Where to find the DNS TXT parameter needed to configure custom domain?

Remember that all custom domain settings like DNS A and DNS TXT are up to you and you as the domain owner can access them. You can't change or edit them on Cuttly - that's impossible.

DNS TXT record settings can be found in your domain provider's dashboard. Here you can add DNS TXT record.

It is usually located in the settings category, more precisely in DNS settings.

Here is an example of adding a DNS TXT reocord - it includes parameters like:

Cuttly - url shortener

Type: we choose TXT

Name: use @ for the root directory - if you are editing a domain or subdomain. In some cases, you need to enter a domain or subdomain.

Content: enter the content provided in the Cuttly dashboard for the added domain - this content always starts with the text cuttly-verification-site and ends with a string. Example: cuttly-verification-site-34t34g45hy4 ...

TTL: we leave the default parameters or change them at our discretion.

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