                                              1 year ago
                                                                            • Photoperiodism classification of plants is a system used to categorize plants according to their responses to daylength. Plants are classified into long-day, short-day and day-neutral categories based on their growth and flowering requirements. Long-day plants flower when the days are long and the nights are short; short-day plants flower when the days are short and the nights are long; and day-neutral plants are not affected by daylength and may flower at any time.
                                                                              • SILKE
                                                                                Which type plants do we have based on photoperiodism?
                                                                                1 year ago
                                                                              • In general, the type of plants based on photoperiodism can be divided into three categories: short-day plants, long-day plants, and day-neutral plants. Short-day plants flower in response to short day lengths and longer night lengths; long-day plants flower when day lengths are long and night lengths are short; and day-neutral plants are not affected by day length and flower regardless of how long or short the days are.
                                                                                • flavia
                                                                                  How to classify plants according to their periodism based on flowering?
                                                                                  1 year ago
                                                                                • Plants can be classified according to their periodism based on flowering into:
                                                                                  1. Annual plants: These plants complete their life cycle in one year, flowering in the spring and summer months.
                                                                                  2. Biennial plants: These plants have a two-year life cycle, flowering in their second year.
                                                                                  3. Perennial plants: These plants have a longer life cycle, surviving year after year and flowering each year.
                                                                                  • averardo
                                                                                    How the plants are classified classifiedon the basis of photoperiod?
                                                                                    1 year ago
                                                                                  • Plants are classified on the basis of photoperiod into six categories: short-day plants, long-day plants, day-neutral plants, intermediate-day plants, facultative plants, and tropical plants. Short-day plants flower when the days are short and the nights are long. Long-day plants flower when the days are long and the nights are short. Day-neutral plants are not affected by day length and flower throughout the year. Intermediate-day plants require an intermediate day length for flowering. Facultative plants can flower under both long and short day length conditions. Tropical plants flower at the same time of year regardless of day length.
                                                                                    • ghenet
                                                                                      How plants csn be classified basing on phoperiodism?
                                                                                      1 year ago
                                                                                    • Plants can be classified based on photoperiodism into three main categories: short-day plants, long-day plants, and day-neutral plants. Short-day plants flower and produce seed in response to short days and long nights. Examples include chrysanthemums, soybeans, and poinsettias. Long-day plants flower and produce seed in response to long days and short nights. Examples include lettuce, most wheat varieties, and beets. Day-neutral plants flower and produce seed without regard to day length. Examples include tomatoes, peppers, and many varieties of flowers.
                                                                                      • sinit aman
                                                                                        How can plant be classified according to their photoperidism best flowering?
                                                                                        1 year ago
                                                                                      • Plants can be classified according to their photoperiodism best flowering as follows:
                                                                                        1. Short-Day Plants: These plants flower during the short daylight hours of late summer and fall. Examples include chrysanthemums, poinsettias, and some varieties of corn.
                                                                                        2. Long-Day Plants: These plants flower when the day length is long and the nights are short, usually in late spring and early summer. Examples include spinach, clover, and onions.
                                                                                        3. Day-Neutral Plants: These plants are not affected by the amount of daylight and can flower during any season. Examples include tomatoes, lettuce, and peppers.
                                                                                        • bernd
                                                                                          How can plants be classified according to their photoperiodism based on flowering?
                                                                                          1 year ago
                                                                                        • Plants can be classified according to their photoperiodism based on flowering into three categories: long-day plants (LD plants), short-day plants (SD plants), and day-neutral plants (DN plants). Long-day plants (LD plants) flower when the light period is longer than 12-14 hours. Short-day plants (SD plants) flower when the light period is shorter than 12-14 hours. Day-neutral plants (DN plants) flower regardless of the length of the light period.
                                                                                          • Saradas
                                                                                            What is photoperiodism .categprise the plant on their on their photoperiodic?
                                                                                            1 year ago
                                                                                          • Photoperiodism is the physiological reaction of an organism to the length of the day and/or night. It is the response of an organism to fluctuations in the length of day and night caused by seasonal changes in the Earth's orbit around the Sun. Plants are generally categorized according to the photoperiodic response they show to light and darkness. There are three main categories: short-day plants, long-day plants, and day-neutral plants. Short-day plants flower when exposed to short days and long nights, such as those early in the year in most temperate regions. Examples of short-day plants include poinsettias, chrysanthemums, and holly. Long-day plants flower when exposed to long days and short nights, such as during mid-summer in most temperate regions. Examples of long-day plants include strawberries, blueberries, and radishes. Day-neutral plants are not affected by the length of the day and will flower under any light or dark conditions. Examples of day-neutral plants include tomatoes, beans, and squash.
