Camping in remote areas is the ideal option for my family. But, we do carry technology.

It is important to mention that from the beginning: we are an outdoor family. That means that we spend as much time as possible outdoors. We have cats, dogs and bring them along. We're one happy family who enjoys camping. We all know the place we are and how we got there, and we also know the location of water and where to enjoy our time together watching television. We won't let our little pleasures go. We insist on bringing the generator and 32-inch screen. People think we're nomads living in remote locations. But, our father has a lucrative job as an attorney for a shadowy company. Mother says that he goes camping four times a year to remove the dirt from his job.

We spend hours of enjoyment around the campfire. We chat, sing and enjoy games in the flame while our pets, who are incredibly independent, lead their lives in the local area. It's hilarious how they can tell when it's time to go home. Joiner is an ox-blood breed hunter who locates our pets after we return. They never lose weight.

While we love our phones and tablets at the campfire, it is not something we dislike. We love technology and don't care being lost even during camping excursions. While our father doesn't seem to be bothered, he switches off his mobile throughout the weekend. He says it helps him relax. After a long day of fishing and hunting and fishing, we enjoy a big woods dinner. After dinner, we enjoy watching videos on the TV or music and shows that we downloaded off the internet prior to our excursion. It's impossible to have Internet access in the forest often. Our parents may not mind us talking on the phone as we eventually get rid of all of our emails. We also do not play any games. Before our trips, we download videos with an Youtube clip converter or another website for downloading videos. Of course HULU with its download options can be extremely helpful, since it allows us to stream hours of films and shows that have been copied and downloaded to laptop prior to departure. The series and videos are extremely useful for camping journeys. Long 3 hours of camping trips could be boring. My dad loves this time. He is completely focused on the road. The huge machine is also difficult to control so he's left with no option but to concentrate fully on the road.

Another aspect of technology that we can't afford to lose is GPS. It's crucial to know the location of your camp, and find ways to return to civilization in case of emergency. While nothing has ever happened to us on our trip, we have heard of people suffering from snow and avalanches. GPS will always inform you where you can be safe, so long as it knows the location of safety. The satellites that are friendly above the sky will also guide GPS in the right direction. This is why we also have another piece of technology which helps us safely to our camp site. A helicopter could be sent to your location by scanning it in the event of an emergency. GPS can be helpful for many reasons, including remote travel. Technology is an important part of life.