تمامی کتب، فیلم ها و محصولات ارایه شده، شخصا توسط علی خیابانیان،مدیر فروشگاه تالیف و مدل سازی شده اند. خواهشمند است قانون کپی رایت را رعایت کنید.

Sustainable house in Iran’s desert

Sustainable house in Iran’s desert

International Conference on Clean Energy (ICCI-2010), Gazimagusa – N. Cyprus, 15-17 September, 2010

Sustainable house in Iran’s desert



Ali Khiabanian, Mahsa Bolouri

University of Nabi Akram, Tabriz, Iran

Corresponding author: e-mail: mahsa.bolouri@gmail.com





Ref # 9-23


The buildings in the Iranian desert regions are constructed according to the specific climatic conditions and differ from those in other climates. Lofty walls, narrow and dry streets, highly elevated air traps, big water reservoirs and arched roofed chambers, are the outstanding features of desert towns in Iran. Hot summer and cold winter which are because of arid environment and also dusty storms, dry and hot and nasty winds have forced human to find a remedy. After thousands years and by gaining experience people has found solutions with diverse shapes for this important case. The desert buildings are equipped with air traps, arched roofed, water reservoirs with arched domes and ice stores for the preservation of ice. Today because of technology development, new techniques have replaced these native solutions. In this study we try to show theoretical topics about issues of stability, climate, green architecture, energy saves and naturalization of architecture in a modern framework and according to aesthetic criteria, which are rarely considered in given issues. Also subjects relating to the materials of buildings and the method of operation of the traditional cooling systems in the cities in the Iranian desert regions are described.

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