                                                                                            • Theodoric
                                                                                              What are the basis categorize of plant based on response to photo period?
                                                                                              1 year ago
                                                                                              1. Short-day plants
                                                                                              2. Long-day plants
                                                                                              3. Day-neutral plants
                                                                                              • bildat tunnelly
                                                                                                What are the basis categories of plants based on response to photoperiod?
                                                                                                1 year ago
                                                                                              • The main categories of plants based on their response to photoperiod are:
                                                                                                1. Short-Day Plants (or Photoperiodic Short-Day Plants): These plants require a short photoperiod or night to flower or produce vegetative growth, and are typically found in temperate climates. Examples include poinsettias, chrysanthemums, and rice.
                                                                                                2. Long-Day Plants (or Photoperiodic Long-Day Plants): These plants require a long photoperiod or night to flower or produce vegetative growth, and are typically found in higher latitudes and in temperate climates. Examples include wheat, oats, and barley.
                                                                                                3. Day-Neutral Plants: These plants do not respond to photoperiod, and can flower or produce vegetative growth with any combination of light and dark periods. Examples include tomatoes, peppers, and pumpkins.
                                                                                                • Yusef
                                                                                                  What are the basic categories of plant based in response to photo period?
                                                                                                  1 year ago
                                                                                                  1. Long-day plants: Plants that require a longer period of daylight in order to flower.
                                                                                                  2. Short-day plants: Plants that require a shorter period of daylight in order to flower.
                                                                                                  3. Day-neutral plants: Plants that are not affected by day length and will flower regardless of day length.
                                                                                                  4. Crossover plants: Plants that are intermediate between long-day and short-day plants and will flower under various day lengths.
                                                                                                  • LILLO PALERMO
                                                                                                    How flowring plant are grouped according to phptoperiod?
                                                                                                    1 year ago
                                                                                                  • Flowring plants are typically grouped by their botanical classification. This includes categories such as family, genus, species, and cultivar.
                                                                                                    • donna champion
                                                                                                      What is photoperiodism explain how the plants are classified on the basis of photoperiods required?
                                                                                                      1 year ago
                                                                                                    • Photoperiodism is the ability of plants to respond to the length of day and/or night, usually expressed as a photo period, or the length of time during which light is available for photosynthesis. Plants are classified according to the photoperiods required for them to flower. Short-day plants flower when the length of day is shorter than its critical length. Long-day plants require more than the critical length to flower. Day-neutral plants are not affected by either short or long photoperiods and flower regardless of the photoperiod.
                                                                                                      • amethyst
                                                                                                        What is photoperiodism explain how plants are classified on the basis of photoperiodism required?
                                                                                                        1 year ago
                                                                                                      • Photoperiodism is the ability of certain organisms to respond to the length of day or night. It is a plant's response to the amount of light it receives on a day to day basis, and is mediated by hormones that control the flowering, fruiting, and growth of different plants. Plants are classified on the basis of photoperiodism depending on their sensitivity to the length of day or night. Short-day plants flower when night length exceeds a certain threshold, while long-day plants flower when day length exceeds a certain threshold. Plants that are not affected by photoperiod are classified as day-neutral plants.
                                                                                                        • Ernesta
                                                                                                          What are the different types of plants based on photoperiodic responses?
                                                                                                          1 year ago
                                                                                                          1. Long-day Plants: These plants respond favorably to long days and light intensities, and their flowering is triggered by the increasing length of day. Examples include barley, beets, spinach, and rye.
                                                                                                          2. Short-day Plants: These plants respond favorably to short days and low light intensities, and their flowering is triggered by the decreasing length of day. Examples include chrysanthemums, poinsettias, and soybeans.
                                                                                                          3. Day-Neutral Plants: These plants do not respond to the length of day or night, and their flowering is not controlled by photoperiodism. Examples include tomatoes, peppers, and petunias.
                                                                                                          4. Intermediates: These plants are intermediate to the three above and may display a combination of short-day and long-day responses. Examples include corn, sorghum, and sugar cane.
                                                                                                          • Semhar
                                                                                                            What is photoperuodic plants?
                                                                                                            1 year ago
                                                                                                          • Photoperiodic plants are plants whose flowering and other processes such as leaf production and dormancy, are regulated by the changing length of day and night. These changes in day length trigger the production of hormones, which in turn alter the growth and development of the plant.
