How to navigate Cuttly Dashbaord?
After logging in to the Cuttly website, you will be taken to the dashboard.
Navigating the Cuttly dashboard is intuitive. All elements have been placed in such a way as to manage the links as efficiently as possible.
Top bar
The top bar contains the Cuttly logo, which can be clicked and taken to the main page of the dashbaord.
On the left side there is a menu icon that is used to hide and eject the side menu.
Another element of the Cuttly dashboard is the link search field. The search option is active with a paid subscription plan. You can search for any link, both short and long link.
The last element of the top bar in the Cuttly dashboard is the navigation to the user's profile. After clicking, we can go to editing the account or log out.
Sidebar menu
The sidebar menu is the main navigation element in the Cuttly dashboard. From there, we can navigate and go to the various sections and subpages.
The sidebar menu, in the top element, contains information about the account you are logged in to: email address and the currently active subscription plan. A payment button will also appear here when the payment fails while renewing the subscription plan for another period.
The sidebar menu is divided into 2 sections: General and Your Profile.
The General section contains dashboard navigation elements, links to available link management sections, links to the Team section, API and many other navigation elements.
The Your Profile section contains redirects to user settings, own domains, active subscriptions.
The main part of the Cuttly dashboard contains elements for adding links, link management and link analytics.