Leningrad Zoological Park

The Leningrad Zoological Park is one of the oldest zoos in Russia and one of the northernmost zoos in the world. Founded on August 2, 1865.

The zoo is located in the historical center of St. Petersburg in the Petrogradsky district at the address: 197198, St. Petersburg, Alexander Park, 1. Entrance from Kronverksky Prospekt.


metro: “Gorkovskaya

tram number 6, 40 to the stop “Zverinskaya street” or “Vvedenskaya street”.

What to see?

Pavilion “Lion House” (jaguars and African lions). Cougars, snow leopards and European lynxes also live in the pavilion.

Pavilion “Primates” (monkeys and sloth). In summer, the inhabitants of this pavilion live in open enclosures.

Pavilion “Exotarium” includes two floors. On the ground floor there is an “Aquarium” with corals, marine and freshwater fish and other aquatic life. On the second floor of the pavilion there is a “Terrarium”, a cafe, an exhibition of insects and enclosures for small predators (genets, mongooses, meerkats, phoenixes). Armadillos and porcupines also live on the second floor.

Pavilion “Birds” (parrots and heat-loving birds).

Giraffe Pavilion (giraffes and Bennett kangaroos).

Also, separate pavilions for Amur tigers, Japanese macaques, camels, polar and brown bears were built on the territory of the zoo; expositions “Rock of Predatory Birds”, “Pond”, “Deer Circle” were created; pavilions “Vydryatnik”, “Small predators”, “Small rodents” and more.

“Department of contact animals” (a building that contains tamed animals participating in lectures and educational programs of the zoo).

“Children’s Zoo” (contact area). Here you can see farm animals (chickens of different breeds, geese, cows, rabbits, turkeys). Here you can also feed Cameroonian goats with zoo food.

Pathfinder’s Path (children’s fascinating path with questions and riddles, telling about animals and plants of the Leningrad region). There are also aviaries of small forest birds, typical for the Leningrad region.

Tariffs: adult – 600 roubles.

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