                                                                                                            • tommy
                                                                                                              What is photoperiodism how are plant classified based on their photoperiod response?
                                                                                                              1 year ago
                                                                                                            • Photoperiodism is the physiological reaction of organisms to the length of day or night. It is the biological response of organisms to the relative lengths of light and dark in a 24-hour period. Plants are classified based on their photoperiod responses as short-day plants, long-day plants, and day-neutral plants. Short-day plants require short days to flower and long nights, while long-day plants require long days and short nights to flower. Day-neutral plants are unaffected by light length and will flower regardless of the day length.
                                                                                                              • rachele monaldo
                                                                                                                How are plants classify on the basis of photoperiodism?
                                                                                                                1 year ago
                                                                                                              • Plants can be classified into three categories based on photoperiodism: short-day plants, long-day plants, and day-neutral plants. Short-day plants require short daylight hours (less than 12 hours of daylight per day) for flowering. Long-day plants require long daylight hours (over 12 hours of daylight per day) for flowering. Day-neutral plants are not dependent on the number of daylight hours and will flower regardless of the length of the daylight period.
                                                                                                                • justin
                                                                                                                  What is critical day length with figure?
                                                                                                                  1 year ago
                                                                                                                • Critical day length with figure is the length of day in hours and minutes that is necessary for a particular plant species to flower from the time of germination or bud break. It is a concept often used in determining the best sowing or planting date for a particular crop species or variety.
                                                                                                                  • lilla
                                                                                                                    What are photoperiodic responses?
                                                                                                                    1 year ago
                                                                                                                  • Photoperiodic responses are the effects of changes in the length of day (photoperiod) on the physiology and behavior of organisms. This includes physiological and behavioral changes that occur in response to changing day length and can have a significant impact on a variety of organisms, ranging from plants to animals. In animals, photoperiodic responses are often used to trigger seasonal behaviors and migrations, while in plants they can be used to determine when flowers bloom or when certain fruits ripen.
                                                                                                                    • elanor
                                                                                                                      How does we classify plants on the basses of photoperiodism?
                                                                                                                      1 year ago
                                                                                                                    • Plants can be classified on the basis of photoperiodism into three categories:
                                                                                                                      1. Long-Day Plants: these plants flower when the period of daylight exceeds a critical length.
                                                                                                                      2. Short-Day Plants: these plants flower when the period of daylight is below a critical length.
                                                                                                                      3. Day-Neutral Plants: these plants are not sensitive to photoperiod and are not influenced by day length.
                                                                                                                      • david cole
                                                                                                                        What is Critical day plant with figure?
                                                                                                                        1 year ago
                                                                                                                      • Critical day plant is a drought-tolerant plant with a unique physiology that enables it to survive in prolonged drought conditions. It has a special type of leaf, called a desiccation-tolerant leaf, that can keep functioning even when its water content is reduced to near zero. The leaf dries out but does not die, and is able to quickly recover when moisture is available. The plant can also go dormant for extended periods of time until rain or irrigation is available. Figure: A diagram of a critical day plant showing the desiccation-tolerant leaf and the root system. The leaf is dried out but still actively processing the available moisture in the air and the root system is capable of utilizing the available water even when there is only a small amount.
                                                                                                                        • filmon
                                                                                                                          What is dark period and photo period in SDPs LDPs with example?
                                                                                                                          1 year ago
                                                                                                                        • Dark period and photo period in SDPs and LDPs refer to the periods of time during which a specific group of plants are exposed to light or darkness, respectively. In Short Day Plants (SDPs), the dark period is typically longer than the photo period. For example, a poinsettia is an SDP that has a dark period of approximately 12 hours and a photo period of approximately 8 hours. In Long Day Plants (LDPs), the photo period is typically longer than the dark period. For example, a wheat plant is an LDP that has a photo period of approximately 16 hours and a dark period of 8 hours.
                                                                                                                          • selina
                                                                                                                            What is photoperiodism and what are different type of plant on its basis?
                                                                                                                            1 year ago
                                                                                                                          • Photoperiodism is the physiological response of organisms to periods of light and dark in their local environment. It is the ability of an organism to measure the length of a day and respond accordingly. Plants use photoperiodism to determine when to flower and drop leaves, when to begin dormancy, and when to start the process of photosynthesis. There are three types of plants based on photoperiodism:
                                                                                                                            1. Long-day plants: Long-day plants will receive more than 12 hours of light each day, and they respond by flowering. Examples include tulips and other spring-flowering bulbs.
