Remove the Columbus monument from Columbus Circle in Manhattan, New York City

Remove the Columbus monument from Columbus Circle in Manhattan, New York City

February 15, 2018
Signatures: 2,419Next Goal: 2,500
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Why this petition matters

Started by Jesus L Rael

Christopher Columbus is often championed as an American hero, so to speak, but what is preached about him is completely false.

Columbus ignited the Native American genocide movement, allowing and instructing men to rape Native Americans, enslave them, give them diseases, and kill them inhumanely and without reason.

This monument at Columbus Circle, right in the middle of the heart of New York City, the USA's most populous city, most influential city,  and one of the most visited cities in this country, is perhaps the most viewed. Through removal of this monument, I believe New York would send a powerful message to the rest of this nation.

The removal of this monument is not with the intention of erasing European culture, pride, and heritage, but it is proposed out of decency for the thousands of Native Americans killed, the Native American families separated, and as an apology for centuries of Native American mistreatment. 

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Signatures: 2,419Next Goal: 2,500
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