OC | Nolan "Nol" Jon Deming Ludovisi | rpg

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a young man holding a coffee cup in his right hand and looking off into the distance
|12 Chòm Sao| [Textfic] Cherish - Thông tin
a drawing of a man with black hair and fangs on his face, looking to the side
two people hugging each other in front of a dark background with wings flying around them
/// im mono on Twitter
the shadow of a person's head is shown against a concrete wall with a stop sign
a man laying on top of a bed next to a white pillow covered in sheets
vívíαn víσlєt D🦋
a shirtless man taking a selfie with his cell phone
a shirtless man holding a cell phone in front of his face while standing next to a bed
the quote you can tell how dangerous a person is by the way they hold their anger inside themselves
a person sitting at a desk in front of a laptop computer with a video game on the screen
WorkSpace, Atlas Lin
ArtStation - WorkSpace, Atlas Lin