How to create short link with Cuttly?

To create a short link in cuttly:

1. Log in to your Cuttly account.

2. Go to your main dashbaord or your Team dashbaord (option available in the Team subscription plans or after invitation to a given Team) depending on where you want to create a short link.

3. In the link shortening field, enter the source link that you want to shorten

Cuttly - url shortener

4. If you have your own domain added, you can use it to create a link.

Check or uncheck the option depending on whether you want to create a Cuttly short link

Cuttly - url shortener

or a link in your own brand domain

Cuttly - url shortener

5. Press the "Shorten" button to create the link

Cuttly - url shortener

6. Once properly created, the link will appear on your link list.

Cuttly - url shortener

7. After creating a short link, you can manage it using the available options (some options are available depending on your subscription plan).

Find out more about the options available in your subscription plan here: Cuttly pricing and features