                                                                                                                            2. Short-day plants: Short-day plants will receive less than 12 hours of light each day and they respond by flowering. Examples include poinsettias and other winter-flowering plants.
                                                                                                                            3. Day-neutral plants: Day-neutral plants are not strongly influenced by day length, and they will flower regardless of the light duration. Examples include geraniums and pansies.
                                                                                                                            • Myla
                                                                                                                              What is photoperiodism discuss its classification in detail?
                                                                                                                              1 year ago
                                                                                                                            • Photoperiodism is the physiological reaction of organisms to the length of day or night. It is the biochemical, physiological and/or behavioral response of organisms to changes in the day length or night length. Examples of photoperiodic responses include seasonal flowering, migration and hibernation. Classification of photoperiodism can be divided into three categories:
                                                                                                                              1. Long Day Plants: Long day plants are plants that require a long day length in order to bloom. Some examples of these plants include spinach, barley and wheat.
                                                                                                                              2. Short Day Plants: Short day plants require a short day length in order to bloom. Examples of these plants include chrysanthemums, poinsettias and Christmas cactus.
                                                                                                                              3. Day Neutral Plants: Day neutral plants are not affected by the length of the day and can bloom regardless of the day length. Examples of these plants include tomatoes, corn and cucumbers.
                                                                                                                              • Merico
                                                                                                                                What is photoperidism describe the classification of basis of duration of the photoperiod?
                                                                                                                                1 year ago
                                                                                                                              • Photoperiodism is the physiological reaction of organisms to the length of day or night. It is used to describe how organisms, such as plants, animals, and other organisms, respond to the relative lengths of light and dark periods. The classification of photoperiodism is based on the duration of the photoperiod. There are three classifications of photoperiodism: short-day, long-day, and day-neutral. Short-day plants respond to short photoperiods, with flowering or other physiological processes being triggered when the day is less than a certain length. Long-day plants respond to long photoperiods and require longer days than short-day plants for flowering to occur. Day-neutral plants respond only to the intensity of light, which prompts flowering or other physiological processes to occur independent of the day length.
                                                                                                                                • saba
                                                                                                                                  What are the classification of plants according to photoperiodismbased flowering?
                                                                                                                                  1 year ago
                                                                                                                                  1. Short-Day Plants: Plants that flower best when exposed to short photoperiods, generally 12 hours or less.
                                                                                                                                  2. Long-Day Plants: Plants that flower best when exposed to long photoperiods, generally more than 12 hours.
                                                                                                                                  3. Day-Neutral Plants: Plants that are not affected by the length of the photoperiod and can flower at any time.
                                                                                                                                  4. Intermediate-Day Plants: Plants that require a photoperiod between those required by the Short-Day and Long-Day plants.
                                                                                                                                  • CHARLEY
                                                                                                                                    How plants are classified on the basis of photoperiod requires?
                                                                                                                                    1 year ago
                                                                                                                                  • Plants are classified on the basis of photoperiod by looking at how they respond to the length of day and night. Short-day plants require a short day length (less than 12 hours of light) and will flower in response to shorter days. Long-day plants require a long day length (more than 12 hours of light) and will flower in response to longer days. Day-neutral plants do not require a specific length of day or night in order to flower.
                                                                                                                                    • evan mackenzie
                                                                                                                                      What is photoperiodism how are plants classified based on their photoperiodic response?
                                                                                                                                      1 year ago
                                                                                                                                    • Photoperiodism is a phenomenon in which plants respond to day length, or the length of time that light is available each day. Plants can be classified, or grouped, according to their photoperiodic response. Short-day plants require less than 12 hours of light per day and respond best to light periods less than 12 hours while long-day plants require more than 12 hours of light each day. Day-neutral plants are not affected by light period and remain insensitive to photoperiod.
                                                                                                                                      • laura
                                                                                                                                        How are plants classified based on their photoperiodic response.?
                                                                                                                                        1 year ago
                                                                                                                                      • Plants are classified based on their photoperiodic response as:
                                                                                                                                        1. Long-day plants (photoperiodic plants that require long days and short nights to initiate flowering).
                                                                                                                                        2. Short-day plants (photoperiodic plants that require short days and long nights to initiate flowering).
                                                                                                                                        3. Day Neutral plants (photoperiodic plants that flower regardless of the day length).
                                                                                                                                        • Micheal
                                                                                                                                          What type of photoperiodism does your plant exhibit?
                                                                                                                                          1 year ago
                                                                                                                                        • My plant exhibits short-day photoperiodism.