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How to start an Online Business

Published By Priyanka glasses01 May, 2024
How to start an Online Business

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The basic needs to getting your business online
    • Create Website / platform
    • Product and service  that you sell online
    • Safe and reliable payment processing
    • Inventory Management for producttrue
    • Marketing 
    • 24/7 Customer Support
    • Security and Legal
    • Shipping and Delivery Support
    • Accounting Software
    • Online Presence of Business
  3. How to start an online business
    • Business idea
    • Market research
    • Create a business plan
    • Legal consideration
    • Choose the right platform
      • Things to consider when choosing a platform
      • Some popular platforms to start an online business
        • Website
        • E-commerce Platforms
        • Social Media
        • Blogging Platform
        • SaaS Tools
    • Product and service offering
    • Payment and Security
    • Marketing and promotion
      • SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
      • Social Media Marketing
      • Email Marketing
      • Analytics
      • Influencer Marketing
      • Affiliate Marketing
    • Delivery mechanism
    • Provide excellent customer service
    • Expand and grow
  4. Conclusion
  5. FAQs

Basic needs to getting your business online

Basic Needs for Online Business
  • Create Website / platform
  • Product and service  that you sell online
  • Safe and reliable payment processing
  • Inventory Management for product
  • Marketing
  • 24/7 Customer Support
  • Security and Legal
  • Shipping and Delivery Support
  • Accounting Software
  • Online Presence of Business

How to start an Online Business

Starting an online business is easy now. Let's discuss how to start an online business in the following points:

1. Business idea

To start any online business, it is first important to have a business idea. So, find the product or service that you want to sell online. Select a niche for your business wisely and based on your skills, interests and market gap.

2. Market research for Market Opportunities

Market research is necessary to understand your business idea, in which you can look at some facts related to the business. In market research, we study about industries, visionaries, practitioners, market trends, demand, price trends, how your business is different from your competitors.

3. Create a business plan

The business plan is the road map for your online business. Its strategy to how to achieve your goal and use your resources. Without a plan and strategy it is not possible to run a business. So, define business model and then outline your goals, target market, marketing strategy, and financial projections in the business plan.

4. Legal consideration

Before launching your business it is important to know all legal terms and conditions that are related to your business and that are important for business. Register your business and get the necessary licenses and permits, intellectual property protection, compliance, and regulations etc. for legal protection and establishing credibility.

5. Choose the right platform

Explore different online platforms for setting up your store or service business to start an online business. Compare all options then select the best platform for your business. Things to consider when choosing a platform:

Online Business: e-commerce platform
  • Easy to use and user-friendly
  • Good Customization
  • SEO effectiveness
  • Necessary tools is available
  • Secure payment gateway
  • Market reach and traffic
  • Support and community
Here are some popular platforms to start an online business: 
Website:  The Website is a very good platform for starting an online business. For an online business, a website acts as a data center and also increases business validation where customers interact with your brand, locate products/services, purchase, and connect with you.

E-commerce Platforms: An e-commerce platform is software that allows businesses to sell products or services online and provide all facilities which are are important for e-commerce. This is specially designed for e-commerce.

Social Media: Social media platform also gives the option of online selling on your platform in which the targeted audience who follows you.

Blogging Platform: Promote business by blog writing, content-based business where we provide all information about our business.

SaaS Tools: The SaaS (Software as a Service) platform is a software delivery model where applications are hosted by a service provider and made available to customers over the Internet. Because of this e-commerce association, you get all the facilities. Which is a better medium for online business. With a SaaS platform, the software and related data are hosted centrally on the cloud. Jisse customers can easily access the application through a light client such as web or mobile app.

6. Product and service offering

After setting up an online business, the next step regarding products and services after setting up an online business has included some points regarding to your products and which type of product you are selling online which have included product development or service refinement, quantity control, product managing storing, inventorying monitoring, supplier relationship, etc.

7. Payment and Security

It is necessary to have a payment gateway for online business. Any online business needs to ensure secure payment processing.

8. Marketing and promotion

To promote your business marketing and promotion is very important so in online business use the following terms to market your business and build an audience:

Marketing and promotion: Online business

  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization): Techniques to optimize website and content to rank higher organically on SERP for more visibility.
  • Social Media Marketing: Use social media platforms to market your business to the relevant audience and drive traffic back to your website through social media like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.
  • Email Marketing: Promote your business by building an email list to generate leads and provide updates and sending promotional emails that are legal and user-friendly as per spam laws and reach your targeted customers.
  • Analytics: Using tools like Google Analytics to track data like traffic sources and traffic behavior to track people's annual visits helps in improving the sales funnel.
  • Influencer Marketing: Promote your business by collaborating with influencers like bloggers or social media personalities to authentically promote your brand among their followers.
  • Affiliate Marketing: To promote your products/services in exchange of a commission on product sales, partner with popular websites and YouTubers.

9. Delivery mechanism

Set up systems for order fulfillment, timely delivery, and 24*7 customer support to give the best experience.

How to start an Online Business

10. Provide excellent customer service

Ensure customer satisfaction to build a loyal customer base.

11. Expand and grow

Expand your offerings, explore new markets, and consider partnerships or collaborations.

How to Create Your Own Website on commrz

Are you a business owner waiting to unlock your online potential? As India’s leading digital marketplace, commrz is ready to help you establish an engaging online presence without any hassles.

In just 5 simple steps, you can start selling to customers across the India:

  1. Sign Up: Visit and enter your details to register for a free seller account.
  2. Create Your Storefront: Choose from hundreds of professionally designed templates and customize with your logo, colors, products etc.
  3. List Your Inventory: Use our easy upload tool to add photos and details of each product/service you offer.
  4. Accept Payments: commrz seamlessly integrates popular payment gateways for safe, secure transactions.
  5. Start Selling: Once live, your store can be found via search and promoted using our marketing tools.

From there, seamlessly manage orders, shipments, customer queries and analytics – all within your commrz dashboard.


In this blog, we have talked about various things about our online business including what needs to be done for our online business. The most important thing in online business is online preparation and marketing of business.


Q1. How can I start an online business as a beginner?

Ans. You can start your business through low-investment businesses like starting a blog, affiliate marketing, Ad management, digital marketing, etc.

Q2. Can I start a business with no money?

Ans. Yes, it is possible to start when you have funding options.

Q3. Do I need GST for online business?

Ans. Yes, You can sell online without GST only if you are eligible to sell exempted goods.

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